Presidential Candidate Julian Castro Laughs as Supporters Joke About Trump Being Sent to Prison

Democratic presidential hopeful Julian Castro laughed along with supporters who suggested that, when he is elected, Trump and his family will be ushered off to prison.

It’s a rare look at how the left truly does believe, despite being repeatedly unable to find criminal activity by the President, that he will be hauled away in cuffs along with his family.

And man, are they going to love every minute of it.

“On January 20th, 2021, I look forward to being there on the White House lawn when it’s customary for the incoming President to usher out the outgoing President,” he said. “You know that scene on the White House lawn?”

“To say goodbye to Donald Trump and Melania Trump,” he added. “They’re going to get ready to go off to New York or Mar-a-lago …”

“Prison,” someone interrupts.

Another beta male can be heard in the background shouting “Rikers … Rikers!”

All the while, Castro is laughing and smiling.

RELATED: Nancy Pelosi Says She Wants to See President TRUMP in PRISON!


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The video was taken Wednesday at a campaign stop in Oakland, California.

“I’m going to think about all of the little kids they’ve separated,” Castro lamented.

He must be referring to the Obama administration who had a policy in place of separating children from illegal alien adults as a means of keeping them safe, a tactic the President has continued for the same reasons.

The fantasies about Trump in prison aren’t just a one-off from a low-level candidate. Some very mainstream Democrats have openly dreamt of the same scenario.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to multiple sources in June, told her colleagues that she’d like to see the President in prison.

RELATED: Donald Trump Jr. Slams Castro: List of Trump Supporters Just Like Dayton Shooter’s Hit List

“I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” Pelosi reportedly told senior Democrats during a meeting with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler.

Castro, meanwhile, ran into some controversy back in August when his brother, Joaquin Castro, doxxed Trump donors in San Antonio, many of whom turned out to have donated to his own campaign.

GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel blasted Castro for his “dangerous, reckless” actions, demanding Pelosi condemn him.

Why would she? The Castro brothers and Pelosi are all in agreement – Trump, his family, and his supporters all need to be outed, shamed, and sent to prison.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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