Police Chief Pushes Back On Tlaib’s Statement That Only Black People Should Be Facial Recognition Analysts

When Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib said recently that only black people should be hired as facial recognition analysts, Detroit Police Chief James Craig was appalled.

Tlaib made these statements at the Detroit Police Department’s Real Time Crime Center on Monday, where the department uses facial recognition technology to try to find suspects. There, Craig was demonstrating to Tlaib how the system works. The department invited Tlaib to visit after she tweeted them, calling facial recognition technology “bull****.”

RELATED: Rashida Tlaib Poses For Pictures With Group Accused of ‘Glorifying Terrorists’

‘Analysts need to be African-Americans’

“Analysts need to be African-Americans, not people that are not,” Tlaib said. “It’s true, I think non-African-Americans think African-Americans all look the same!”

Tlaib also said that “the error rate among African-Americans, especially women,” was 60 percent in terms of confusing different people.

Craig refuted Tlaib’s claims during an interview on Fox & Friends Thursday.

“It’s a software. It’s biometrics,” Craig said. “And, to put race in it … we’re talking about trained professionals. My staff goes through intense training with the FBI, and so they’re not looking at race but it’s measurements. We were appalled when she made this statement.”

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“We even put her in the seat of an analyst so she could understand how it works!” Craig explained. “And, she was somewhat resistant. Not really interested. But, it was important for me to invite her in after she made her initial comments. So, at least she could learn something about how we use it and maybe have a great appreciation for it.”

‘If I had made the exact same comment, they would’ve been calling for my resignation’

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The Detroit News, who covered Tlaib’s tour of the department,  asked Tlaib after she said only black people should be hired to use the software, “Are you saying white people are not qualified to–?”

“No, I think there’s actually been studies out that it’s hard for, you know, like African-Americans would identify African-Americans, similar, Latino same thing,” Tlaib responded.

“This is a double standard,” Craig said Thursday. “If I had made the exact same comment, they would’ve been calling for my resignation and she would have been leading that charge. That’s a fact.”

RELATED: Bill Maher Fires Back at Tlaib Over Call For Boycott

“We know [there are] flaws in the technology,” he continued. “We’ve addressed that through the rigorous system that we have in place. So, we have a modeled approach on how we use this technology very effectively.”

Don’t expect the police chief’s words or invitation to have any affect on Rep. Tlaib, as it sounds like she already had her mind made up before she got there.

37 thoughts on “Police Chief Pushes Back On Tlaib’s Statement That Only Black People Should Be Facial Recognition Analysts”

  1. Racism is alive and well in Rashida Tlaib’s home. Why is she allowed her racist rants but anyone else would be censured or fined. The 1st Amendment allows for freedom of speech, but does it allow for freedom of racism?

  2. She didn’t sit for the recognition because it would have shown that she was related to the Missing Link. Either that or the face listed next to the work ‘Moron’ in the dictionary.

  3. rangerrebew1947

    I was rereading Washington’s Farewell Address for the umpteenth time yesterday and find it striking how Washington warned America about the mess in which America finds itself today. He warned that if there wasn’t unity and patriotism the country would begin to sink and die. If he were alive today he would have railed against “diversity,” which has a root word of divide, and told us in no uncertain terms we need to be together, not divided as the congressmuslim wants. The Farewell Address used to be taught in H.S. but now it is unlikely you can find it in any schools, thanks to liberals. The left has been trying to destroy his credibility by destroying murals that feature him and statues of him. If you want to see why this country is in such bad shape and learn we were warned, I encourage you to read the Address.

  4. Did he figure out that if you claim only black people can recognize other black people the only reason to have all black people employed to ID criminals, then she is also saying all crimes are committed by black people. Way yo go racist twit it is true racists are stupid.

  5. It would appear “Tweety-Bird” Tlaib uses an entire tube of lipstick to smear her dainty little face. As for her civilized compatibility with Americans, I doubt if she has any idea what civilization is all about.

  6. Well, YEAH, she IS. What part of she is a LYING MUSLIM using Taqiyya on us infidels to deceive and demonize did you MISS when she SLITHERED into our Congress, along with that OTHER lying Muslin THING, Ilhan Omar?

  7. I have been a fan of Chief Craig ever since he advised citizens to arm themselves. He said he does not advocate gun violence but advocates not becoming a victim! How profound is that? Oh, by the way, I am white and I am a fan of a black Police chief, James Craig!

  8. Because they’re: 1) Extreme Leftist Liberals 2) Women 3) Minorities 4) Anti-Semites 5) Not Christian 6) Obnoxious 7) Media Darlings 8) Hard core haters of PRESIDENT TRUMP 9) Republican’ts are deathly afraid of them
    In other words, PERFECT DEMOCRATS

  9. Many many years ago, SOME PEOPLE THAT WERE then prejudiced may have said those things about blacks. However many years have passed and we have moved on to better times in the U.S., our country is no longer the prejudiced country it was by SOME, only some. SHE IS A LIAR

  10. “She already had her mind made up before she got there” – -how true.. You can’t change the mind of, nor educate a lying, bigoted, racist anti-semitic carp. By the way, “carp” is a “trash fish”, good for nothing except garden fertilizer.

  11. What a nerve Rashida Tlaib has!! What about HER? I would prefer she & her people had extra precautions, considering 9/11, the Boston bombings, & several other attacks! Black people don’t have that record!

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