Texas Considering Citizenship Test as High School Requirement

The state of Texas has been leading the way in cracking down on illegal immigration, as it has one of the nation’s largest illegal immigrant populations, more than 1.6 million people.

Texas has been so strong in combating illegal immigration that its governor, Greg Abbott, signed a bill banning sanctuary cities. Now the Texas legislature is doing more, this time targeting citizens of their own state.

In order to become a citizen of the United States, immigrants must pass a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services test, and a Texas bill, which just passed the House, would require Texas public high school students to take the very same test in order to graduate.

The bill, House Bill 1776, would “would replace a U.S. history course that students take at the end of a semester with a test that immigrants take to get their U.S. citizenship. But, unlike the real civics test, the test for students would be multiple choice.”

From KHOU:

On Wednesday, the Texas House tentatively approved the bill. Supporters say that the bill’s goal is to ensure that students are proficient in U.S. history. KENS 5 quizzed a handful of adults to see how they fared. We pulled 10 questions from a U.S. Customs and Immigration Services practice exam. Among the questions: Who would serve as president if the current president and vice president could longer serve? Who was president during World War I?

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services requires immigrants to correctly answer 6 out of 10 questions from the list of 100 questions in English.

If immigrants seeking to become U.S. citizens have to answer basic questions about our country, then it is not an outrageous thing to ask students to do the same.

If high school students cannot answer basic questions about this country, then they are likely not fit to graduate high school, and they’re certainly not qualified to vote.

We should hold our own citizens to the same, if not higher, standards than those of individuals seeking to join our great country.

Do you support Texas’ plan to require high school students pass a citizenship test in order to graduate? Share your thoughts below! 

14 thoughts on “Texas Considering Citizenship Test as High School Requirement”

  1. There are 100 questions. The following are 10 of them. You only need to get six correct, without looking up the answers. Go.
    1. What is freedom of religion?
    2. What is the “rule of law”?
    3. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
    4. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.
    5. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?
    6. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
    7. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
    8. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?
    9. What did Susan B. Anthony do?
    10. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?

  2. Every student in every state should be taught the history of socialism, communism and government tyranny. Every citizen should be aware that socialism/progressivism are responsible for the death of tens of millions of men, women, and children. Every tenured professor and teacher who feeds the socialist agenda to our children should be jailed in a socialist country.

  3. That is a step in the right direction. Maybe a good civics course and one in logic would help.

    When I graduated from 8th grade in Calif in the 50s, we had to be able to pass a test on the US Constitution. We studied very hard for an entire semester and we knew that document inside and out.

    We are getting away from our roots in the country and it is time to turn things around. You want to live in this country and enjoy its freedoms, you need to understand where we have been and where we are going to keep this country on track.

  4. Dave In Arizona

    “Texas Considering Citizenship Test as High School Requirement”

    That foul smell now in the air is a result of liberals pooping in their panties.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with the TX Govenor. What we see playing out on our college campuses is a sign that these students have not been educated enough about our constitution Bill of rights and the privilege and responsibilities of citizenship. This needs to become law in 49 more states

  6. I wholeheartedly agree with gov. Abbott; but the bill does not go far enough. As far as I am concerned, CITIZENSHIP is a status to be EARNED and NOT a birth right; and ONLY actual bona-fide CITIZENS should be allowed to VOTE OR HOLD GOVERNMENT OFFICE.

  7. The very idea that the greatest nation in the history of humanity would NOT explain to young children WHY and HOW it became the greatest nation on earth could only have come from the minds of people who despise that greatness and / or seek to curtail, and ultimately to end, our freedoms. That any educated adult could fail to grasp that removal of Civics from our primary education was a fundamentally subversive act speaks to how successful our public dis-educators have been in their endless efforts to dumb-down our nation. Children today can spout a dizzying array of political sound-bytes, yet demonstrate no ability whatsoever to explain why they believe those cognitively dissonant thoughts to be true (regurgitation replaces reasoning).

    In a truly “progressive” society, no one would receive a High School Diploma nor be allowed to vote in an election (let the haters hate) who does not first command a firm grasp of the words and principles behind our Constitution nor also of the immortal principles of those who seek unlimited power over others as laid out long ago in “The Prince”, by Machiavelli. How, after all, can anyone possibly evaluate whether something is “better” or “worse” if they cannot first understand what they are comparing it to? How can one evaluate whether something is an infringement on your personal Rights when you have no idea what those Rights might be?

  8. This was required in Illinois in order to go to high school and it did me a lot of good I think it should be required of all students across our country and of immigrants wanting to come into the USA

  9. If we’re talking about legal immigrants then that is fine. However, the problem is illegal aliens and they should not be in US schools to begin with. Legal immigrants, when they go to qualify for citizenship, have to pass a citizenship exam in order to become a citizen. This legislation is just an excuse to allow illegal aliens to remain in public schools that are paid for by the American taxpayers.

  10. So what is the problem. I think that student in high school should be able to pass such an exam. I think that those graduation from college should also be able to pass such an exam. Why shouldn’t student from the United States understand the who, what, when, where and how this great nation came to be and what is stand for overall.

  11. I guess (well, OK, I know) I am just and old f**t. Back in my day, history, including America History, was part of the mandatory curriculum required for anyone to graduate from high school (maybe even grade school), thus an exit exam like the one contemplated would be totally redundant.

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