In Ohio, Barack Obama Stutters Repeatedly, Talks About Himself More than 79 Times During Rally

Let there be no mistake: former President Barack Obama loves to talk about himself. While the media can’t stop portraying Donald Trump as a “narcissist,” his predecessor most certainly was one.

Remember during Obama’s presidency when he used the memorial of the death of 5 police officers in Dallas, Texas to talk about himself? And that’s just one of the hundreds of examples we have.

After months of laying low during the investigations into the FBI’s Trump-wiretapping, Obama’s back on the campaign trail. And he can’t stop talking about his favorite subject.

Watch (below) as he was in Ohio to campaign for Richard Cordray, who was once appointed by Obama to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

In addition to endless mentions of himself, Obama seems to have developed a serious habit of stuttering. Was something wrong with the teleprompter, or is something wrong with Obama? I thought he was well-regarded for his eloquent oratory skills.

Here he is (below), stumping for Cordray and her lieutenant governor candidate Betty Sutton. What a mess:

“Let, let, let, let me just say these, these are friends of mine. I admit I am biased,” stammered Obama.

Everyone is allowed to mention themselves a few times during a speech (especially a former president) but this became excessive. Notice how he keeps referencing them as “friends of mine” or how he used to “work with them.”

He added that Cordray “had my back even when some of you couldn’t pronounce my name.” Apparently, that’s a relevant joke, even in 2018.

Obama even made hecklers about him, as he noted that he missed hecklers. Obama opined, “I can never really hear what they’re saying, but I appreciate the exercise of free speech.”

During this speech, you can hear Obama talk about himself 79 times during a 40-minute speech. He said ‘I’ 66 times, ‘Me’ 5 times, ‘My’ 5 times, and ‘Mine’ 3 times. You can only imagine how that really made these Democratic candidates feel in private! Perhaps he should start focusing on the candidates themselves, and not stutter so much.

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21 thoughts on “In Ohio, Barack Obama Stutters Repeatedly, Talks About Himself More than 79 Times During Rally”

  1. Obama, Loser, He and his inside circle of Commies “Set us up” to be Commie style Socialists, and it almost happened, Hillary was to be a Puppet of Obama and Soros, We would have been Comrades, with NO guns, No free speech, and dirt poor. Thank God Trump was there, at least he believes in our Constitution and the importance of Freedom. PLUS Trump has proven himself a REAL All American.

  2. How many mental hugs does Obama give himself daily? He is a legend in his own mind. He should be so deflated by the fact the Trump is beating his economy like a big drum.

  3. Obummer is so full of himself it has to come out to keep him from exploding. The sad thing is that he has no accomplishments other than pulling the wool over people’s eyes and getting elected.

  4. On the Harvard debate team, huh? This guy stutters more than Merle Haggard. You people really got snowed voting for this foreign agent of the Muslim world. How does it feel to be duped so completely? And you can’t even give the guy who is in there now trying to fix all of the messes and leaks left behind. America is slipping because of stupidity. Hint: Democratic Party.

  5. 1. a..a..a..a..I think my teleprompter has a glitch!
    2. Stutter my A$$, I read exactly what I saw!
    3. Go back to bashing TRUMP!!
    4. Now where did I leave my red nose, clown suit and shoes?

    Daily Humor, PLEASE MAGA!!!

  6. This half breed babbling idiot couldn’t put two words together that make sense if it weren’t for a teleprompter. Hard to believe people fell for him. If people can trash talk Trump, why not trash talk this loser.

  7. No surprises in this story. Obama is a narcissistic LOONY TOON sociopath who makes EVERYTHING all about HIM. And he has ALWAYS sounded like a blithering IDIOT unless somebody ELSE wrote down what he was supposed to say and put it on a teleprompter for him to read. I’m guessing he did not HAVE a teleprompter at the Ohio campaign rally–hence his stammering performance.

  8. The teleprompter must have hiccoughed…hence the stutter.
    He probably has a teleprompter in front of his toilet…to make sure he
    knows when he’s finished, and says “from front to back, Barry.”
    Now flush, Barry…and watch as the Demo-Crap swirls down…

  9. Obama, Loser, He and his inside circle of Commies “Set us up” to be Commie style Socialists, and it almost happened, Hillary was to be a Puppet of Obama and Soros, We would have been Comrades, with NO guns, No free speech, and dirt poor. Thank God Trump was there, at least he believes in our Constitution and the importance of Freedom. PLUS Trump has proven himself a REAL All American.

  10. How many mental hugs does Obama give himself daily? He is a legend in his own mind. He should be so deflated by the fact the Trump is beating his economy like a big drum.

  11. Obummer is so full of himself it has to come out to keep him from exploding. The sad thing is that he has no accomplishments other than pulling the wool over people’s eyes and getting elected.

  12. On the Harvard debate team, huh? This guy stutters more than Merle Haggard. You people really got snowed voting for this foreign agent of the Muslim world. How does it feel to be duped so completely? And you can’t even give the guy who is in there now trying to fix all of the messes and leaks left behind. America is slipping because of stupidity. Hint: Democratic Party.

  13. 1. a..a..a..a..I think my teleprompter has a glitch!
    2. Stutter my A$$, I read exactly what I saw!
    3. Go back to bashing TRUMP!!
    4. Now where did I leave my red nose, clown suit and shoes?

    Daily Humor, PLEASE MAGA!!!

  14. This half breed babbling idiot couldn’t put two words together that make sense if it weren’t for a teleprompter. Hard to believe people fell for him. If people can trash talk Trump, why not trash talk this loser.

  15. No surprises in this story. Obama is a narcissistic LOONY TOON sociopath who makes EVERYTHING all about HIM. And he has ALWAYS sounded like a blithering IDIOT unless somebody ELSE wrote down what he was supposed to say and put it on a teleprompter for him to read. I’m guessing he did not HAVE a teleprompter at the Ohio campaign rally–hence his stammering performance.

  16. The teleprompter must have hiccoughed…hence the stutter.
    He probably has a teleprompter in front of his toilet…to make sure he
    knows when he’s finished, and says “from front to back, Barry.”
    Now flush, Barry…and watch as the Demo-Crap swirls down…

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