As Media Attacks Trump’s Claims of Voter Fraud, One Group Proves Him Right!

trump vote recount

Over the last several days, far-left Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has been dishonestly raising money to pay for an electoral recount aimed at undermining President-elect Donald Trump’s victory.

While there is no evidence to suggest that any recount in the critical battleground states of Wisconsin and Michigan would change the outcome of the election, True the Vote, a group aimed at rooting out voter fraud, does believe Trump’s claim that millions of illegal votes were cast against him in the 2016 election.

Here’s a portion of the press release from True the Vote:

True the Vote absolutely supports President-elect Trump’s recent comment about the impact of illegal voting, as reflected in the national popular vote. We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states, and the Trump Administration can best address this growing problem.

In typical fashion, Trump took to Twitter to express his concern over allegedly millions of votes being illegally cast in November:

As The Gateway Pundit points out, “[a]n article published in October backs up Trump’s charge of voter fraud in Virginia. Former Justice Department official J. Christian Adams reported on a study that showed over 1,000 self-admitted aliens registered to vote in just eight Virginia counties. Nearly 200 ballots were illegally cast by the alien voters before they were removed from voter rolls.”

While the media continues to promote left-wing activists’ efforts for a recount, the real focus should be on the massive voter fraud that took place aimed at undermining Trump’s victory.

Should Trump demand a recount to ensure that the potentially 2 million illegal votes cast against Trump will not be certified? Share your thoughts with us below! 

52 thoughts on “As Media Attacks Trump’s Claims of Voter Fraud, One Group Proves Him Right!”

  1. There is one way to prevent voter fraud, every eligible voter gets and gives a finger print card on election day and both much match, the finger print then can be scanned for any previous use on any voting day of that election.

  2. I as many have ideas for securing our voting and make the right to vote the control it was meant to be. This is a right reserved for the citizen and no other. to work for anything other is against what America stands for.

  3. The great red tsunami that swept this nation has decimated the Democrat party and all their god-awful policies. One of those “policies” was to fight voter ID at all costs. That’s not going to happen now that most states have GOP legislatures and GOP governors. Many states tried during this campaign legislate voter id laws but were stymied when Democrats took the matter to court and appealed them. They won those appeals. But they won’t be winning anymore. They’re no longer big enough to make any kind of dent.

  4. I can’t help but wonder if Trump will require everyone to show voter ID in ALL 50 states on election day. It would be very interesting to see if the Democrats ever win again. We all know that Chicago is famous for dead people voting, and voter fraud. My grandmother was an election judge there. She told us how both parties paid the judges off to look the other way. Those who had integrity and said no had threats against their families. This kind of stuff has to stop.

  5. Subtract all the illegal votes and Trump wins hands down on the popular vote. Even with all the imported illegals that the Obama administration imported to vote for the Demos they still lost the election. NO I.D NO VOTE!!!!!!!

  6. make no mistake about it, he did get the popular vote, he would not have won, had he not got them. the criminal elite have stolen elections for years with their voter scams, the popular vote was so overwhelming in his favor, they could not get a handle on it. the computer fraud or the illegals fraud or even the dead voter voting. so all their lies are doing is showing just how big of idiot criminal elite these stupid people are and that includes the the criminal media. the saying that you cannot train stupid or teach it or do anything with it is a fact, just look at these idiot stupid people and there lies, that really proves the sayings.

  7. When you look at any map of the U.S. that depicts which states do and which do not require ID, then look at any map that depicts the results of the 2016 election, you will see that Hillary pretty much only won in the states that do not require ID. She did not do well in the states that do require ID. Even in the states she won, if you look at a county by county map of California’s results alone, you see almost the whole state is red (Trump) yet Hillary got 60% of California’s votes? A lot of Californians are saying they know there were illegals voting especially in Souther California. That should be recounted too with extreme scrutiny on illegal votes.

    1. REPOST!
      When you look at any map of the U.S. that depicts which states do and which do not require ID, then look at any map that depicts the results of the 2016 election, you will see that Hillary pretty much only won in the states that do not require ID. She did not do well in the states that do require ID. Even in the states she won, if you look at a county by county map of California’s results alone, you see almost the whole state is red (Trump) yet Hillary got 60% of California’s votes? A lot of Californians are saying they know there were illegals voting especially in Souther California. That should be recounted too with extreme scrutiny on illegal votes.

  8. Go ahead, put up the money to get the recounts. Before the election, Trump told everyone that the election was rigged. And then he won, because it was rigged.

    Go ahead, put up the money to get the recounts.

  9. I would not be surprised to learn that Trump actually carried all 50 states once the dead and illegal votes were identified and removed. If Hillary really wants to subject herself to this humiliation, bring it on. The only way the Democrats have been winning elections is through this type of voter fraud. America reached a tipping point this election where it had finally had enough. The rose tinted glasses came off. It will no longer be permitted to stand. Nor will the tens of millions of illegals and refugees imported to swell the Democrat voter base. Legal immigration has never been an issue in America. Most are immigrants. But, to usurp the process for political gain, then redirect tens of millions of jobs and tax dollars to support the criminal activities, is too much. America voted to stop this. Twice before, Democrats promised to stop if amnesty was given. Twice they have lied while millions of illegals were simultaneously added to their voter ranks. Not this time. This time, the entire immigration issue will be completely addressed and resolved once and for all.

  10. If Jill Stein and the rest of the libtard establishment are so worried about voter fraud, then why not demand a recount of California votes, and check EACH ballot to verify it was cast by a LIVING, LEGALLY REGISTERED U.S. CITIZEN. As a matter of fact, this should be done in EVERY state. Any ballots cast by illegal aliens, or in the names of deceased people, should be voided.

    1. Because Jill Stein is as phony as a $3 Bill. If she is so concerned about having honest elections why did she keep so quiet while Bernie had the RIGGED nomination stolen from him? She also said this is a non partisan effort – she must be dipping into her prescriptions./

  11. YES, YES, YES, AND YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER BELIEVE. TRUMP SHOULD DEMAND A RECOUNT IN EVERY STATE IN THE UNION!!!!!!! Then the public would see the corrupt left progressives as they really are. They are liars, thieves, cheaters,; so ultimately dishonest that it has to be unprecedented. Do they not have a conscious, do they not have even one moral fiber in there body, is this what we are turning into? If this is , then may God help everyone in this land. It appears that they think that everybody should be as corrupt and contemptuous as they are. Please pray, pray, and pray some more!!!!!!!!

  12. pro-Iran/Russia-anti-Zionist secretary of state …
    No US troops in Yemen.
    Screw Saudi Arabia and their ISIS .
    Take out the Zionists out of Israel, leave the Jews to live in peace with the Palestinians.
    Reform the UN , no more vetoes… 24 permanent members , 12 rotating , no more vetoes.
    + you owe me a Teflon type $400ml ,smooth/ quick /hasleless transfer would be fine , encase you forgot …
    yours truly,
    King of the world

  13. He absolutely should! I would if it were me. I think Hillary would if the situation were reversed. The donkey’s have done that and worse in other elections and I know that for a fact. I was told by someone who worked the polls. So yes, President-elect Trump should do whatever is necessary to get to the truth and prosecute those who are guilty.

  14. Yes, Clinton is using Stein to pull a recount, hoping to change the vote by “finding” a bunch of mail in ballots they “missed the first time”, or something like that.
    Trump needs to make it clear that he can will take California in a recount by throwing out the fraudulent votes, further exposing the criminality and vote fraud of the Democrats.

    The Dems must not be allowed to steal those states in a recount.

  15. why this is unusual from eight years of a LIAR-a very near future incoming president that tells us there is voter fraud-while the press swears there is not-now HairyHill is bawling that there was and the press says maybe so because she got her comeupins from BENGHAZI

  16. When Jill Stein started raising money for this recount she said she needed $1.5 million dollars. As the money started rolling in she seems to need more. Now she’s up to about $5 million she says she needs. No matter how much she gets, she keeps needing more, that’s a sure sign of a scam.

  17. I’m sure that here in California there were so many illegals voting in this election and Governor Moonbeam is not blind to this fact……I even overheard some of them in a grocery store saying they voted against Trump and had voted twice in two different voting precincts. I’m sure this happened in other places, too!

    1. The recounts probably won’t find Dems voting multiple times because they aren’t checking the validity of the votes. What they are doing is recounting…BY HAND…several million votes in Wisconsin (since this is the state Stein’s already filed for a recount). We know as fact that many states used the voting machines manufactured by George Soros. And we know as fact that many of those machines have been rigged to take Trump votes and throw them into Clinton’s column. Many voters complained of this during the election and their votes were recast to show the vote for Trump. But many did not notice their vote was scrubbed and replaced. So if anything, I’m more than willing to bet that this recount is going to find a whole lot more votes for Trump that the machines had changed! As for the illegal vote, Obama went on TV telling illegals to knock themselves out and vote because there would be no deportation squads waiting for them at the polls! Drudge had a headline that more than 3 million illegals voted. So Trump’s right, as usual! Deduct those 3 million illegal votes and he most certainly did win the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

  18. The media needs to shut up. They have been proven to be low-life bias liberal idiots. They are intolerant to anyone that disagrees with them. BUT the worst is they lie, cheat and cover for the rats. I would not trust them to tell me its raining and would go look outside before believing them. We all KNOW illegals are voting, We all KNOW the rats bus people in, We all KNOW they stuff the ballots. Now they are crying and having temper tantrums because even with all their lying, cheating and stealing TRUMP WON. They wont ever gain trust and respect back because they don’t learn and keep doing the same crap over and over. That is the liberal way…cry, lie, cheat, steal, then throw a temper tantrum and point at the other guy and accuse him of being a racist. Media…we are on to you!!

    1. The media has a whole chitload of problems because of their lies, misinformation, and outright deception! What they didn’t count on was Donald Trump…they expected him to fizzle out during the primary and when he won, they were positive Hillary would beat him. Wrong on all counts. And Trump is on to them, and has said so every day. He sticks it to them. And worse….he’s bypassing them….he’s going direct to the voters through Twitter and social media…and now he’s started making videos and releasing them on YouTube! Trump is a master and the media can’t hold a candle to him. He’s outsmarted them for over a year and he’ll be outsmarting them with every move he makes…and not telling them. They went ballistic when he went out to dinner without telling them, and they’re ballistic over the fact he bypasses them to use social media. But that’s too bad for them. Someday they’ll recognize their unfortunate undoing, but by that time it will be too late.

  19. I’ve also noticed that whenever a machine “malfunctions” it NEVER goes to the Republican candidate–but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS goes to the Democrat. I have never seen a report where a “malfunctioning” or “user error” switched a vote to a Republican from a Democrat but I watched a lot of videos where Trump votes turned to Hillary votes!
    Co-incidence? I think NOT.
    Also, I am a longtime supporter of True the Vote and Catherine Englebrecht since the jagoff at the IRS, Koskinen and Lois Lerner screwed her over tax-exempt status. Obama is behind all of this and Lerner should have been fired and prosecuted–and the statute of limitations won’t run out before President Trump is sworn in. TTV and Mrs. Englebrecht have way more credibility than Hillary, Jill and the leftists.

  20. Most Americans are on to the Clintons and the sneaky way they go about doing things to gain power. Many news sources state rigging in the last two election cycles by dems. Dead people can’t vote. One voter for Hillary turning in numerous Absentee votes, Hillary Camp paying people to rig machines, stuff ballots, etc. etc. None of these suspicions come up with Trump because he is HONEST and he won FAIR AND SQUARE.

  21. We know illegals and fellons voted for Hillary because birds of a feather flock together. The problem should be solved when we deport 23 million ond the anchor babies. GONE GONE GONE from America back to the jails they were released from. Also send all the Syrians back. Take away the Pension of the White house resident who is Kenyan born and never was an American. Time to fix America.

    1. The libs are in total denial! They know that millions of votes were cast illegally for Hillary. Even the muslim in chief urged them to go vote without facing any repercussions. When all this is proved true I know where I’d like to shove the results, starting with CNN.

  22. Let’s have the recount, especially in California, my home state where voter fraud is rampant as seen when Bernie ran in the primary. It took months to count the ballots. Illegal aliens registered in droves. I had to argue with the precinct worker that I was the person living at my address, not the other person who had voted there. I got a provisional ballot. It is time to have Voter Identification or a National ID. Let’s spend millions of Hillary and Jill’s bucks finding out how many of the voters are not citizens or dead!

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