Donald Trump Jr. Slams Acosta For Whining About ‘Fake News Conference’

Poor Jim Acosta. Poor, sweet, innocent, Jim Acosta.

The White House correspondent for CNN probably thought he had made a good point – a zinger if you will – until President Trump’s son stepped in and promptly put him in his place.

Acosta claimed that by calling only on ‘friendly’ news outlets at a joint news conference with President Andrzej Duda in Poland, the President was in essence holding a “fake news conference.”

He must have been snickering as he typed those words, believing he had nailed Trump for biased news conferences.

That is, until Donald Trump Jr. came along and reminded him of President Obama’s penchant for consistently being covered by favorable news outlets during his press conferences.


Via Hannity:

Donald Trump Jr. fired back at CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta on Thursday, slamming the reporter over his comments that President Trump held a “fake news conference” in Poland.

Acosta made the comments following a joint press conference with President Trump and Polish President Andrzej Duda, blasting Trump for calling CNN “fake news” during his foreign trip and claiming the President only took questions from “friendly” reporters who were colluding with the White House.

Donald Trump Jr trashed Acosta’s logic on social media, asking the correspondent if “every news conference” during the Obama presidency also counted as “fake news.”

Ex-Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer tweeted to Acosta that the practice isn’t exactly a new one.

According to a March 2015 report from the Media Research Center, President Obama was so friendly to pro-administration journalists, that 30 media members ended up working for him.

Not to mention the boycott Obama imposed on Fox News for many years, including at the onset of his presidency.

Back then, Democrats and liberal media members were perfectly fine with a President calling on news outlets that favored his agenda, all the while ignoring critics.

Sen. Dick Durbin praised Obama’s snub of Fox News in 2009, saying it “is the only way to delegitimize them as political propaganda.”

A Democrat aide added, “The (Obama) White House is doing what they’re doing because they have major concerns about Fox’s coverage.”

Now however, Trump’s similar concerns are worthy of disdain by the media.

We’re just glad Trump Jr., was able to put another CNN reporter in his place.

Should President Trump be concerned about certain ‘news’ outlets? Share your thoughts below!

3 thoughts on “Donald Trump Jr. Slams Acosta For Whining About ‘Fake News Conference’”

  1. IS THAT to be the only thing you idiots can do? point fingers and say “YEAH BUT”?


    Well we know why of course, trump jr. is even less of a man than his childish and petulant orange baboon of a father. trump jr. cannot step out of the shadow of the orange monstrosity and if he did its a safe bet he sinks immediately having no personal ability other than riding his daddy’s coat-tails.

    There comes a time you numbskulls when you have to finally accept that the things that are wrong are the doing of trump and his entire corrupt swamp which he is EXPANDING, or are you content to be nothing but lemmings for your entire life? Small immature children who can’t accept responsibility for their own actions?

    1. dam princess do you finr everyday life really really hard for you,being that fukin stupid and all. Get over yerself douche as WE WON and YOU LOST so slither back down to yer room in yer mommas basement and put on that pussy pink hat and clutch tightly to that diaper pin as you will hate the next 8 years TRUMP 2020

      1. You know when you feed the trolls they feel self important. Anyway trying to talk to someone that has their head up their butt, you can not speak loud enough!

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