Anti-Trump Protesters Reach New Low! Start Chanting…

trump protesters

Since last night, anti-Trump leftists have engaged in violent protests across this country, beating up Trump supporters and whining about the alleged downfall of this nation.

From New York to Chicago, liberals burned American flags and destroyed private property, and now protesters in New Orleans just reached a new low.

Anti-Trump rioters disgustingly vandalized New Orleans monuments and proclaimed “die whites die.”

From Breitbart:

Students holding signs reading “End white supremacy” originally gathered on the steps of the Lee Circle monument before the demonstrations turned destructive.

Lee Circle was fully covered in graffiti with phrases like “Black Power” and “Dismantle White Supremacy”.

Later, an effigy of Trump was burned while glass windows at a nearby bank were shattered.

Protesters even smashed out windows at one New Orleans bank:

Breitbart also reported that rioters vandalized other areas with phrases like “No Trump, no KKK” “Die whites die” and “F*ck Trump.” While city officials have attempted to clean up the destruction, rioters returned to Lee Circle and nearby areas to do more damage.

Not only are these anti-Trump leftists sore losers but hey are criminals who do not respect the rule of law, or private property.

Are you surprised that liberals would be so angered by Trump’s victory that they would vandalize public and private property and write disgusting and offensive language on statues? Share your thoughts with us below! 

24 thoughts on “Anti-Trump Protesters Reach New Low! Start Chanting…”

  1. Stopthespin I agree wholeheartedly with your comments and I think the majority of those protesting are afraid they’re not going to get to keep sponging off the working American’s tax dollars through welfare benefits and God forbid! They may have to actually get jobs and work for a living if President-Elect Trump stops their free ride they’ve been accustomed to for generations! I mean how could they be out protesting 6 days in a row if they had jobs to go to? How could they afford to? I guess George Soros is paying them what Uncle Sam isn’t.

  2. No surprise at all…after all Democrats are the party of hate. Hate white people, hate white males, hate folks who want to work for a living, hate people who don’t share their beliefs. Hopefully, when Trump assumes office, a different tone will be set for civility and obedience to the law.

  3. The liberals shout :”all the voters with degrees/educated are in the blue states”. And I retort with: what are the degrees in?, Post Modern Feminism and Women’s Studies? In addition, the same morons that backed the old marxist Bernie, were the same ones shouting “No more old White dudes running things!”……Jackwagons.

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  4. Another example of the hate filled left. Die whites die? They should be in jail. And obama and hillary remain silent…. At least we’re seeing them for what they are, which makes me all the happier I supported Trump

  5. Kind of stupid, since Trump is the most black-friendly President elect since Abraham Lincoln. Even more so, actually, since Lincoln wanted to free them, then send them back to Africa.

  6. Do you know why there were no conservatives protesting when Obama won his elections?

    The main reason is THEY WERE WORKING!

    The second reason is that they were adult enough to accept the results of an election. The democratic process. They were disappointed but life goes on.

    The thugs and ingrates on the streets for the past 2 nights should be dismissed by the media and tended to by the police if they break any laws.

  7. What’s happening to America. The land of free speech and thinking. It’s all over. White against non white. Higher education against lower, old against young, Belivers against non believers. Heteros against homosexual, red against blue. It’s gone from a country of freedom to a country of hate and mistrust. A country ruled by false promisses. All believing in ferry tales told by your leaders, but no self reflection. Devided we live. The people are you, not your goverment. Shame on you, if you want to change, start with yourself and thrust your neighbour.Help your fellow man, don’t hate him. Most call themself believer, but don’t act like one, The devil has taken over America with a lot of lies.

    1. I looked at the bank draft which had said $7437 , I be certain …that…my friend could realie earning money in their spare time on-line. . there neighbor has done this for less than twelve months and resently paid the morgage on their mini mansion and got a great new Lancia . have a peek here….

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  8. I like how everyone is painting a picture of this issue just being “Liberals”…
    There is no sugar coating it, Die white’s die, dismantle white supremacy, linking Trump with the KKK, and Black power… is literally spelled out for you!
    I’m going to go with this (my best attempt @ PC), it is very likely, that these violent, and destructive acts, have been committed by Liberals, who might also happen to be… “Non Caucasian”.
    But, as long as behavior such as this, is committed by “Non Caucasians”, labels like, “protesters”, and “liberals” are applied….a perfect little bow for the “PC-Community”!!

    1. It’s OK Jason the Political Correct police are gone. We can now call it what it is. Reverse discrimination, blacks who want to continue down this road will not be part of the new USA world order led by a President who will be for all the people, black or white, latino, gay, liberal, conservative, evangelical. They can continue their lack of respect and lawless ways, that’s their choice and they will have to suffer the consequences, as for the rest of us we will move forward to make this country Great again.

  9. I’m not surprised by the Liberals. We had to live with 8 years of Obama, they had their chance and blew it. Now when the table is turned they slash and burn because they didn’t get their way. The majority of these people have no job, do not contribute to society, suck on the government tit like the babies they are. They are able bodied enough to paint Graffiti, start fires, walk in protests but don’t work. Go ahead and have your fit, we don’t care. You will continue to be the losers you are and we’ll continue to be the winners because we take the high road, you go ahead and take the low road and see where you end up.

  10. I looked at the bank draft which had said $7437 , I be certain …that…my friend could realie earning money in their spare time on-line. . there neighbor has done this for less than twelve months and resently paid the morgage on their mini mansion and got a great new Lancia . have a peek here….

    ===========>>> w­w­w.jobprofit9.C­O­M

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