A new video is going viral this week in which a black family learns the real history of slavery.
This is powerful.
Candace Owens outlines how whites did not start slavery, but were the first to ban it. pic.twitter.com/Z9ytGmKWhe— Paul Golding (@GoldingBF) September 1, 2023
Cartier Family Learns True History Of Slavery
The viral sensations known as the Cartier Family recently sat down to watch a video that the conservative media personality Candace Owens did for PragerU in which she lets viewers know that white people did not start slavery, and that they in fact ended it.
“Slavery didn’t start in 1492 when Columbus came to the New World,” the video is captioned. “And it didn’t start in 1619 when the first slaves landed in Jamestown. It’s not a white phenomenon. The real story of slavery is long and complex. Candace Owens explains.”
In the video, Owens reveals that slavery was actually historically prevalent in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
“The word ‘slave’ actually comes from the ‘slavs’ of Eastern Europe,” Owens said. “Millions of them, all white by the way, were captured and enslaved by Muslims in the ninth century, and later, by the Ottoman turks.”
Owens later explained that “slavery existed during the time of the ancient Egyptians 5,000 years ago. As far back as we can go in human history, we find slavery.”
Candace Owens take on slavery… and she is not even touching the factsdd, that there were more white slaves than black slaves in the USA and that arab marauders not only took slaves from Europe from year 900 and upwards (Candace mentions that), but also attacked the East Coast… pic.twitter.com/CIOOOasJun
— Mads Palsvig (@Palsvig) August 24, 2023
‘White People…Put An End To Slavery
At another point in the video, Owens dropped a piece of knowledge that is sure to trigger woke leftists everywhere.
“White people were the first to formally put an end to slavery,” she said. “In 1833, Britain was the first country in the history of the world to pass a slavery abolition act. They were quickly followed by France, who in 1848, abolished slavery in her many colonies.”
“Then of course, in the 13th amendment in the United States Constitution, after centuries of human slavery, white men led the world in putting an end to the abhorrent practice,” Owens continued. “That includes the 300,000 Union soldiers, overwhelmingly white, who died during the Civil War.”
Not stopping there, Owens proceeded to explain the bigger picture of her video.
“Now am I saying that this makes white people than anyone else? Of course not,” she clarified. “My purpose here is to simply tell the truth, and the truth is, that history is complicated.”
“No one, regardless of skin color, stands guiltless,” Owens emphatically stated.
Instead of the public being told what Owens had laid out as the true history of slavery, she lamented that “we are told that slavery is a white phenomenon.”
Candace Owens
💥Truth about Slavery💥
Enemies of Humanity do not want you knowing the real history ‼️P1 pic.twitter.com/trG3snfok2— 💎Peace & Love Eternal💎 (@sampeaceamerica) August 23, 2023
Cartier Family Stunned
The four members of the Cartier family were visibly stunned by Owens’ revelations, admitting that it was “hard to hear” what she had to say. It’s clear that they felt this way because they’d been fed the woke leftwing narrative about slavery for their entire lives.
“This is making me feel like I’m dumb,” one of the Cartiers admitted.
Check out their full reaction to Owens’ bombshell revelations about the history of slavery in the video below.
The left loves to shamelessly use slavery, a practice that was abolished in this country 160 years ago, to perpetuate a victim narrative when it comes to black people. The truth of the matter is that nobody is responsible for the actions of people who loved centuries ago, which means that no white person alive today should be blamed for the practice of slavery, and no modern black person should be paid reparations for it.
Liberals don’t want the public to realize this because if they ever did, they would lose quite a bit of power. Please help us spread the word about the truth about slavery by sharing this video as much as possible!
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