Donald Trump Helped Open a New Coal Mine in Pennsylvania

Nearly 70 Pennsylvania coal miners are celebrating the fact that the woman who vowed to “put a lot of coal miners out of work” didn’t win the election back in November.

Instead of Hillary’s war on coal, the nation is reaping the benefits of President Trump’s efforts to strengthen our energy independence.

Nowhere is this more symbolic than in the Keystone State, when, for the first time in recent memory, a brand new coal mine was opened.

Another promise kept!

Via Fox News Insider:

President Trump lauded the opening of the nation’s first new coal mine in recent memory.

Corsa Coal Company will operate the mine in Somerset County, Pa. – outside of Pittsburgh.

Corsa CEO George Dethlefsen said the mine will be a boon to the struggling local economy.

He praised Trump’s easing of regulations and encouragement for fossil fuel exploration.

Shortly after taking office, the President destroyed one of Barack Obama’s worst regulations – a coal mining restriction that experts said would be costly to implement and lead to significant job losses.

The new mine creates 70 new jobs for which there were over 400 applicants, indicating the demand for work in coal country is still vibrant.

The mine will be producing metallurgical or bituminous coal, which is used in steel-making.

During his campaign, President Trump made the coal industry a focus of his American jobs platform, promising to “put our miners back to work.”

Clinton, however, promised the opposite, saying she would put these same coal miners out of business. During her campaign, Hillary was confronted by an unemployed coal miner who showed her a picture of his kids.

President Trump is making sure hardworking miners stay in business. This is a win-win for Trump voters and America!

Comment: Do you think Trump can continue to save jobs in the coal industry? Tell us your thoughts below.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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