Quite Possibly The Dumbest Statement Ever Made By a Democrat … And That’s Saying Something


Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a case study in liberal lunacy on a normal day, but she really went off the rails during a recent interview on CNN.

Wasserman-Schultz claimed that Republican candidates were trying to “out Trump Donald Trump” by saying “yea, let’s kick women … out of the country.”

The only way that statement – that Republicans want to “kick women out of this country” – is true, is if she’s answering the question, ‘What’s the dumbest possible thing you can think of to say about Republicans?’

If that was the question, she nailed it.  Since it wasn’t, watch Debbie’s idiocy in full action …

Via the Examiner:

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is given to saying alarming things whenever a TV camera is present.

RealClearPolitics reported Sunday that she said a doozy on CNN’s “State of the Union” while inveighing against Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican presidential candidates.

She said, “Look, between the fifteen Republican candidates who are left, all of whom are trying to out-Trump Donald Trump by saying, ‘Yeah let’s kick women. Let’s kick them and immigrants out of this country. Let’s take away health care from women.’

The implications of the Republican presidential candidates, including Carly Fiorina, wanting to kick women out of the United States was left unevaluated.

Comment:  Is this the most outrageous claim you’ve ever heard made by a Democrat?

50 thoughts on “Quite Possibly The Dumbest Statement Ever Made By a Democrat … And That’s Saying Something”

  1. The Democrats need Lying Wasserman because they think she makes the ”worst” Democratic Killers of the Unborn look better. Anyone that wants people to ”think” he is the ”greatest” doesn’t want someone”smarter” than he is, that would make him look worse.

  2. She would make a great zombie. The women in the WH should be kicked out of the USA for being stupid and making brainless remarks. How in the world did those brainless women ever get in those positions…..oh yeah, thats right by the lefist libturd rump kissers.

  3. Here is the best question of the day. Which moron, Nancy Pelosi or Debbie Wasserman Shultz has made the most stupid statements that you can think of. Just goes to show you being a Democrat is a threat to your brains health. Since DWS couldn’t answer the question about the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist, ask her an even easier question. What is the difference between a Democrat and a Communist. Since a Democrat and a Socialist is the same and a Socialist and a Communist are the same it would make it easier for her to answer.

  4. Woopie, hopefully the Democrats will run a Hillary/Debbie ticket. The only thing dumber and skanky
    than this pair is an idiot that would vote for them.

  5. Remember, she is the chair of the DNC and when asked, couldn’t explain any difference between the Democratic party and the Socialist party. There is no difference anymore.

  6. At least the dumbest woman in the US Congress, certainly at a podium of any sort, and she doesn’t even give facts on which she bases her argument. Why should she, she’s aDumbocrat. Of course, all those Republican men who wage war on women also have wives, mothers and daughters. If Wasserman-Clinton are correct about this “war” angle, then the DNC should send volunteers quickly to check on those Republican wives, mothers and daughters for combat wounds? How stupid, Wasserman, go hold hands with NBC-Universal-Univision-MSNBC and join KLG on the couch, you do that one thing so well.

  7. A self-centered, self-obsessed person making a self-centered, self-obsessed statement. For her to continue to make statements about the “War on Women” only underscores how she completely devalues the human life of the unborn boys AND GIRLS that her policies murder every day.

    She is a murderer. Of course she sounds like a crazed maniac. SHE IS ONE.

  8. Um, not sure. Ever notice how liberal women are UGLY? That’s what spending your life peddling murder as a policy does to you and your body.

    What Debbie needs far more than new teeth is a change of heart from peddling murder to fostering life. Then I am certain her face would exemplify the beauty God designed her with and the corrected teeth would only then have a pay-off.


  10. Not to be too hard on the already “Challenged” but I just noticed that Debbie Dearest would benefit from a set of Braces to straighten out them chompers.

  11. She is the head liar, she even disallowed a member of her party access to the rebates because this person wanted more of them, Debbie should crawl back under the rock she came from.

  12. Hey……she may be making dumb statements…….but she’s leading the liberals and they have 50% of the American voters…..and the muslim vote…..and the illegal alien vote…….and whoever else has their hands out for freebies………

  13. I could list the numerous out LIES this woman spoke, but it is so blatantly obvious, I will not.

    The bigger problem is the way CNN allows her to say all of these malicious things and not even once challenge her.

    Schultz is a joke, CNN is a joke and anyone that believes a word of this clip is a joke.

  14. The Democrats need Lying Wasserman because they think she makes the ”worst” Democratic Killers of the Unborn look better. Anyone that wants people to ”think” he is the ”greatest” doesn’t want someone”smarter” than he is, that would make him look worse.

  15. She would make a great zombie. The women in the WH should be kicked out of the USA for being stupid and making brainless remarks. How in the world did those brainless women ever get in those positions…..oh yeah, thats right by the lefist libturd rump kissers.

  16. Here is the best question of the day. Which moron, Nancy Pelosi or Debbie Wasserman Shultz has made the most stupid statements that you can think of. Just goes to show you being a Democrat is a threat to your brains health. Since DWS couldn’t answer the question about the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist, ask her an even easier question. What is the difference between a Democrat and a Communist. Since a Democrat and a Socialist is the same and a Socialist and a Communist are the same it would make it easier for her to answer.

  17. At least the dumbest woman in the US Congress, certainly at a podium of any sort, and she doesn’t even give facts on which she bases her argument. Why should she, she’s aDumbocrat. Of course, all those Republican men who wage war on women also have wives, mothers and daughters. If Wasserman-Clinton are correct about this “war” angle, then the DNC should send volunteers quickly to check on those Republican wives, mothers and daughters for combat wounds? How stupid, Wasserman, go hold hands with NBC-Universal-Univision-MSNBC and join KLG on the couch, you do that one thing so well.

  18. A self-centered, self-obsessed person making a self-centered, self-obsessed statement. For her to continue to make statements about the “War on Women” only underscores how she completely devalues the human life of the unborn boys AND GIRLS that her policies murder every day.

    She is a murderer. Of course she sounds like a crazed maniac. SHE IS ONE.

    1. Um, not sure. Ever notice how liberal women are UGLY? That’s what spending your life peddling murder as a policy does to you and your body.

      What Debbie needs far more than new teeth is a change of heart from peddling murder to fostering life. Then I am certain her face would exemplify the beauty God designed her with and the corrected teeth would only then have a pay-off.

  19. Hey……she may be making dumb statements…….but she’s leading the liberals and they have 50% of the American voters…..and the muslim vote…..and the illegal alien vote…….and whoever else has their hands out for freebies………

  20. I could list the numerous out LIES this woman spoke, but it is so blatantly obvious, I will not.

    The bigger problem is the way CNN allows her to say all of these malicious things and not even once challenge her.

    Schultz is a joke, CNN is a joke and anyone that believes a word of this clip is a joke.

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