Pelosi Frets: End of the World If Trump Wins in 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suffered yet another “nervous fit” during a town hall event on CNN, claiming “civilization as we know it” might not survive another four years of President Trump.

“The damage that this administration has done to America, America’s a great country,” she blathered on. “We can sustain. Two terms, I don’t know.”

When asked about what the House could do to keep Trump in check should he win reelection, Pelosi admitted she couldn’t even bear the thought.

“Let’s not even contemplate that,” Pelosi said.

“Civilization, as we know it today, is at stake in the next election, and certainly our planet,” she added.

RELATED: Trump Mocks Pelosi For Having ‘Nervous Fit’ When Reporter Asks If She Hates Him

Nervous Nancy

Knowing she’s being worked like a puppet by extremists in her party appears to be weighing on Nervous Nancy.

Aside from claiming that the sky is falling, Madame Speaker spent yesterday scolding a reporter for daring to ask a rhetorical question on whether or not she hates the President.

Despite it being clear that she does, Pelosi lost her cool and eviscerated the reporter by invoking her Catholic faith and saying: “I don’t hate anyone. I pray for the president all the time. So don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that.”

The President was quick to mock the California Democrat for having a “nervous fit” and lying about praying for him all the time.

It’s clear the nervous fit didn’t end there.

RELATED: Nancy Pelosi: It’s Too Dangerous to Let the American People Decide Trump’s Fate

Changing Her Tune

Pelosi’s comments are yet another obvious sign that her impeachment push is solely about the upcoming election.

She admitted as much following her meltdown over the word ‘hate.’

“I think this president is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence. I think that he is cruel when he doesn’t deal with helping our ‘Dreamers,’ of which we are very proud of. I think he is in denial about the climate crisis. However, that’s about the election.”

It’s a far cry from days gone by when she tried to convince voters that Democrats had no interest in pursuing impeachment, to full-throated support of taking down the President.

“I’m not for impeachment,” Pelosi said just nine months ago. “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country.”

There’s been nothing compelling, overwhelming, or bipartisan since then. So what changed?

She got shoved by the Squad.

New York socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanded Democrats move forward on impeachment, declaring it an “emergency.”

And boy, did Nancy jump. She went from a level-headed assessment of needing actual impeachable evidence, to dancing to the delight of AOC while singing REM’s ‘It’s the End of the World As We Know It.’

230 thoughts on “Pelosi Frets: End of the World If Trump Wins in 2020”

  1. I wonder what aoc and her squad is up to now .they haven’t been seen or heard from scince this fake impeachment started .escorting more illegal immigrants across the border. Trying to keep the kickbacks from the drugs and guns and human trafficking and gangbangers crossing the border illegally. The Democrats are the only ones who the world is going to end for if they keep pushing this illegal impeachment crap.they don’t take warnings very seriously keep pushing this illegal impeachment and you will lose your jobs. How are you going to impeach anyone if you are no longer in charge of anything????????????? vote Trump in 2020 clean the swamp of all Democrats

  2. Pelosis world is crumbling around her .the Democrats corruption is being exposed to the country and they know it their time is up we will get them out of office and any Democrat that get in office will soon regret it

  3. I would like to see the Madame Speaker have a another nervous fit bleeding from her eyes to show us how upset she really is on National news. Maybe Chuck can follow suit bleeding from his ears as she screeches.


  5. What a lunatic. She shouldn’t be allowed to roam free. What can 1 man do to cause the demise of the country, let alone the planet? This woman is completely crazy.

  6. She is demented and should be locked up. This woman has lost all her marbles. Yeah Nancy, the world will not survive the record unemployment and stock market wealth. What a putz!

  7. It certainly will end if the democrats get into power in 2020 what with no borders so any gang member and drug dealer will be allowed to come in ,kill,rape and mutilate your kids and you won’t be able to do anything about it otherwise you get arrested for being a racist, and if you manage to keep your job you’ll have another set of taxes (fines for not being a mudslime)
    Oh and if you’re in the armed forces get ready to use the next toy gun from Mattel because that’s all you’ll be allowed to use (just in case you hurt someone and they decide to sue)

  8. Let’s see. The Japs bombed Pearl Harbor and swept across the Pacific. That is an existential threat. How did we handle that? Four years later we could have Nuked them until the Japanese were extinct. Donald Trump has been an extraordinarily productive President. That is not an existential threat. However the democrats are. Wouldn’t be a bad result if the voters make them extinct.

  9. Assimilation or Disintegration of America: A Sobering Look at Our Country’s Uncertain Future

    “Any culture that will not defend itself against displacement through mass immigration faces extinction. That includes both time-tested and successful cultures. Embracing diversity results in cultural suicide. America’s multicultural path guarantees its destruction via cultural clashes and conflict with Islam, Mexican and African cultures that diametrically oppose American culture. The more diverse a country, the more destructive and broken-down its future. The more people, the more it destroys its quality of life and standard of living.

  10. Communism Can’t Happen In America, Or Can It?

    This list are some of the results of socialist policies currently in America.

    Single Payer

    Education, NCLB , Race to the Top, Common Core

    Green New Deal, Sustainability, Smart Cities, Smart Cars, Smart appliances


    Gun Control

    Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

    Eliminating fossil fuel, meat, straws

    Man Made Global Warming


    Drugs, Liquor, Addiction

    Sex, Sex or Human Trafficking

    Selling Body Parts

    Giving away technology

    Crumbling infrastructure

    Selling American land and resources to Communist China, Russia

    Open Border

    Forcing Americans to pay for immigrants and illegal entitlements

    Accepting radicals as “normal” calling them just a lone wolf

    Regionalism allowing unelected bureaucrats to have the law making power

    Loss of personal property in the name of fairness

    Forcing people to act against their belief system

    Affirmative Action now in SAT

    Food Stamps

    Demonizing law enforcement

  11. Nancy is wise. experienced, and knows a fraud, a corrupt liar, and a traitor when she sees one. It is comrade Trumpski who is unbalanced and his teeny tiny mind has lost all concept of reality; he should be committed if he is not imprisoned. His latest wisdom? Flush your toilet 10, 15 times a day? All comrade Trumpski cares about is himself, Putin, and maybe his stupid spawn.

  12. If she and her minions got in the WH, we would end up like SanFrancisco with feces, dirty needles, poverty, enslavement, all our rights taken away ! This country would be destroyed with continuing to murder babies, legalized pedophlia, gays destroying our children, criminal illegals causing more crimes, rape, murder, and the threat of taking away our due process like they did to our POTUS with this unconstitutional bogus impeachment hearing! These people are criminals who have enriched themselves off the pain and suffering of the people with taking money from the cabal to allow sex and drug trafficking! They are a cancer to our very lives!

  13. “I think this president is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence. I think that he is cruel when he doesn’t deal with helping our ‘Dreamers,’ of which we are very proud of. I think he is in denial about the climate crisis. However, that’s about the election.”
    Helping them how? Like when Obama helped? How? What do we need to do for these kids? How about teach them gun safety so they aren’t afraid? And as for Dreamers, I’m certainly not proud that Obama let in a bunch of illegals and allowed them to stay simply because their parents dragged them thousands of miles, crawled under a fence or swam a river to get them here illegally so they can live off of American citizens. She might be proud, I’m pissed. Send them all back and let them come here legally. She’s deranged and the only thing she is proving is that we NEED another four years of Donald Trump.

  14. Oh yes, the stock market will continue to sore, those who want a job will be able to find a good paying one, we will provide other countries energy products at good prices without the threat of bring turned into satellite communist countries. These are a few of the things which may make the world end. Nancy if you would do your job, instead of cowtowing to those wack jobs in the Democrat party maybe people in your districts wouldn’t have to dodge rats, flying excrement filled buckets, or stop the business from fleeing your home districts. Yes Nancy, do your job…?????????

  15. Nice try, a$$hole. I’m Jewish. My father was a Holocaust survivor.

    But speaking of swastikas and Catholics…Hitler was never excommunicated by your Church.

  16. Pelosi is a complete raving lunatic… My world will Be MUCH better with Trump in office… OUR world will be destroyed if ANY democRAT swamp rat gains power…

    God bless president Trump SAVE AMERICA AND VOTE TRUMP 2020

  17. This is clearly the definition of Bat-Sheet Crazy! Now, everyone can see the perfect example of a liberal loon at its best. This hag is definitely missing some of her marbles to actually tell reporters the world is going to end if Trump is re-elected. If this isn’t proof of treason and sedition, I don’t know what is. ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NUTS!!! The scary part is she really, really believes it. Her eyes just glaze over like she is in the moment of a mental breakdown.

  18. That’s it..she’s ready for the looney bin. Get the white jacket and padded cell ready. Total whack job at this point. She should be removed from her position immediately. She truly is a detriment to this country and should not be making any decisions whatsoever

  19. It is the other way around. If Democrats win the White House in 2020, our country is finished. Obama nearly killed our country by his trying to make us a third world country so we will be like most of Africa; poor and dependent on other countries to survive. That is why he gave the UN so much money for climate change. He wanted the UN to be the arbitrator of everything. He brought in thousands of Muslims from Somalia, Nigeria, and other African countries in order to change our country into a Muslim one; eventually. Contrary to what the media and Obama say, he is definitely a Muslim who was born in the country that is now known as Kenya. That is why he has never shown a legitimate birth certificate and Hawaii can not show us one either.

  20. The world will end if Democrats get in 2020. NO BORDERS. Billions of Illegal Aliens who will get more privileges than Americans. FREE MEDICARE, FREE SOCIAL SECURITY, ABILITY TO VOTE. That will be very bad for our Country. They will definitely raise taxes to pay for their rich lifestyle. They will MURDER infant babies when they are just born. Pelosi claims to be a Christian, well I don’t agree they wouldn’t MURDER newborn babies. There is nothing they will do to help Americans.

  21. Pelosi; “The sky is falling, the sky is falling”. “Oops, that damn upstairs toilet overflowed again. Now what was I saying?” “Oh, yes the sky will fall unless we can get some more healthy, patriotic souls like we have in the odd squad”.

  22. And why would you brag about being in Cuba. Your buddy Obama open it up for travel so you could say you have been there. I spent 4 years in Vietnam, how about you? Cuba would be a beautiful country and would flourish in the tourist industry if it had a decent democratic government.

  23. Hey Abbie, I’m still waiting for the answer to the question I asked you. You just going to ignore it or is it to tough. Maybe you didn’t see it, I can send it again if you want?

  24. Mumbles has finally lost it. Anyone who stutters, while their eyes are twitching and blinking, followed by a grin, while trying to convince you, their telling you the truth is
    Bat-sheet crazy. What’s even scarier, she really believes what she is saying. That POTUS will cause the end of the world if re-elected. Please, someone give her a new bag of marbles. She lost hers several years ago, and she is scaring the crap out of the country.

  25. Hate to tell you this Nancy because you are so “Catholic” but you got your “Lords” mixed up. You are totally honoring the dark lord – You might know him as George Soros. After all, he keeps telling people he is some kind of God, yet he is an atheist. It works exactly the way you are presenting yourself.

  26. His friends don’t seem to be interested in politics at all. I don’t think he discusses much with associates at work. But, again, I trust his opinion. We’ll start seeing if he’s right in about 10 or 15 years, I guess!

  27. Hopefully, that won’t happen. First, we need to re-elect President Trump while we retake the House and hold on to the Senate. Then we can start thinking about the 2024 election
    . . . !

  28. It depends. If he/she is a cold-blooded, vicious, evil killer – yes, the death penalty; an eye for an eye. But too many times there has been the death penalty where it was not deserved. As for Pelosi and her abortion-approving co-horts, whether Catholic or not, they are going completely against God’s plans. She is such a phony claiming to be Catholic yet approving of the sin of abortion She and Biden share that mortal sin. Catholic in name only.

  29. Good luck with that. Remember, at their age they already know everything they need to know, and older people are foggy-brained and aren’t “with it”.

  30. We are going to change that and inform the young ones that socialism sucks and do you want to be dirt poor and have the government control your life from cradle to grave ? NO . Ask them do you want to lose your Freedom. The USA is the only country in the world which has Freedom. Think about that. We are going to inform them otherwise.

  31. Democrats are notorious of blaming the other side of exactly what would happen if the Socialists *Democrats) got in. They would control our lives from cradle to grave. We would lose our Freedom and we would become dirt poor like Venezuela, Cuba, and Mexico. I don’t think so. She needs to go back to San Fran and clean up all the poop on their sidewalks and Retire. We have had enough of her and her hypocritical personalty. Enough is Enough !!!

  32. It sometimes happens that, when kids are raised in a Republican household, they attempt to show their independence by voting a way they know the parents wouldn’t like..just because they can.

  33. Very true. All the financial dealings they arranged for in their positions of power are becoming unglued under this POTUS. Paranoia has set in. Their means of getting wealthy has now started to end and it has taken a business smart President to figure it out and not get caught up in the same unscrupulous schemes.

  34. what ‘Damage’ Nancy? the best the economy has been in a long time and lowest unemployment? I’d say you’re off your rocker. 4 More Years!! TRUMP 2020!!

  35. St. Nancy may claim she is Catholic, but she does not practice the faith. I refer her to the Catechism of the Catholic Church; she has excommunicated herself from the church. Nancy, please review Canons 1463, 2272, and 2322. A bishop merely formalizes the process, but she has de facto removed herself from the church. It is an affront to all practicing Catholics when she lies. Oh, I almost forgot, the Lord stated clearly in the Ten Commandments (not suggestions) that thou shalt not lie. Oops …

  36. Is it any wonder WHY America is divided when there are people like Pelosi spewing such nonsense to uninformed people? She knows exactly what she is doing! Pelosi is stirring pots, creating fear, and further dividing a nation that is already trying to recover from the division created under Obama. Pelosi, you are reprehensible and a PATHETIC political hack.

  37. PSSSSTTTT!! Hey Nancy ,is the world going to end because Trump’s economy is doing so well and businesses are coming back to America & increasing the labor force? You make road kill on a foot path look brighter than the House of Congress which you lead.

  38. Problem is convincing the left … their minds have been extremely poisoned by these democRAT swamp rats and the MSM..spreading their vicious lies and extreme hate about Trump…. they refused to listen to the truth…

  39. a lot of those ‘adult folks’ have been blinded by the democRATS and their promises of free free free… The democRATS have poisoned their minds with all their vicious lies about Trump … Try telling one who’s mind has been poisoned by their lies and they refuse to hear the truth… I have a friend who’s mind has been poisoned by the lies of the DemocRATS, MSM and left and she refuses to hear the truth… She believes all the lies being spread and blames anything that goes wrong on Trump … The ONLY ones tearing apart our country are the democRAT swamp rats with their vicious lies and extreme hate..

  40. Many are blind.. their minds have been poisoned by all the vicious lies about President Trump by the democRAT swamp rats… ANYONE with a brain should be seeing how destructive these democRATS are… and how they want to destroy our country…
    God bless Trump for all he has done and is doing for the American people and our country… SAVE AMERICA AND VOTE TRUMP 2020

  41. Pelosi’s civilization, as she knows it, is where career politicians, primarily Democrats, like herself, remain in power forever, working deals for self enrichment. Look what she’s done for her own district, nothing. The current Socialist Democrat party would destroy America. When someone wags their index finger in your face, like she did, they are having a power surge and want to Lord over you by making you feel less important.

  42. The young voters, the oblivious, emotionally ruled fools will blindly vote AGAINST PRESIDENT Trump and Republicans. Fully adult folks might actually see what the demonicratic socialist party has become.

  43. No…I had my Russian and Ukranian-born grandparents who were union leaders in the Boston area. I learned from them as a child in the 60s.

    By the way..I have been to Cuba. Have you?

  44. It’s just about the election cycle time for Hollywood’s has beens to start prof fessing their love for Canada not Mexico .Now they want all of Mexico to come here .but their going to leave the USA for Canada if Trump wins.You know the Chers,Striesands,Madonnas that never leave after Trump wins.The Empty promise sisters.

  45. Been thinking about this Hoffman. Right now between Reagan and Trump they have 11 years in office Nancy has 3 times that. Prove to us here that Nancy has a better record of things accomplished for the country than those two.

  46. Do you realize that you have a better economy and job market created by president trump in less than 3 years than Obama gave the country in 8 years? Go and try to find a way to deny the stock market numbers and the job reports

  47. Where is the quote where he says he is above the law. Cite it for every one here please and then go back to CNN with your comments. He is the President of the United States and the twits in the house have been treating him like he is a Paige in the house

  48. Like the swastika tattoo on your forehead? That is what your “people” do, right? The democrat vision of Sodom & Gomorrah for America is well known. Go put on your gown and lurk in women’s bathrooms.

  49. Will the voters in California please wake up and realize that you have just been told by one of the longest running Representative in California that you can’t be trusted to cast your vote correctly. You have consistently elected her to 17 terms to congress, At 79 years of age the pressure of the job is getting to her and it is up to the voters of California to approve her retirement papers. It would be to the benefit of the country

  50. Trump was elected because patriots realized Clinton, Pelosi and the DNC fully intended to destroy American meritocracy, capitalism, the right of self-defense and Christianity and would import Islam to do it if necessary.

  51. If the Democrats hold onto the House, that is possible. Pelosi may be fighting for her political future.

    Talk about scary: AOC third in the line of Presidential succession . . .
    yes, we need to win back the House . . . !

  52. It is not what President Trump will do to the United States. It is what corruption has been caused by Liberal Democrats andLiberal Celebrities who have sold their souls to Soros, the Shadow Government, and those who would destroy our country. I can’t wait for all those who said they were leaving the United States if Trump became President to get to leaving. What’s you hold up leave already.

  53. AOC and her EQUALLY intellectually-challenged “squad” seem to be running things in the House. Maybe they’ll elect HER Speaker of the House.

    It would behoove us to ensure they don’t get the chance. NOBODY should ever vote for a DEMMUNIST for ANY office at any level! They have PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt that they should NEVER be trusted with political power at ANY level!

  54. Funny how it’s the LEFT who always uses FASCIST tactics, and yet they are constantly calling us “Fascist.” Just one more example of “accuse your opponents of what you, yourself ARE or are doing.” Straight out of Allinsky’s playbook. Whatever Commie school was in charge of brainwashing and indoctrinating you to be a good little Communist sheep who would NEVER question the actions of his Communist masters must be sooo proud.

  55. The damage that Pelosi and her gang has done since Obama was there is the real tragedy. With Trump we stand a chance of reclaiming our country Pelosi will you please get out of Washington now and take your crooked cabinet with you. You are not wanted by anyone , least of all Americans.

  56. And Nancy keeps reminding him of that. I hope she remembers the laws she says she is supposed to be abiding by since she proclaims to be a catholic. Especially the one about thou shall not kill (that includes the unborn and now in places as soon as the baby is born)

  57. The Leftists are so desperate that their Plan B is to continue to impeach President Trump over and over again, as they’ve already stated there is no limit to the amount of times a president can be impeached. So they’re going to continue this circus for 4 more years to impede anything the President wants to do for Americans? You bet they will.

  58. the rabid pack of jackals of the left who threatened to leave the country pretty much didn’t do it—so, not much hope she would ‘keep her word’ on anything like that.

  59. Actions speak louder than words. Pelosi talks about Trump like she hates him and he is Satan to her and our country, but if he was an ordinary citizen and donated some money to her and the Dems, she would love him no matter what he says or does. These people who have been in Congress too long will sell their souls to the devil for a dime, a vote, and power. It is definitely a sign of weakness to try to hide behind your religion to explain how people are suppose to feel about what you do and say. She is probably spending a lot of time in the confession booth these days.

  60. Nancy has lost all’. The Speaker ship of the house. Her gavel. The respect of her members. Her cool. After this witch hunt she will go down in disgrace for the way she frittered the tax payers tme and money away on an Impeachment while her electorate begged for the Trade bill. Tax relief, Prescription drug price cuts. She appointed and Insane little dictator to manage one of the most important happenings of her career. This last sad chapter in her career will be her legacy.

  61. Pelosi is losing it so badly that she is obviously totally irrational and she just gave the Commiecrats a perfect excuse for dropping the Witch hunt ongoing. If they were smart (which they obviously are NOT), they would relegate her to a rubber room for her own protection and, much more importantly: OURS!

  62. i think that if (God forbid) the Dems hold the house in 2020. Nancy will be dethroned. And given the chaos in the DEM caucus, we may well end up with an even bigger twit as speaker

  63. Rusty just proved that there is no communication between the press and the Demokratz. Nancy said “I PREY for the President,,,” What Rusty heard was, “I PRAY for the President…”

  64. Not as long as we have to deal with people like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Eric Swallwall, A.O.C. and which ever ding batty democrat wins the DNC nomination next July!

  65. And here’s ANOTHER fun fact that NOBODY seems to be talking about. They’re saying Pres. Trump was trying to get dirt on his political opponent by asking them to investigate Biden. But at the time that phone call took place, Biden was NOT YET in the race, and therefore was NOT Trump’s political opponent for the election. Wonder why the media always “forgets” to mention that little detail while they’re pushing the Dems’ impeachment agenda?

  66. Nancy, Adam Schiff-for-Brains and others, including BIDEN and his coke-snorting son, have reaped HUGE profits from the corruption in Ukraine under their former corrupt government. ALL OF THEM had their kids on the boards of Ukraine energy companies, making BIG BUCKS, as a way of LAUNDERING the bribes they received, though NONE of said kids had ANY experience or qualifications for those jobs. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize a “pay for play” scheme when they see it! Of COURSE they want to impeach Pres. Trump before his investigations can EXPOSE them for the corrupt, bribe-taking TRAITORS they are.

    You notice when they really went into impeachment MELT-DOWN was when they heard about Pres. Trump making that call to ask the President of Ukraine to INVESTIGATE those dirty dealings? I don’t think it is a coincidence that THIS is when their impeachment frenzy kicked into HIGH GEAR. The ONLY witness in this “impeachment” farce who ever MET Pres. Trump or even TALKED to him on the phone was the Ambassador to the European Union. And even HE testified that when he asked Pres. Trump what he wanted from the Ukrainians, Pres. Trump said he wanted NOTHING–just for the new President of Ukraine to do the right thing. THAT is the “crime” they’re trying to impeach him for, because they KNOW that any kind of in-depth investigation is going to reveal their OWN bribe-taking and corruption in Ukraine. Just another case of “accuse the other guy of what YOU are already doing!

  67. Definite issue regarding millennials. My son thinks Generation Z, the next generation, will be more conservative and practical than the millennials. (Hopefully, he is right!)

  68. Winning back the House and keeping the Senate is paramount. We don’t need the third person in the presidential line of succession to be the possibly-deranged Nancy Pelosi.

  69. AWWWW! Put her on a 2:00 am version of Saturday Nite Dead! (er I mean Live!) She must be so very miserable and hate-filled that she has a hard time living with herself. One suggestion is that her husband arrange an appointment with a neurologist for her!!!

  70. If she is medically ill or whatever, this would create an even stronger argument for term limits. She’s been in Congress for what seems like forever. Term limits would, obviously, prevent this from happening. We don’t need the third person in the line of presidential succession suffering from dementia.

  71. Nancy has been unhinged for a very long time now the entire democrat party has become totally unglued. Great to watch from the sideline.

    Trump 2020! Yep the voters will have your party Nancy crying again in 2020!

  72. Trump has stopped the democrat socialist take over. Pelosi and her insane hate for the good of our country needs to go. Our country is strong , we have survived 8 years of Obama’s socialist crime wave. Our hope for the future remains Trump taking down Pelosi and her deep state. She is a danger to herself and others. Bring out the straight jacket.

  73. This delusional, corrupt old crone actually believes that HER position as Speaker of the House is EQUAL to the Presidency. No, it ISN’T. Is SHE the Commander-in-Chief of our military? No, she’s NOT, and thank GOD for that! Is SHE responsible for national security? No, she’s NOT, and, again, thank GOD for that. President Trump has MANY more responsibilities–and the power to get them done–and no, Nancy DOESN’T. She’s just a hateful, venomous, SENILE old CRONE, member of a hateful and venomous, America-hating PARTY.

  74. I have seen a similar reaction, and statements like this before, when my Mother in law slipped into Dementia at about the same age. She would have periods of sudden almost panic about things that there was no real reason to be upset about. Perhaps some testing might be in order??

  75. What can be done to “rein in” Pres. Trump? Seems to me, the question we need to ask is, what can be done to rein in these SEDITIOUS TRAITORS who are ACTIVELY CONSPIRING to overthrow a duly-elected American President. The House of Representatives have done exactly NOTHING to address ANY of the problems facing this country .They were TOO BUSY plotting multiple coups against the President to actually, you know, DO THE JOBS THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO! This banana republic dictator CRAP they are pulling is NOT how things are done in America, so how do we put a stop to that?

    I’ll tell you how–vote ALL their sorry fannies out of office when they come up for reelection! NOBODY should vote for a DEMMUNIST for ANY office, because the ONLY thing they can be trusted to do with political power at ANY level is ABUSE IT.

  76. It’s amusing to see people losing their minds in real time. Slowly, their brains start to misfire and then they start spewing garbage talk. It looks like the last stages of mental collapse are the twitches and jerks as the lies pour out of their mouths.

  77. Those who are paying attention do see the Dems falling apart. But if you go ask young people at schools or on the street, they have zero idea, don’t know who Pelosi is, don’t know who the Vice President is, and, furthermore, they don’t see any reason why they should know or care. If placed inside a voting both, they will vote Democrat.

  78. Indeed, REAL Americans are certainly hoping the 2020 elections will
    be the END of socialism in the US. Noting could be better for our GREAT
    NATION than to rid ourselves those evil {~expletive~} who are trying to
    destroy our country!

  79. LOL, Nancy Pelosi is losing her mind. She looks on the verge of a breakdown. Poor thing. Bless her heart. There’s no telling WHAT she will do when Trump wins re-election. This is getting good! Go Nancy GO! Someone pass me the popcorn! LOLOL

  80. Nancy Pelosi has always seemed mentally unbalanced. She is right about one thing though, the fate of our country will rest on the outcome of the next election. If the democrats win, this country is toasted. I have been joyfully watching the democratic party falling apart. They are self destructing, and after watching some of the crazy and illegal actions of the democratic leadership, their self destruction is a good thing.

  81. I believe good old Nancy is 79 years of age! what on earth is She still doing being so active and in such a prominent position in politics!? for Heaven’s sake unless someone of that age happens to be exceptionally brilliant, which she is Not, then really such an individual ought to be long retired! go Nancy go!

  82. If these traitor Democrats take over the Senate, America will be doomed for destruction. We need to retake the house so we can get rid of that evil witch once and for all. These people don’t give a damn about America. They just want power and your tax dollars.

  83. Whatsamatteryou

    So much damage by the evil orange man strong economy low unemployment strong military securing the border and so many more bad things Trump has done he must go. Hey Nancy the formaldehyde is leaking from your brain.

  84. To have a bunch of crazy Dem running Congress is what our nation can not stand! The Dem’s and what they portray to the world is what is affecting America! The French and Canadians were really friendly to Trump until Dem’s continue to go a rampage and Pelosi going to UN. What does that show to the world? That a House divided can not stand!!! No matter what Trump proposed for the good of the nation they are against, ie. the Wall. I can see how Trump could be stressed out after 3 years of this stuff that they have been pushing without any just reason. Time for Nancy, Schiff, and Nadler to start looking at themselves and what they are causing!

  85. The “Teflon Don ette”, She is as dangerous a Mobster as any Al Capone or John Gotti and if left in power will destroy this country, She has NO MORAL COURAGE. Wake up Americans

  86. The radicals are not pushing Congress overboard. It is the overlords of Congress, the CFR, Tri lateral, 322, and aligned circles that are having them make an all out suicidal push. The real overlords are throwing their political stooges under the bus to stop the bleeding from reaching themselves. Why no mention of Cheney, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Rockefeller, secret societies and ancient Euro Royal global finance manipulators. Why aren’t a thousand fingers pointing at the Vatican?? Congress is the lower level, take orders from global criminals complicit stoogesl Congress is being sacrificed to protect the real power structure at all and any cost.

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