Uncle Of Benghazi Victim: I Pray Obama and Clinton Are Held Accountable for Criminal Acts


The uncle of Sean Smith, one of four Americans killed during the terrorist attacks in Benghazi three years ago tomorrow, wrote a column in which he is demanding answers to many unanswered questions. He blasted President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Leon Panetta for their “criminal acts.”

Michael Ingmire described his nephew as “a great family man and a dedicated servant to this country.”

“He deserved far better, and his death is a continuing shadow on our family’s heart,” Ingmire wrote in a column for Politichicks.

While many questions had been answered by the Benghazi Select Committee, far too many remain.  And Ingmire wants answers.

While questioning why the United States was involved in a Libyan regime change on any level, several questions revolved around Hillary’s actions that fateful night.

“Why was there such a lack of security at the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, and why did Hillary Clinton actually reduce the amount of security?” he asked.

“What did Mrs. Clinton discuss with President Obama the night of the attack?”

Ingmire would also like to know who gave the stand-down order when military aid was readily available.

He added that the Obama administration needs to be “held accountable for their criminal acts.”

I pray that we elect a President in 2016 who has a moral compass, who doesn’t arm and fund our enemies, who does not overthrow heads of state because they oppose a new world order, and who does not operate in the shadows of the Oval Office.

I pray for justice for my nephew Sean Smith, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.

Lastly, I pray that President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, and all those involved in the events that lead to the Benghazi attack are held accountable for their criminal acts. The lesson of Benghazi is that both political parties share the guilt.

Ingmire has previously called out Clinton, Obama, and Panetta as “all liars.”

Comment:  Does the Obama/Clinton regime need to provide answers to the families of those lost in the Benghazi attacks?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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