Tucker Carlson Rips Illegal Immigration Supporter: You’re ‘a Loathsome Little Demagogue’

tucker carlson George Cardenas

Fox News host Tucker Carlson, as is customary during his show, led a liberal politician to slaughter, inviting him as a guest to discuss his pro-illegal immigration stance, then ripping it to shreds in a matter of minutes.

Carlson engaged in a fiery debate with George Cardenas, a Democrat alderman of the 12th Ward of the city of Chicago.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has vowed since day one of President Trump’s term that his city would remain a sanctuary and protect immigrants from deportation.

Carlson wanted to know why an official in the Windy City would be concerned with protecting illegal immigrants when they are currently dealing with an escalating violence problem.

When the host asked Cardenas if he had an obligation to the people of his city over illegals, the alderman shot back with a typical race-baiting response.

Cardenas doesn’t believe it’s his job or any other city official’s job to worry about immigration status.

“It’s un-American,” he claimed.

And if someone comes to the city seeking refuge or aide?

“You want me to just guess [who they are] because they happen to be blue-eyed and blond?” Cardenas asked.

“You know what,” Carlson shot back. “What a loathsome little demagogue you are to say something like that.”

“What a loathsome little demagogue you are, Mr. Cardenas,” he reiterated.

To be honest, ‘loathsome little demagogue’ could apply to 99% of the Democrat Party at this point.

This debate comes as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen confirms her department has asked federal prosecutors to see if they can pursue criminal charges against ‘sanctuary city’ officials who refuse to cooperate with federal authorities.

DHS could start right there in Chicago, in the little demagogue’s ward to be precise.

Do lawmakers have an obligation to Americans first, over illegal immigrants? Share your thoughts below!

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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