Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s Says That God Is Her Role Model

White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was grilled about President Trump’s recent tweets about Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough.

Trump blasted the Morning Joe hosts as ‘Psycho Joe’ and ‘Crazy Mika’ before slamming the latter over a face-lift.

Numerous talking heads and politicians ripped into the President, getting together to universally state that his comments were ‘beneath the dignity’ of the office of the presidency.

When Sanders was asked about whether or not Trump’s actions were those of a leader, the conversation turned to whom she, herself, would consider a role model.

She quickly delivered an amazing four-word response – “I point to God.”

Her comments come at about the 6:20 mark …

Via the Independent Journal Review:

Sanders was asked by a reporter if, as a mother, she would defend the tweets to her children: “On a personal level, you have sat here and talked about your family from this podium, are you going to tell your kids this behavior is OK?”

Sanders dug in with her response, citing who is her ‘perfect’ role model: “Look, I’ve been asked before, when it comes to role models, as a person of faith, I think we all have one perfect role model and when I’m asked that question, I point to God. I point to my faith and that’s where I would tell me kids to look. None of us are perfect and certainly there’s only one that is and that’s where I would point that direction.”

It’s hard to argue with that assessment. Trump isn’t perfect. And there’s only One who can attain that goal.

That’s a pretty good lesson to teach your kids.

Sanders further defended the President by saying he was a “fighter” who “fights fire with fire.”

She had to respond to the tweets throughout most of the press conference, with the media clearly outraged at Trump’s comments.

“The president is pushing back against people who attack him day after day after day,” Sanders explained. “Where’s the outrage on that?”

Where indeed?

What did you think of Sarah Huckabee Sanders response about role models? Share your thoughts below!

11 thoughts on “Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s Says That God Is Her Role Model”

  1. This is pure trash. Asking the same question, over and over and over again, from every possible angle. These are not questions, these are furthering the attacks.

    1) These same people calling the president to some mythical higher standard (there is none) are the same people who will get on the air later in the day and slam him. How about they reach for some higher standard, instead of pleading “I’m a mere White House correspondent” or calling out their colleagues on their low standards instead of pleading “They’re mere morning chat hosts.”

    2) The attacks on the media are absolutely necessary, because the president must lay the media low, he must destroy it. It has declared a political civil war on him, and he has no choice but to win.

    3) Playing the woman card is disgusting. Mika is not sheltered from criticism by the mere fact of her womanhood. She trashed him. He trashed her right back. Hurts, donut? Why can women go after men’s looks, but men can’t go after women’s? Has La Code Chival been resurrected without my getting the memo? If so, where are Mika’s compensating duties, including the fundamental principle of acting like a lady at least in public.

  2. If someone really wants to claim that they hold Jesus as their role model, they need to ACTUALLY model their actions after Jesus.

    Nothing Trump has done qualifies as following Jesus. And those who claim to be Christians should be leading the charge against Trump’s mean spirited attacks.

    1. poopDavid – LEARN TO READ, idiot!! She said “GOD” not “JESUS”!!! If you are going to spout ridicule, at least make it from an ACTUAL quote. You are just as bad as the media, part of the truth or NONE of the truth, neither is acceptable.

  3. Remember Donald Trump is a man first, president second……..In other words, you can only trash, lie, back stab, and road block a person, before they have had enough and strike back first as the man, and then as the president……..Let up on him, let him do his job………….

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