Supreme Court Could Take Up Direct Challenge To Affirmative Action

supreme court affirmative action

The United States Supreme Court may decide to take up a direct challenge to affirmative action policies – in this case, Harvard University’s use of racial quotas for their admissions standards.

The case has been scheduled for discussion by the Justices for June 10. 

As is the practice, four or more Justices must agree to grant a review of a case.

The case could could have far-reaching effects on the nation’s colleges and universities using raced-based admissions standards, which, in an election year could also have consequences.

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History Of The Case

In 2018, a group called Students For Fair Admissions accused Harvard of discriminating against Asian-American students by awarding them lower “personal qualities” scores.

Conservative legal strategist Edward Blum and Duke economist Peter Arcidiacono studied six years of Harvard’s admissions database, and concluded that Asian-American students were discriminated against based on how they were rated in the admissions process on things like courage, kindness, and leadership.

Arcidiacono also argues that that two-thirds of black students and one-half of hispanic students are admitted based solely on racial preferences.

According to the Wall Street Journal, discrimination also reaches as far as SAT scores, of which higher scores seem to be required of Asian-American students.

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2022 Supreme Court Cases Could Effect Midterm Elections

The 2021-22 Supreme Court session could make for a very interesting election year.

In addition to the Harvard discrimination case, the Court is expected to hand down decisions on several controversial cases, including a Mississippi abortion law that is seen as a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

The case is already political, with Democrats threatening to pack the Court if the decision doesn’t go their way.

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The National Rifle Association has also challenged New York state’s restrictions on carrying hand guns in public.

There are also some possible cases stemming from the 2020 presidential election involving election integrity in Republican-led states.

Emory University Political Science Professor Tom Clark had this prediction about what may happen in 2022: “I think the most likely outcome is that the Supreme Court will make conservative decisions in these cases, favored by the political right, and that will create activism and enthusiasm on the left, which could affect turnout.”


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