President Trump Stops to Pick Up Marine’s Hat – Twice

On a windswept Saturday night, President Trump stopped twice prior to boarding Marine One in an attempt to pick up a Marine’s hat that had blown away.

Trump was returning to Joint Base Andrews from the G20 Summit and his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, when he noticed the Marine’s hat lying on the ground.

He retrieved it, placed it on the Marine’s head, and gave him a few slaps on the arm.

Much to his chagrin, however, the hat flew off once more. Undeterred, the President went to grab it once more, this time allowing an escort to try to successfully return it.

Watch the incredible exchange below (note the Marine remaining at attention throughout the entire ordeal):

Via the Daily Caller:

While heading toward the Marine One helicopter, Trump noticed that one Marine had lost his dress hat to the wind.

Trump picked up the hat just in front of the steps to the helicopter and placed it back on the Marine’s head while giving him a couple of affectionate pats on his arm.

The wind blew the hat off of the Marine’s head again, and Trump once again veered off course to pick it up, this time handing the hat to his Air Force escort.

Why is this significant you may ask, aside from being the right thing to do as a show of respect to the men and women who serve and protect the commander-in-chief?

Well, it marks a stark departure from the treatment of our Marine’s by our previous president, who used them as umbrella holders and dismissed them with latte salutes.

Here is the ‘latte salute,’ in which Obama couldn’t muster enough effort to switch the coffee he was holding to another hand and properly salute.

Then, of course, there is the iconic umbrella image, in which president Obama violated military regulations and ordered a pair of soldiers to hold umbrellas over his and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s head during a speech in the Rose Garden.

Apparently his own aides couldn’t be bothered with such a task, so the Marines were assigned the mission which they naturally carried out without complaint.

Utterly disgraceful.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of President Trump and Obama’s treatment of the Marines that served them:

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Who has more respect for our military – former President Obama or President Trump? Tell us what you think below!

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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