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pelosi psaki russia
February 21, 2024
Jen Psaki and Nancy Pelosi, two major proponents of the debunked Russiagate conspiracy theory, posited it again on national TV.
Republican Representative Troy Nehls humiliated his Democrat colleague Eric Swalwell during a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, bringing up his alleged affair with a Chinese spy.
June 22, 2023
Republican Representative Troy Nehls humiliated his Democrat colleague Eric Swalwell during a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, bringing up his…
Special counsel John Durham humiliated Adam Schiff by pointing to his own history of trying to accept "dirt" on political opponents from foreign agents, subtly referencing an incident in which the Democrat lawmaker was caught on tape trying to secure naked photos of Donald Trump.
June 22, 2023
Special counsel John Durham humiliated Adam Schiff by pointing to his own history of trying to accept "dirt" on political…
Twenty House Republicans joined their Democrat colleagues in voting down a measure to censure Representative Adam Schiff for his role in promoting the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
June 15, 2023
Twenty House Republicans joined their Democrat colleagues in voting down a measure to censure Representative Adam Schiff for his role…
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released a campaign video outlining his vision for saving American education and giving "control of schools back to parents."
June 12, 2023
Special Counsel John Durham may have issued his final report last month, but the Russiagate scandal is far from over.
Chuck Todd, responding to findings published in the Durham Report, believes the time may have come for a Church Committee to help restore confidence in the FBI.
May 22, 2023
Chuck Todd, responding to findings published in the Durham Report, believes the time may have come for a Church Committee…
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy threw conservative media outlets into disarray by seemingly suggesting Representative Adam Schiff should be removed from Congress.
May 18, 2023
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy threw conservative media outlets into disarray by seemingly suggesting Representative Adam Schiff should be removed from…
FBI response durham
May 16, 2023
The FBI issued a mealy-mouthed statement abdicating culpability and daring to say we should all be thankful they exist in…
Rubio Durham
May 16, 2023
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said the FBI's investigation undermined national security after the release of the Durham report.
Senator Josh Hawley called for prosecutions of Democrats and members of Hillary Clinton's campaign after special counsel John Durham released a report indicating the DOJ and FBI used "uncorroborated intelligence" to launch an investigation into suspected ties between Russia and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.
May 16, 2023
Senator Josh Hawley called for prosecutions of Democrats and members of Hillary Clinton's campaign after special counsel John Durham released…
February 6, 2023
The Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Jeff Gerth is finally doing a post-mortem of Russiagate, and it's a good start.
fbi agent russia
January 24, 2023
It’s interesting how the news lately has become its own version of comedy; sometimes, I must double-check that what I’m…