Texas Governor Greg Abbott Has This Three-Word Warning For Hillary’s Gun Confiscation Plans

Texas Governor

After hearing Hillary Clinton declare that mandatory gun confiscation programs like those in Australia “are worth looking into” here in America, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued this three word warning – Not in Texas.

During a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Clinton spoke of the Australian confiscation programs which collected hundreds of thousands of banned firearms.

“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged,” Clinton responded.

Via the Blaze:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said recently that a gun confiscation program like Australia’s 1996 and 2003 buy-back programs in which the government of that country collected more than half a million banned semi-automatic rifles and other firearms is “worth considering.” However, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott says that’s not going to happen.

Abbott was referring to a Fox News report on a comment Clinton made Friday during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, where an attendee asked the Democratic presidential candidate about Australia’s gun buy-back program.

Clinton has since backed off those comments, with spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri saying that’s not what she actually meant.

“What she was referring to is places where there have been mass shootings and the countries have done something to act on it,” Palmieri told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

Regardless, Abbott’s three-word response may have led Clinton to have a change of heart … for now.

Comment:  Does Hillary Clinton really want to institute mandatory gun buy backs in the United States?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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