Misty-Eyed Adam Kinzinger Says Conservatives Would Be First To Die In A Civil War

Adam Kinzinger, responding to an unhinged rant about Republicans on Twitter, openly fantasized about a country being driven toward civil war and suggested anti-war conservatives would be the first to die.

In response to a comment about Republicans on Twitter, Adam Kinzinger openly fantasized about a country being driven toward civil war and suggested that anti-war conservatives would be the first to die.

Kinzinger made the comments in response to a user who went on a mild rant about Republicans not supporting the war effort in Ukraine, referring to them as “fascists” and labeling them as the “GQP” party.

That the faux Republican from Illinois had to elevate a Twitter troll by sharing his message is a good indicator of where his mindset is of late.

“Truer words have never been spoken,” he replied. “Spoiled people who have never seen war like to play dress up.”

“If there is a civil war, they will be the first to pass away because Walgreens will run out of heart medicine,” he added. 

Related: ‘Never Trump’ Rep. Kinzinger Says He Almost Used His Gun On January 6 Rioters

Adam Kinzinger: Conservatives Will Be The First To Die In A Civil War

Kinzinger comes off as a man so broken by former President Donald Trump that he sits at home most nights, reduced to being a Twitter troll himself, diving into wine bottle after wine bottle while sporting his “I ❤️ Nancy Pelosi” footie pajamas.

And here again, a late-night tweet about conservatives dying in a civil war.

There’s a lot of rage on display in his tweet.

From suggesting anti-war conservatives are just old people, to suggesting they would die first because they simply play “dress up.”

He’s packing an awful lot of hatred in that little frame of his.

From Ukraine to his fellow Americans, it seems that there isn’t a war effort little Adam doesn’t support.

Kinzinger and his runaway Napoleon complex have been pushing for civil war for some time, suggesting conservatives wouldn’t be able to handle such a scenario.

In February he said “we have to recognize” the possibility of civil war and that “we have to warn and talk about it … and fight hard against it and put our country over our parties, because our survival actually matters.”

Weeks later he mocked people upset about gas prices and inflation and said their concerns show they couldn’t hack it in a civil war scenario because they are “chickenhawks.”

RELATED: Video: Viral Comedian Alex Stein Trolls ‘Scumbag’ Never Trumper Adam Kinzinger

No Bigger Coward Than Cryin’ Adam

Kinzinger has a commendable military service record, having served in Iraq twice and flown missions in South America, Guam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

But he’s a shell of his former self.

This is a man who openly wept because he thought the Capitol police response to a riot on January 6th was comparable to a war effort.

A man who was so convinced that the Capitol riot was a war-time attack that he went full AOC and “hunkered down” in his office during the event and considered shooting Trump supporters.

Funny how Kinzinger is pumped up with fake testosterone to fight these elderly conservatives should there be a civil war, but had to hide in his office when those same people were storming the Capitol.

A man who tries so hard to convince people that, “No, I really am a tough guy,” while simultaneously being unwilling to conduct an interview with Tucker Carlson because the Fox News host is too “hostile” and “interrupts and laughs” at his guests.

A man who went scurrying away from viral comedian Alex Stein who pointed out that he’s little more than a “scumbag” and “political douchebag.”

In reality, Kinzinger is as real a tough guy as the “Ghost of Kyiv.”

Kinzinger will have plenty of time to be self-absorbed when his term ends in less than two months.

70 thoughts on “Misty-Eyed Adam Kinzinger Says Conservatives Would Be First To Die In A Civil War”

  1. My God, I just scanned and read about 20 other responses to your article. What a zoo of misfits. Grade school name calling, little penis bravado, incoherent thoughts barely understandable and slogans repeated from Fox News without thought or merit. I am glad I stumbled onto this commentary. Most of the guys wouldn’t make it out of their garage without their wife tying their shoe laces. Just laughable…… I am sure A. K. is really hurt by the scary name calling. His I.Q. and manhood is double what these respondents exhibit.

  2. Wow, you really took him to task. Do you know what his background is all about? Do you not want legitimate conservative lawmakers in the GOP or Just MTG types wandering the hallways spouting conspiracy theories. As for your “army” of bad ass paramilitary wanna be’s. He is right. Old white guys will go first. The rest will get locked up, lose their job, wife and kids spending time in prison like 500+ numbnutts from the late attempt to change an election they didn’t like the outcome of. Grow some sense. Get over your white entitlement. It’s boring.

  3. I am glad kitzenger phantasizes about me because I really dont even pay attention to the fact that he exists. Frankly the bug that hit my windshield on the way home tonight got more thought about it then kitzenger gets fom me.

  4. Kinzinger makes fun of the dedication of conservatives, but when a couple hundred rowdy and entirely UNARMED conservatives showed up on his stomping grounds, he had to change his underwear. If we ever show up loaded for bear, count on Kinzinger having a meltdown that would do credit to an Oz witch.

  5. I’m old, I’m slow and it takes me 400 meters to do what I used to do at 600, but I’m up for it if he can get his side to start it.

    Bring it on. Please start it early enough so we don’t miss mess at 1300.

  6. There’s something about Kinzinger’s face I’ve always had trouble with. He looks like an eight year old with an atomic wedgie from the class bully and about to cry.

    It seems to fit his personality.

  7. This mentally ill son of bitch is a leader for the rest of the mental cases that have violent thoughts and tendencies! If his sick dream comes true, one can hope he will be the first caught in the crosshairs.

  8. CryBaby Kinzinger is dead wrong on who would go first! Politicians without guns would be the first in a Civil War! They could not hide in Blue states forever!

  9. Don’t take the bait. These poltroons are done. They are having fantasies of a CC and then they could round up their political enemies like Mao or Stalin. In a few weeks they are dissolved and the real investigations start. Hound this little man to the gates of Hell for what he has done.

  10. Liberals think they are progressive, or progressing further along. But they never seem to value life and dream of death and dying from the womb to war and then euthanasia. Perhaps progressing should move towards life being more valuable, not less.

  11. Kinsinger is dead wrong. Many conservatives are veterans. And we’ve been well trained as opposed to the radical left mobs. I certainly hope we never have to put our skills to the test.

  12. the democrat must have missed the poll that stated the young democrat socialists will go to another country before they would stand for American values, no backbone, only mouth and a nasty attitude is the operative words for the congressman.

  13. I thank God that Adam Kinzinger (D-IL) decided not to run for re-election once he revealed himself as a RINO. Central Illinois would not have voted for him.

    1. Not a RHINO, a full blown Democrat, he has voted with the dems since he outed himself as a deep stater, he is a traitorous scumbag. I am in IL and he is off the rails, it’s sad but funny how the mental illness creeps out in them.

  14. Misty eyed I felt that way the first time I saw the Sun Flower because it was so beautiful apparently the idea of killing conservatives makes him feel the same way.

  15. Not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, is he? WE won’t fight by throwing dildos and words. WE have been shooting our entire lives and can shoot a tick off a dog’s ass at 1,000 yards.

  16. An absolute embarrassment for the state of Illinois and perfect representation of current GOP leadership, absolutely tone deaf to constituents.

    An example of how not to lead.

  17. PissedOffPatriot

    Poor little Adam has been a douchebag for a long, long time. Just let me know when he stops crying and throwing out bombs that make no sense. He is a traitor to his party and a do-nothing congressman at best.

  18. Donald Mac Leod

    The Conservatives who believe in personal protection have trained themselves to not only use guns, fists & knifes for self-defense or to put meat on the table, whereas guys like Kinzinger expect to kill folks by talking them to death. He lacks the common sense of the fool who took a knife to a gun fight & realized too late that to stay alive it is wise to understand weapons.

  19. I believe kitzinger is wrong it would be my guess that politicians like him would be the first to go. But his statement makes one wonder if perhaps he is privy to plans of liberals wo make a first strike. Is it a statement of opinion or is he hoping old joe will send the military after conservatives.

  20. This PHONEY, misty eyed idiot need to go to a good nut house. You can’t be sane and hate someone as much as they hate President Trump. This Jan 6 commission was all a joke and should have never been on TV. What a waste of the taxpayers money.

  21. This from a guy who was rejected and censured by 90% of his district and totally disavowed by his family….OK delusional Adam. We believe whatever you say….NOT…Why hasn’t Illinois GOP not taken your mouthpiece away yet? Someone take the mic away from this RINO. Adam represents Illinois GOP, completely tone deaf to constituents.

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