Republicans Are Going After James Comey and Loretta Lynch

For months, conservatives have been wondering when action would be taken against former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Now, the moment of action has arrived!

Four House Republicans have sponsored legislation to investigate them both. The amendment would allow the Justice Department to examine Hillary Clinton’s emails and the details behind the shamefully-weak investigation.

Now, the American people are about to learn just how compromised this Obama-era investigation was:

House conservatives will launch an effort to conduct an official House Judiciary Committee-led congressional investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and fired former FBI director James Comey, a notorious leaker, Breitbart News can confirm exclusively.

Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) have drafted an amendment that would compel government cooperation with a congressional probe into Lynch’s and Comey’s activities.

Specifically, the amendment—a draft of which was obtained by Breitbart News—would compel the production of documents and evidence regarding Lynch’s order to Comey to “mislead the American people by starting he should refer to the investigation into the mishandling of classified data and use of an unauthorized email server by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a ‘matter,’ rather than a criminal ‘investigation.’”

The amendment specifically presses the Department of Justice to cooperate with the congressional investigation this would create, making it easier for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to probe these and the other matters laid out.

And the amendment has large, bi-partisan support!

It’s unclear as of yet when the amendment will be introduced. But many of its authors, after Breitbart News obtained a draft copy, confirmed their plans in statements or interviews.

“For the past several years, Democrats have obstructed justice and blocked every Congressional investigation imaginable,” Jordan said in an email. “Now they want to investigate? Ok, let’s investigate! Both parties have criticized James Comey over the past year for his performance as FBI director. Even Sen. Feinstein says there should be an investigation into Loretta Lynch and James Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation. Let’s have a special counsel for that and see how serious Congressional Democrats are about getting to the truth.”

“It’s time for Republicans in Congress to start playing offense,” Gaetz told Breitbart News in an emailed statement.

“My constituents ask the same questions that so many people want to know the answer to, and that is why have all these investigations stopped? There was a whole lot of fire there and they just seemed to end when the new administration came in and I think there’s two or three reasons,” Biggs said in a brief phone interview on Tuesday afternoon. “Number one, I think you want justice and that leads to number two—if you don’t have justice and you’re not following the rule of law then government and lawmakers and those who enforce the law are held in derision by the public. They lose faith and confidence in those they elect and so I think this is really important to get back to those basics and find out what happened and so that’s why I think it’s important.”

By getting to the bottom of Comey’s questionable leaking efforts – including the time he admitted he leaked documents through his Columbia Law professor friend Daniel Richman – and exploring Loretta Lynch’s cover-up efforts, we will now see just how far the Obama Administration was willing to go to help Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s investigation – and prosecution – should be next.

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This is a breaking news story. We will update this report as more details become available.

20 thoughts on “Republicans Are Going After James Comey and Loretta Lynch”

  1. Comey is not a one time only leaker. He certainly was planting loads of stories through his “friends and associates” immediately following his firing. But he and Drew McCabe were notorious leakers while at the FBI. And they leaked against both Dems and Pubs. By the time he leaked his notes or memos or whatever the bloody he\\ they were, he was already well practiced at the art of leaking. He leaked when he was Deputy Attorney General in the Bush administration, against the Bush administration. He leaked when he was a US Attorney. Leaking was just one of the tools he used as a bureaucratic politician of the first order. (That’s not a good thing, especially not in law enforcement.)

  2. Sessions doesn’t need an investigation. Comey’s investigation was adequate to indict Hillary now. However Comey made the lack of an indictment by not involving Lynch in not putting the option to her and closing the investigation a reason to suspect him for colluding with the administration to advance Hillary’s run for office.
    They forgot, however, that the tools for indictment are still on the table and the prosecutors can come from anywhere.

  3. You will have to get all of the documents that Obama has hidden in his “presidential library” AND finally disclose ALL of HRC’s emails?
    I CAN’T WAIT!!!
    Drain the SWAMP!!! MAGA!!!

  4. Clean out the FBI, too, especially those who smashed the hard drives on the server of Imran Aswan after the Capitol Police confiscated them and turned them over to the FBI.

  5. Yes. Affirmative.
    Send that perspiring “train wreck” to the women’s federal correctional facility located in Pence Springs, WV to Martha Stuarts old cell (after having that old Sears & Roebuck pantsuit peeled off her and hosed-off to be hygienically presentable to the prisons general population).
    They will have to separate Hillary and Huma Abedin – since lesbian sex with fellow inmates is an inmate conduct violation.

  6. I will believe this when & if it happens. American’s have lost all confidence in the justice system for doing nothing about Hillary’s crimes & for allowing people like Comey, Mueller, Lynch & Wasserman-Schultz to get away with covering up Clinton’s & Obozo’s crimes. Trump needs to fire Sessions & get a real bull dog in his position to go after these criminals! We are beyond fed up with this crap & the phony Russian collusion story! We don’t need anymore Russian sanctions either, this is ludicrous & wrong.

    1. Marilyn you are an idiot. TRUMP is THE MOST CORRUPT POTUS EVER!

      Sooooo. Trump says there is nothing wrong with collusion? Well, I AM currently colluding with Russia Myself…. hahaha because Trump says it is OK! I am making lots of money, too! ;-)

      1. Hey, “jeansandjackets…”, your little monkey boy homo, obama is the most corrupt, pathetic POS to ever violate our WH. Run along, stupid. We have a real president now.

      2. Jeans—– Clinton and their charity needs to be investigated. Obama absolutely broke our immigration laws and oath of office in front of all the world to see by his action and use of executive orders to aid and abet criminals that broke our immigration laws. And when the broke the oath he took to uphold our laws and the Constitution that was perjury, and treason. He should have been arrested by the Justice Department at that very moment. But we the people have become the ruled instead of the rulers as the Constitution states. The double and triple standards used by our Justice Department and our representatives are very obvious. They can commit crimes and plead ignorance, they did not know or it was bad judgement. If I plead ignorance or not knowing the law——-It (ignorance) is NO EXCUSE for me as a ( 2nd class citizens-a veteran) US citizens.

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