WATCH: Ann Coulter’s Advice To Young Conservative Women: Become Public School Teachers

Ann Coulter conservative women
Gage Skidmore

During a recent interview with The Political Insider’s Brett Smith, syndicated columnist and bestselling-author Ann Coulter remarked on the need for conservatives to take an active role in taking back critical civic institutions and positions of authority within our government and cultural centers.

For men, that means leadership roles within the military and law enforcement communities. 

Coulter’s advice specifically to conservative young women, however? Become public school teachers.

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Taking Back Our Institutions

“This is my advice to young right wingers,” said Coulter. “And it’s very important advice and I hope you take it. Especially for girls, I say become a public school teacher.”

“Please do it, please do it,” she pleaded younger viewers. “Do what the left has done for fifty years. Look how they took over the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, the FBI, the military!”

Coulter remarked how in conversations with readers of her Substack, some from older generations felt that the opportunity to take back key positions within our government, such as the FBI, was a lost cause.

“Some of these people commenting on Substack are saying ‘oh there’s no hope, they’ve taken it over,” she continued. “Then if that’s the attitude then all hope is lost.”

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Why Public Schools Though?

Coulter’s call for conservative women to specifically pursue opportunities and careers within public education wasn’t said unintentionally. 

“The reason I say specifically teachers for women is, the culture won’t tell you this, your parents maybe will tell you this, but the odds are, especially if you want to have a happy life,” she said, “you’re going to get married and have kids and your husband is going to be the bread earner but its nice for you to have a job where you have summers off, where you’re done at 2pm.”

“If we can slowly just move decent, christian, conservative women into the public schools, let’s take it back the way they took it over.”

Based on the things we’ve seen come to light with so-called critical race theory and gender theory in schools, is there really any other option?

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