Politico: Buzz Building Over an AOC Presidential Run

Politico is reporting that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s work as a surrogate for Bernie Sanders is prompting buzz about a future presidential run of her own.

“As she’s drawn massive crowds,” the outlet fawns, “progressive insiders and activists are increasingly whispering about Ocasio-Cortez inheriting the movement one day — and running for the White House with it behind her.”

It’s rather difficult to digest whether or not Politico is actually sensing a groundswell of support for the notion, or if the buzz is in the author’s own head.

While offering numerous socialist sources as evidence that they believe AOC is – rightly so – the new leader of the Democrat party, the first tangible evidence offered of someone actually wanting her in the White House is … a chiropractor.

RELATED: Sanders: AOC Will ‘No Question’ Be a Part of His White House


Here’s The Buzz

Politico’s piece begins with a screaming headline: “AOC for president? The buzz has begun.”

The sourcing, however, is weak.

“Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez’s fans have also begun thinking about AOC 2024 or 2028,” the report reads. “At their rally in Los Angeles, chiropractor Samuel Aguilera predicted that Ocasio-Cortez will eventually run for the White House.”

“I’m excited about that. She’s intelligent,” Aguilera claimed without evidence. “I’ve got three daughters, and I’m excited that she’s opening up our opportunities for women.”

Next up as proof that there is massive support for AOC’s future presidential bid – a random audience member at one of her events shouting, “Ocasio-Cortez 2020!”

RELATED: CBS Asks AOC How A Woman of Color Could Back ‘Old White Guy’ Bernie Sanders


AOC 2024?

While proof of a buzz surrounding AOC’s presidential plans is sparse, there is no shortage of fellow socialists and Democrat party figures heaping praise on her as the future of America.

“She’s an important national voice and adding her weight to the political revolution is a real coup for us,” one long-time adviser to Sanders stated.

“She has gripped the attention of fellow millennials across the country,” adds Will Rodriguez-Kennedy, president of the California Young Democrats. “The Green New Deal has changed the conversation on environmental action in the Democratic Party.”

If making a mockery of your own party is the future for Democrats then, by all means, keep holding AOC up on a pedestal. This is the same woman who recently complained that multiple health insurance choices were too complex to understand.

She is currently leading the party off a cliff, as evidenced by the impeachment charade and Trump’s polling numbers.

Furthermore, Ocasio-Cortez just turned 30 in October. The Constitution states that eligible candidates be at least 35. Meaning she would be unable to pursue the presidency until at least 2024.

That doesn’t mean she won’t play an integral role in the White House well before then if Sanders somehow defeats President Trump.

“If I am in the White House, she will play a very, very important role,” Sanders told ABC in November. “No question.”

If that happens, America may not survive until 2024.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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