Ocasio-Cortez Scolded During Testimony by Former Obama ICE Chief Over Hatred of ICE

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Chief, Thomas Homan, berated congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during testimony before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday.

The former executive associate director of ICE under Barack Obama tore into her for a vile hatred of immigration officers and the disdain she has shown for law and order in general.

“I am proud of the agency and ICE and what we don’t want to talk about is nearly 90 percent of everybody ICE arrested for immigration violations either have a criminal history or a pending criminal charges when they are found meaning they were found in a county jail which most likely means they are more than a choir boy,” Homan charged.

And he wasn’t done.

He accused Ocasio-Cortez of misrepresenting what immigration officers do by smearing their reputations with hyperbolic statements and trying to abolish their agency altogether, something he finds “appalling” from “a member of Congress.”

“In my 34 years I have never seen such hate toward law enforcement agency in my life that you want to abolish them rather than do your job and legislate,” Homan lashed out.

Ocasio-Cortez, clearly flustered, tries several times to tell Homan that the time for his testimony has expired. When that didn’t work, a colleague reached in and pointed to the gavel.

The New York socialist, who was chairing the subcommittee, then slammed the gavel down declaring, “Mr. Homan your time is expired!”

The former ICE chief suggested that if Congress doesn’t like the system, they need to *gasp* do their job.

“If you don’t like it legislate!” he shouted back.

Watch the fiery exchange below …

RELATED: Rashida Tlaib Calls Former ICE Chief ‘Ruthless And Inhumane’ In Fiery Hearing Exchange


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Earlier in his testimony, Homan was accused by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) of being “very ruthless and inhumane” toward asylum seekers. Ocasio-Cortez did not allow him to respond to those charges. He eventually was able to interject in a dramatic way.

In testimony earlier this summer, Homan clashed with the New York Democrat on the treatment of illegal immigrant families.

“Those that attack the professional integrity of those that serve and blatantly throw unsubstantiated allegations against these men and women with zero evidence of guilt are wrong and should be ashamed,” he said at the time.

We’re not certain the new radical Democrat party is capable of feeling shame.

RELATED: Obama’s ICE Chief: Those Cages For Illegal Kids Were Built By Obama Administration

Homan has also helpfully reminded Democrats that it was Obama who built those cages for kids.

“I’ve been to that facility, where they talk about cages. That facility was built under President Obama under Secretary Jeh Johnson,” Homan told participants at a conference hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

He knows this, because as Homan states, “I was there when it was built.”

31 thoughts on “Ocasio-Cortez Scolded During Testimony by Former Obama ICE Chief Over Hatred of ICE”

  1. She acts like she’s still in middle school. She wants to be the center of attention at all times and when she’s admonished for her immature behavior, she wants to shut down the conversation.

  2. I sincere doubt AOC is capable of learning anything useful. She and her squad of useless reps are just making the case stronger to stay far away from the Democrats and making THE GOP much more appealing.

  3. It’s a shame this worthless fool is allowed to ‘chair’ anything. All she has done since she’s been in office is make a fool out of herself on a daily basis, and there’s actually people out there that can’t see it, bigger fools than she is. I hope to God she gets voted out, along with her entire squad. None of them are worth the spit wad it would take to blow their brains out.

  4. I don’t think she has the brains to learn anything.. she is pathetic… She is one of them who are tearing apart this country… time we get these democRAT swamp rats out of office…

  5. I agree with him 100%, In all my 87 years I have never seen such antics that have been going on the last 3 years . Unless things were changed when I was sleeping, it is us, the citizens of this country that VOTE and we VOTED for Pres. TRUMP and he is allowed to choose those he wants to work with and HE and HE ALONE can approve or veto changes.

  6. Homan is a good man.. He speaks the truth about that border but these democRAT swamp rats don’t want to hear the truth.. they would rather destroy American and open the borders to anyone who wants to enter on the backs of the American people forced to support them with our tax dollars… THIS INSANITY NEEDS TO END… !!!

  7. She can dish it out but she cannot take it when she is confronted with the truth!! She represents a minority of one, herself!! What the hell is everybody afraid of her for she is nothing but a “grand stander in it for the publicity andnothing for the people she represents”???? She is basically a coward for doing all of the above!!!!!

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