Scaramucci Doesn’t Appreciate Backstabbers: ‘I’m More of a Front Stabbing Person’

White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci claims he doesn’t much care for people who stab others in the back.

Like establishment Republicans, for example.

Scaramucci was discussing the latest debate on repealing and replacing Obamacare and President Trump’s reaction to Republicans who refuse to carry out the will of their constituents.

Trump singled out Alaska senator Lisa Murkowski for her ‘no’ vote on Tuesday to bring up a Senate debate on the health care bill.

The president criticized her on social media, saying she “let the Republicans, and our country, down.”

Trump is right.

“The right thing to do is stand side-by-side with the president,” Scaramucci said, “so when you’re not doing that, imagine you’re a football coach in the locker room, do you think you’re gonna get chewed a little bit?”

He then continued to address other backstabbers in Washington, saying he’s “more of a front stabbing person.”

Via the Daily Caller:

“Should we expect more tweets like this?” cohost Ainsley Earhardt asked Scaramucci …

… Scaramucci, who is from New York himself and has spent a lot of time on Wall Street, explained that he doesn’t like Washington so much because instead of being up front, people try to hide their intentions.

“What I don’t like about Washington is that people don’t let you know how they feel,” he continued. “They’re very nice to your face and then they take a shiv or a machete and stab you in the back.”

“I’m a Wall Street guy, I’m more of a front stabbing person,” he concluded.

Check out Scaramucci’s comments below …

Since being named White House Communications Director, Scaramucci has been making waves due to his blunt, no-nonsense, Trump-esque approach, which is something sorely needed in the White House.

He made news earlier in the week when he warned leakers in the Administration that they’d better stop or “I’m going to stop you.”

Within 24 hours, Scaramucci fired Assistant Press Secretary Michael Short, someone suspected of leaking crucial information to the press.

Do you think Scaramucci is doing a good job at dealing with backstabbers and leakers? Tell us what you think below!

12 thoughts on “Scaramucci Doesn’t Appreciate Backstabbers: ‘I’m More of a Front Stabbing Person’”

  1. He’s not hanging back at all. This is the kind of defense the president needs and deserves. The best defense is a good offense, to extend the football analogy. This is what Gorka and Conway have been doing. This is what Sanders is doing. We are in the midst of a political civil war and Trump and his team must fight and win. The continuation and restoration of the Constitutional Republic depend upon it.

    I want Scaramucci (which means in Italian, “the guy who scares everybody a lot”) to take Stephanopolous’ head off. I want him to refuse interviews with anyone on CNN outside of Jake Tapper. And that’s because I want Tapper’s credibility destroyed. He has gone off the deep end. CNN will do that to a good reporter. And both he and his network need to be called out on it.

  2. Good for Scaramucci for telling them how it is up front because that is exactly how I feel but get condemned for it almost daily because I speak my mind and people don’t like it. Go after all of the ass holes in Washington and keep going until the swamp has been drained.tacking. the Libs are starting to run scared and they only know one thing and that is to attack but the problem is they don’ t know what they are attacking.

  3. There’s a new sheriff in town. And his name is Anthony “mooch” Scaramucci . Y’all be cool and respect the person at the podium, because if you don’t YOU will lose your press credentials and will not be invited back on my watch… Understand all you liberal pinheads. Right on and be cool.

  4. Go for it Tony!
    Don’t take crap from any of those traitors that call themselves representatives of the people! They only represent themselves.
    The only people who are against the Trump/Pense administration are those who want to see America fail and also to not lose their stealing of the peoples money!!

  5. Scaramucci is the Junk Yard Dog President Trump has direly needed since before day one.

    He has the talent and street smarts to use the Velvet Fist or the Steel Fist, whenever appropriate.

  6. I absolutely love Communications Director Scaramucci!! He is exactly what we needed in order to start draining this swamp of lame ass liberals/dems. We need more true American’s like him to be on our Presidents side. Maybe he has relatives such as himself we can put into office and get rid of all the leakers, libs/dems and replace them with real American’s because all of these idiot libs are completely useless and out of control. Lets show them who’s boss here!

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