Political Cartoon Reveals Real Reason There’s a WHCD

Ever wonder why media elitists gather around every year to celebrate doing their job by holding an annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner?

They inevitably make fools of themselves, as demonstrated once again this year when they laughed and nodded in agreement with comedienne Michelle Wolf, who went on anti-Trump rants and mocked powerful women such as Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway with her vitriol.

They certainly don’t do it, as CNN tried to suggest, to celebrate the First Amendment.

Wolf compared Sanders to “Aunt Lydia in the Handmaid’s Tale” due to her appearance, called her a born liar, and accused her of being an “Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women.”

So why do they do it? Why let down their hair and reveal themselves as the partisan hacks that they are? Why set back the cause of journalism and hand President Trump fuel for his fake news comments?

We believe this man has the real answer …

White House Correspondents Dinner

“To bully anyone who disagrees with them politically.”

What the hell has happened to the media in this country?

President Trump assailed the partisan event, calling it “a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for.”

He also called to disband the entire ‘celebration of the First Amendment.’

Fox News host Laura Ingraham called the White House Correspondents’ Dinner the “death of comedy and decency.”

It “confirmed their bias,” she said, adding that it was “tastelessly unfunny” and Wolf revealed herself as nothing more than a “warrior princess in the ‘resistance.'”

In other words, a bully, willing to humiliate anyone who disagrees with them politically.

The line between journalist and Democrat activist grows ever more blurred.

Is The WHCD just an excuse for liberals to attack those who they disagree with? Share your thoughts with us below! 

11 thoughts on “Political Cartoon Reveals Real Reason There’s a WHCD”

  1. WHCD: just another opportunity for the MSM to rant and spew their hatred for America and those who America elected to fix it. BlackRaven compares it to the Oscars – – right on, and it could be compared to all the Hollywood idiots that dine together and rail on anyone who doesn’t support their agenda.

  2. demoRats are truly stupidity on display. They should be tested for intelligent competence before allowing them to vote.They don’t know what their gender is, what bathroom to use, they think bi-racial muslims are gods and that pelosi and maxine are intelligent ?!

  3. WHCD: just another opportunity for the MSM to rant and spew their hatred for America and those who America elected to fix it. BlackRaven compares it to the Oscars – – right on, and it could be compared to all the Hollywood idiots that dine together and rail on anyone who doesn’t support their agenda.

  4. demoRats are truly stupidity on display. They should be tested for intelligent competence before allowing them to vote.They don’t know what their gender is, what bathroom to use, they think bi-racial muslims are gods and that pelosi and maxine are intelligent ?!

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