Palin: Can Anyone Beat Hillary? Yes We Can!

Did Sarah Palin just lay down a challenge to the presumed 2016 Democrat nominee for President? Palin seemingly issued the challenge at the Freedom Summit in Iowa over the weekend.

Playing off a Democrat campaign slogan, Palin said she’s ready for Hillary Clinton and asked the crowd if they were with her.

Via The Blaze:

She also brandished a “Ready for Hillary” bumper sticker and implied that she was ready to take on Hillary Clinton.

“Now I’m ready for Hillary,” she said. “Are you? Are you coming?”

Think her supporters were behind her?

Also taking on Hillary in the clip below was Carly Fiorina, who delivered this rousing line:

“Like Hillary Clinton, I too have traveled thousands of miles around the globe, but unlike her, I’ve actually accomplished something.  You see Mrs. Clinton, flying is not an accomplishment. It is an activity.”

Watch the short clip below …

Palin would add more Hillary commentary:

Palin roused the cheering crowd at the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, asking, “Is Hillary a new Democrat or an old one?”

She held up a Time Magazine from last year with the headline “Can Anyone Stop Hillary.” She said the coverage was to “convince us that a pantsuit can crush patriots.”

“Hey Iowa, can anyone stop Hillary?” Palin asked the crowd, before co-opting a famous Obama campaign slogan. “To borrow a phrase, ‘Yes we can!’ And it starts here and it starts now.”

The former Alaska governor declared over the weekend that she was “seriously” considering a run for the White House in 2016.

What about you – Are you ready for Sarah Palin in 2016?


Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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