Morning Joe Tantrum About Martha’s Vineyard Exposes Left’s Hypocrisy On Illegal Immigration

Joe Scarborough, MSNBC Guest Blast DeSantis Over Migrants In Martha's Vineyard, Call It 'Grotesque'
YouTube Screen Shot-ABC News 9/15/22

It’s quite virtuous and fashionable to label yourself a “sanctuary” city, but as we’re learning, it is certainly a different story when you have to actually step up and do it.

Liberals from every corner are outraged over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reportedly sending two planeloads of migrants fresh from crossing the U.S. southern border to the lefty enclave of Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday.

On Thursday, several busloads of immigrants arrived in Washington D.C. outside the Vice Presidential residence at the Naval Observatory.

But the tantrums coming from the left are illuminating. It exposes the veneer of “acceptance” and “welcoming” as a sham. Case in point: This morning’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC.

RELATED: Far-Left CA Gov Newsom Wants ‘Kidnapping’ Charges For DeSantis After He Moves Illegal Immigrants To Martha’s Vineyard

Pearl-Clutching At MSNBC

Over at MSNBC, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough was outraged, (though to his credit, he acknowledged that there is in fact, a crisis at the U.S. southern border). 

Scarborough first went after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for the busloads of migrants arriving in front of the Vice Presidential residence: “It is grotesque to grab these people, throw them on buses, drive them up to Washington, DC, and just drop them outside of an official residence, the vice president’s residence. It’s grotesque. What they’re doing with these human beings is, this is political human trafficking.”

It was then that co-host Willie Geist focused in on DeSantis, saying:

“Well, with that, Joe, how about telling a group of desperate people who’ve arrived in the United States to ‘Get on this plane. We’re sending you to New York or Boston, where you will be well taken care of. They’re better equipped there to look out for you. They’ll have jobs and a new life for you.’ And then being dropped on an island off the coast of Massachusetts, an island that was given no warning, by the way, that these people were coming.”

Where has Morning Joe been? Are they outraged by the Biden administration sending planeloads of immigrants in the middle of the night to places like Westchester County, New York? Is this also “political human trafficking?” 

Were they outraged when their former Mayor, Bill De Blasio, was packing off the homeless with one-way tickets to destinations elsewhere? Was that “human trafficking?”

Of course not. 

Perhaps most telling: Texas Governor Abbott has been doing this for awhile. Only now, when future Presidential contender Ron DeSantis joined the fun, has it gotten national attention. 

Abbott is not a likely contender. So the media – the campaign arm of the Democrats – didn’t need to have a full, wall-to-wall meltdown over it. 

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There Really Is A Crisis At The Border

Geist agreed with Scarborough that there is chaos at the border. He even questioned Vice President Kamala Harris’ statement to NBC’s Chuck Todd about the border being secure. He stated:

“So, yes, the, grotesque is the word for that. And as you say, though, Joe, we are going to cross 2 million border encounters, 2 million people coming across the border. That’s an all-time record by a long shot. So it is a crisis. Vice President Harris said to Chuck Todd a few days ago that the border is secure. It objectively is not secure. So there’s a problem. The question is now how to go about fixing it?”

Joe Scarborough then essentially accused Republican governors of using migrants to score political points, saying:

“Yeah, there has been a crisis, like you said, and, and it’s a crisis that needs to be fixed. We don’t fix it by using the migrants as political pawns and dropping them off for, you know, just so you can own the libs. You don’t own the libs with human lives, dropping them off in a place that wasn’t prepared, didn’t know they were coming! You don’t own the libs by dropping them off in the middle of a street on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C. so you can say, “Hey, we owned the libs! We dropped these babies. We dropped these children off in the middle of the street outside of the vice president’s home! That’s really grotesque.”

How often is Morning Joe using their platform to demand that chaos at the border be stopped? 

They clearly think it’s a crisis, so why not use their platform to talk about it? Put pressure on Biden?

To ask these questions is to answer them. And wittingly or not, the double standard is plain to see for anyone with a set of functioning eyes and ears. 

RELATED: Flashback: Gavin Newsom Shipped Homeless People Out Of San Francisco With ‘One-Way Tickets’

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