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Trump Obama
February 12, 2020
Donald Trump, with Republican challengers on the ballot, scored more votes in the New Hampshire primary Tuesday than Barack Obama…
2020 Democrats
February 4, 2020
It's a tale of two caucuses. For Donald Trump, it was an easy victory in Iowa. For Democrats, however, it…
October 7, 2019
A flurry of criticism from Senator Mitt Romney has some speculating that he could mount a primary challenge to President…
September 23, 2019
Bill Weld said Donald Trump should consider himself lucky if he doesn’t face the death penalty for asking a foreign…
August 28, 2019
President Trump continued his uncanny ability to peg people through nicknames when he mocked his Republican primary challengers as "three…
June 3, 2019
In an interview with Politico Friday, Sen. Mitt Romney said that Republican presidential primary challenger Bill Weld is a “terrific
February 13, 2019
Bill Weld, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts, is reportedly looking to make a move toward a primary challenge against…