Trump Exposes Democrats Real Intentions Behind Impeachment in 9 Words

It took no more than 9-words and a meme on social media for President Trump to reveal the Democrat party’s true intentions behind impeachment.

Following the resistance party’s symbolic victory vote impeaching the President Wednesday night, Trump posted a meme featuring an image of himself pointing to the American people.

“In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you,” the caption reads.

“I’m just in the way.”

Exactly right.

Democrats have launched this impeachment charade solely with the intent to overturn the election results from 2016.

Why? Because they can’t tolerate the American people failing to pick the person they wanted in the White House.

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They’re After You

How else to explain this entire sham than to point out that the Democrats disdain for President is only a show on the surface. Their true disdain is for the American people.

A recent USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll reveals that “a narrow majority opposes a conviction by the Senate that would remove him from office.”

Meaning, they’re fighting hard against the will of the American people.

Furthermore, even Democrats agree that impeachment is designed specifically with the goal of overturning an election. They want to take your vote away. You can’t be trusted with it. After all, in their eyes, you were too careless with that vote in 2016.

Remember, it was House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, a driving force behind the push to impeach President Trump, who once upon a time admitted impeachment is essentially an “undoing of a national election” designed to tell American voters that their choice for President “must be set aside.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently indicated it would be the end of “civilization as we know it” if the President were to win re-election.

When they called you ‘deplorables,’ they meant it.

RELATED: Flashback: Schumer Worked ‘To Explore Every Possible Way To Avoid A Trial’ For Clinton Impeachment


Trump on Fire

While effective, this meme wasn’t President Trump’s only response to the impeachment charade.

He noted that this is the only strictly partisan impeachment in the history of the United States and blasted “the Do Nothing Dems (for) their continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history.”


He denounced the resistance for engaging in “presidential harassment” and noted the process is doomed to fail in the Senate.

“The Senate shall set the time and place of the trial,” he quoted. “If the Do Nothing Democrats decide, in their great wisdom, not to show up, they would lose by Default!”

They will lose by default in the Senate. But, more importantly, they’ve set themselves to lose by the ballot box in November.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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