Celebrity Jumps The Gun, Blames NRA For YouTube Shooting Before Any Facts Are Known

michael ian black nra

Iranian and animal rights activist Nasim Aghdam opened fire at YouTube HQ in Northern California on Tuesday, reportedly because she was unhappy with the website for allegedly filtering her video content.

However, long before anyone could report the concrete facts of the shooting, actor, and director Michael Ian Black decided he knew exactly who was to blame: the NRA.

Just thirty minutes after the first reports of the shooting, Black tweeted, “Another shooting. I’m going to politicize the fuck out of it, and so should you. The NRA is a terrorist organization.”

When people pointed out that Black was jumping the gun, so to speak, he lashed out like a typical “triggered” liberal. “No, I don’t know who the shooter is,” he tweeted. “The NRA and its blood-soaked lackeys made it possible for that person to get [the gun].”

It’s currently unknown how Aghdam obtained the weapon she used, but given her position as an outspoken vegan and animal rights activist, it seems unlikely that she would support the NRA.

Furthermore, as another person pointed out to Black on Twitter, the YouTube building is a gun-free zone. Perhaps if California weren’t so anti-gun/anti-NRA, maybe there would have been a good guy with a gun there to stop Aghdam.

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By Ann
Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers ... More about Ann
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