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Jim Jordan warned that Republicans will "definitely" investigate Doctor Anthony Fauci should the GOP win back the House in 2022.
January 18, 2022
Jim Jordan warned that Republicans will “definitely” investigate Doctor Anthony Fauci should the GOP win back the House in 2022.
chris wallace mike pompeo
June 14, 2021
Fox News Chris Wallace Mike Pompeo that Trump had adequate time to question China regarding the origins of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
intelligence white house
May 28, 2021
NYT intelligence officials have informed the White House that they have a large amount unexamined evidence origins of coronavirus pandemic.
covid lab leak
May 20, 2021
Fox News House Intelligence Committee said there is “significant circumstantial evidence” that the COVID-19 outbreak Wuhan Institute.
March 19, 2020
Hillary Clinton went after President Donald Trump on Twitter Wednesday, saying he used “racist rhetoric” when he called coronavirus a “Chinese virus.”