Omar Demanded Trump Release His Taxes – But Won’t Release Hers

The Associated Press confirmed Tuesday that Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar filed a joint tax return with one man at the same time she was legally married to another, while also ignoring requests to release her tax returns.

What makes this particularly interesting is Omar has been part of the Democrat chorus demanding that Donald Trump release his tax returns. She even said the president must release them because it was “required by law.”

Breitbart reports:

The AP story repeats what Breitbart News reported last Thursday — namely, that “Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was found by the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board … to have committed several campaign finance violations.” The violations had to do with her campaign paying legal expenses related to her personal tax returns, and also reimbursing her for out-of-state travel that was found to be unrelated to her state legislative duties.


The board’s report also noted that Omar and Ahmed Hirsi, her current husband, “filed joint tax returns for 2014 and 2015.” That could add fuel to persistent allegations that Omar had been married to two men at the same time — one of whom, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, City Journal noted in 2016, was rumored (though never proven) to be her brother.

The AP stated that they requested Omar’s tax returns but there was no response from her office.

Will any Democrats demand that Omar release her tax returns? Will any journalists or pundits follow up on the Associated Press’s request?

No. Because it has nothing to do with attacking Trump.

The constant clamor about the president releasing his tax information, or Russian “collusion” or any of the many other things Democrats have insisted was about them wanting to follow the rules of law, is anything but.

It’s just about going after Trump, period. No one will care that a member of Congress, Ilhan Omar, refuses to release her tax returns.

Because for the left, it was never really about that in the first place.

Pure hypocrisy.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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