Poll Shows Democrats Swayed Politically By Hollywood Far More Than Republicans

According to a new poll, Democratic Party voters are more easily influenced by entertainment – movies, television, music – than Republican voters are.

The poll was a joint project of The Hollywood Reporter and Morning Consult, where 2,200 people were surveyed on how Hollywood and entertainment in general influences their views on political and cultural issues such as LGBT rights, racism and climate change.

The survey pointed revealed a number of trends, but arguably the most interesting was that Democrat voters were more likely to have their views changed by Hollywood than Republicans.

When asked, “To what extent has your opinion about racism been changed by a docuseries, movie, or TV show like ‘Green Book’ or ‘Crash?’” 17 percent of Democrats responded “a lot.”

Only 4 percent of Republicans felt that way.

Hollywood Sways Democrats On Climate Change

When asked to “what extent has your opinion about climate change been changed by a docuseries, movie, or TV show like ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ or ‘Planet Earth?’” the findings were more stark.

27 percent of Democrats responded with a “lot.” But Republicans? Just 7 percent.


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This gap between Democrat and Republican voters could also be seen when it came to LGBT issues. When asked “to what extent has your opinion about LGBTQ people been changed by a docuseries, movie, or TV show like ‘Brokeback Mountain’ or ‘Modern Family?’” 15 percent of Democrats said a “lot.”

This was true of only 5 percent of Republicans.

This really shouldn’t surprise anyone. Hollywood has become so politicized that it seems more entertainers than not feel it is their duty to proselytize. You can’t go to the movies, a concert or watch television anymore without having rich actors try to tell you how to live your life and what to think.

It’s no secret Hollywood is overwhelmingly liberal, so why should anyone be shocked Democrats respond most favorably to that message?

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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