In a glowing interview with Variety magazine, Nancy Pelosi hammered President Trump as the most dangerous person this country has ever seen.
The Speaker of the House also presented herself as a “lioness,” determined to protect the children from this dangerous President.
Pelosi Says The President Doesn’t Tell The Truth
“I have real problems with this president because he doesn’t tell the truth, he doesn’t honor the Constitution and he’s harming children,” she said unironically as a person who doesn’t tell the truth, honor the Constitution, and harms children
“My whole message is about children,” the staunch abortion advocate claimed. “Anybody who hurts children — I’m a lioness. Watch out.”
Pelosi then engaged in her trademark hyperbole over the ‘dangers’ of President Trump.
“We have the most dangerous person in the history of our country sitting in the White House,” the California Democrat suggested, advising Democrats to turn out and vote to defeat him.
“We have the most dangerous person in the history of our country sitting in the White House,” Pelosi says. “People thought Hillary would win so they didn’t all turn out…if you don’t turn out, those who do turn out will call the shots.”
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) March 3, 2020
RELATED: Trump Hammers ‘Incompetent’ Pelosi For Trying to Politicize Coronavirus
The Children
Odd how Pelosi, the ‘lioness’ protecting children, is the current leader of a Democrat party that supports abortion right up until the moment of birth.
Also odd, how she didn’t utter a word about children being separated from adults who were using them as a means to cross the border when Barack Obama was doing it.
Some ‘lioness.’
It’s all for show, of course. Pelosi isn’t concerned about the children so much as she’s concerned about the next election.
“People thought Hillary would win so they didn’t all turn out,” she said of the 2016 election. “Nobody could possibly think that somebody like Donald Trump could be elected president of the United States.”
Trump calls Nancy Pelosi incompetent and attacks Chuck Schumer
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) February 27, 2020
RELATED: Pelosi Frets: End of the World If Trump Wins in 2020
Pelosi Is All For Show
Furthering the argument that everything she says and does is politically calculating, Pelosi admitted to Variety that her State of the Union stunt this year was, in fact, well thought out in advance.
Though previously claiming she tore up her copy of President Trump’s speech spontaneously, Variety reports that “the decision to rip up her copy was not impulsive.”
“He used the Congress as the backdrop for a reality television show when he had absolutely no reality in his speech,” Pelosi complained.
Speaking of losing touch with reality, the top Democrat has previously fretted that this “dangerous” man winning in 2020 would mean the end of “civilization as we know it.”
What will really sadden Pelosi is the knowledge that it was her push for impeachment that is going to help Trump get re-elected.