Judge Demands Unemployed 30-Year-Old Man Finally Move Out Of His Parents’ Home

parents ask judge to kick son out

This guy is taking the concept of liberals living in their mom’s basement to a whole new level.

A New York State Supreme Court Judge ordered 30-year-old Michael Rotondo to move out of his parents’ home earlier this week after he battled them in court for months, contending that they owed him at least six months notice.

Son, the only thing they owe you is a good, swift, kick in the ass.

His parents, Christina and Mark Rotondo, had been trying to evict their embarrassment of a child for months, leaving him five separate notices and even offering cash to help him find his own place.

The judge ruled in favor of the parents, calling Michael’s demand for six months notice “outrageous” and directing him to get out.

The 30-year-old man-child was rather displeased with the judge’s ruling.

“I am just so outraged,” he said outside of court, adding that he has been taunted by conservative groups for being a “liberal millennial.”

It’s not just conservative groups taunting you, Michael. It’s anybody who has ever taken responsibility in their own lives prior to the age of 30.


Have you no pride, man?

The answer to that, of course, is no.

Rotondo also complained that “his parents don’t provide food or do his laundry for him.”

Hell, we thought the last remnants of the Occupy Wall Street movement had moved on, but apparently, this guy is trying to continue the tradition of squatting on other people’s property and being a useless waste of oxygen.

That’s what we in the biz refer to as a “Bernie supporter.”

In one of the five letters written to him by his parents, they say “There are jobs available even for those with a poor work history like you. Get one– you have to work!”

Rotondo countered his parents demand to do something by alleging that he “has never been expected to contribute to household expenses, or assisted with chores and the maintenance of the premises, and claims that this is simply a component of his living agreement.”

In another note, the parents laid out a step-by-step plan to allow their son to get on his feet as a responsible adult, which included selling items of value, applying for jobs, and organizing his life in general.

The man tied up the court system for months just so he could avoid being an adult!

A study out of Germany last year analyzed nearly 900 left-wing political activists and concluded that 92% of them still live at home with their parents. (RELATED: We All Thought Most Liberal Activists Live In Their Mom’s Basement – Now There’s Proof!).

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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