Maxine Waters: People Should Take to the Streets Screaming to Take Down Trump

Maxine Waters take to the streets

The extraordinarily low-IQed one is back at it.

California Democrat Maxine Waters gave a wide-ranging interview with CNBC Wednesday and urged even more riots against President Trump and anyone who supports him.

Waters claims that any criticism of her intelligence by the President is rooted in racism and not the fact that she is indeed a low-IQ individual.

As if to prove that lack of intellect, she called on Americans to take to the streets screaming and calling for Trump’s head.

“I think he’s dangerous,” she professed, “I don’t know why people take it. I think Americans should be out in the streets screaming to the top of their voice. Do something. Make something happen.”

The people were already in the streets screaming and calling for heads, congresswoman.

You know, the thugs that were outside your office building last week. The ones who accosted a vehicle stole, the American flag, burned it, chanted “black power,” and then forced a bystander back in his car for the apparent crime of wearing a Navy hat.

Surely you remember.

Waters was the first to take the rhetoric up a notch when she told supporters to harass administration officials in public every chance they get. (RELATED: GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis Says Maxine Waters Is Not Fit To Serve In Congress).

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she told her impressionable fans.

In her CNBC interview, Auntie Maxine insisted that the President’s insults towards her are clearly a racist tactic drummed up by … you guessed it … the Russians!

“A lot of people call it racism,” she said of Trump’s insults. “A lot of people call it– tactics that he has employed that he’s gotten from– the Kremlin, and– Putin, and the way that they handle things.”

Democrats, Trump explained recently, “are really disciples of a very low IQ person, Maxine Waters, and perhaps even worse, Nancy Pelosi.”

Weird that a racist would also lump the very white Nancy Pelosi into that statement and suggest that she might be even dumber.

“I don’t care what he says,” Waters said. “He can do whatever he wants to. I know what I’m going to think about him. I think that this man does not deserve to be the president of the United States. He is one of the most deplorable people I’ve ever encountered in my life.”

“He can call me whatever he wants to,” Waters further railed. “He does not intimidate me, and I’m not gonna stop talking about him.”

She then gave an answer to a question that was on everyone’s mind. One in which she has remained very tight-lipped.

Should Trump be impeached?

“I certainly think that he is eligible for impeachment,” Waters said.

You don’t say …

At a eulogy – a eulogy! – she ranted: “I’m gonna say ‘Impeach 45 every day, Impeach 45 every day, Impeach 45 every day!'”

That is her mission, a mission she believes came straight from God himself.

Pretty confident God isn’t interested in people screaming in the streets calling for Trump’s head.

232 thoughts on “Maxine Waters: People Should Take to the Streets Screaming to Take Down Trump”

  1. This is insanity on display. Our chant should be “Impeach Mad Max, Now” How can this idiot be allowed to continue her vile acts of hatred day after day and nothing is done to stop her. I couldn’t get away with this. In the least I’d be in a mental hospital, at the worst I’d be in jail. She has broken so many laws and no one does anything to her. Just like fall down Clinton, Pelosi and a host of others. Is everyone in the justice dept a liberal ? Let’s see some justice here !!!!!

  2. Most of the blame goes to the brainwashed useful idiots that put this rag in office and keep her there. The rest of the blame goes to Congress for not saying a word ad letting her keep on with this garbage.

  3. This is more than just liberal ranting. I am wondering if President Trump being harsh on Russia might be costing her money. She did not get two multi-million dollar mansions to live in outside of her district on her Congressional salary.

  4. Why has congress not kicked this violent and vicious so called woman out of congress she is promoting violence and it is not going to be just protesting it will become physical violence. She looks like a rabid animal that should be put away for the sake of humanity

  5. If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. CLAPPER’S OWN CONFESSION

  6. The powder in question was found to be “pixie dust” sent from God to Maxine. It was originally thought to be resin for her sweaty hands to keep her voodoo doll from slipping from her grasp. Sanity isn’t the only thing she’s worried about losing. But then, she’s already lost that as it appears. Now, one must question the sanity of those who worship and vote for her.

  7. Last week, it was reported a “suspicious powder” was mailed to this hack’s office – -too bad it wasn’t the real thing! I try to NOT speak unkindly of people, but mad maxie isn’t anything that I can relate to the word “human”! Why has Congress not censured and expelled her yet??

  8. Why is that crazy assed woman not being charged with racist, hate speech, or inciting a riot, If a white person had been out in a town forum and called for Obama’s head they would have been picked up and charged with threatening the President, and they should have been, That crazy witch needs to be stopped before she causes somebody to be killed.

  9. French Revolution lets get real! Who does Maine Water’s know who would really collect heads? Hint Farrakhan and Islamists. Who does Waters represent?

  10. Why can’t someone go for her ugly head? I just can’t believe that vile hag gets votes. Just how stupid do the voters have to be in that district to actually vote for that creature. Crapifornia truly sucks.

  11. I still think Maxipad is one of the best weapons Conservatives have against the libs. She makes the Dems look even stupider than they really are, if that’s possible. And she’s free!
    You go girl!!

  12. This woman is as crazy as a pack of wolves chasing a gut wagon! She tries SO hard to be viable, she’s digging her way underground so fast she sees daylight and sunset BOTH at noon! Hard to believe she’s kept her dementia under wraps for so long! HEY!!!!!!!!! That applies to ALL the Sorrows Slaves! He’s too much of a COWARD to come out in public, so he pays WELL, to have the clueless and gullibles to do his depraved deeps FOR him! Good think Satan isn’t in hell, because when THIS scoundrel “goes”, he’d would throw Satan out!

  13. James; You forgot; “communists” and man-made flat disk worshipers! Moon god of violence and revolution from Babylon! As dead as a locust post, and speaks ONLY through radical Rebels that hate America, just like communists do!

  14. Maxine Waters: D, CA. maybe manic-depressive in the manic phase. How the people of CA can elect people like this is beyond me. For a Congressman (ok person) to call for rioting, harassing and violence is disgusting. The liberal social progressives are totally out of control and are the ones calling for the destruction of America.

  15. go to and start a petition to have her and cory booker arrested for treason and sedition. i would do it myself but i suffered from small stroke and can barely type any moreit takes me fr ever just to reply to a blog post. by the time i go back and corect all th mistakes. i am afraid they would just throw my petition out thinking it was from a little kid or someone playing joke. i really cn spell well my fingers just dont do wht mt brain tells them to do all the time and i have no feeling i them so i am like the typo king these days

  16. This is not amusing, honorable, professional nor becoming of a congress person. She needs to be censured by her party, visited by the Secret Service and impeached herself. She is intolerable and I challenge her to get an IQ test and prove she’s not a low scorer. And while we’re testing, Pocahontas needs to get her DNA tested.

  17. God doesn’t take it very lightly when you invoke His name in an attempt to in-sight violence against people. As a matter of fact, invoking Gods name as an encouragement to sin, is taking Gods name in vain. Maxine…there’s a point where Gods patience is pushed to a point where your own actions will put your well being in jeopardy…like, in Gods name, calling for violence against a duly elected president, just may result in your having named your own poison. You’re a black Bolshevik, masquerading as one of our republics congressional leaders. Your foolishness has gotten more votes for conservatives and caused more democrats to leave the party than you can possibly fathom. Enjoy it, because I don’t think you’ll get re-elected on your present platform.

  18. Somebody should pull the wig off this Libtard’s mascot and expose her her uglyness not from her true insides belief but her outward uglyness to try push her shamefull ideology of republicanism….

  19. She is the most hateful person I have ever seen and listened to. She is a racist and hates white people. She is encouraging violence and should be held accountable if anyone is killed because of her racist and hateful remarks.

  20. I could be wrong but if Im right, its huge…..
    if congress waits until after the general election to impeach Maxi-Pads and just by chance Republican John Cox wins the Goveror’s race.. Cox can appoint a Republican to replace Maxi-pads… that would be a super win, HUGE…..

  21. Quasimodo; The ONLY LEGACY John “raising cain” has; The “foundation” was built with rubber bricks! and LIES! he would have been NOTHING without the Republicans making him out to be a hero! The Left Liberals would have NEVER made that mistake, because they knew who and what, he was! He’s been a fence-riding, closet Democrat since he got into politics! Paying them back for not ratting on him! But his military group who were THERE when he was falling on his face, showing his cowardice, told the TRUE legacy of subterfuge and outright lies! Dying from cancer, or brain-dead from fear of exposure? As a famous actor said; “You dirty RAT”!

  22. i am no legal scholar but it seems to me that maxine waters has surely crossed the legal line of free speach into flat out treason and an attempt to mobilize an army to over throw the elected government. i am curious as to why sessions has not sworn out an arrwst warrant for her ugly as sin low IQ’d ass yet. there is no doubt in anyones mind that if holder, or lynch were attorney general and waters were a conservative that she woulkd be laying on a water boarding tablew in gitmo a long time ago. maybe its time to go to and start a petition to have waters arrested and charged with sedition, treason nd being the leader of anttemoted coupe, along with ties to the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood and the nation of islam. then follow the money back to ge3eorge soros and arrest his ass for funding the coupe and terror attacks launched by antifa! it is clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that soros is the ring leader , hillary clinton, maxne waters and john McCain are the top dogs in this attempt to over throw our nation! the 4 horsemen of the progressive apocoplypse zo to speak!

  23. That’s why I call her “Maxine Waters on the Brain”. Funny how the loony low IQ Dumbocrats get away with this sort of thing. If it were the other way around…..

  24. I wonder when the “double standard” liberals are famous for will ever change? I wonder when a respectable Democrat in Congress will forcefully condemn Maxine? No one deserves the crap liberals are serving to the American public.

  25. I do feel sorry for this women, as she does not know God and needs badly to get the bible out and get to know God and his ways, not her ways, but His. She is not only hurting herself, but others with this hate of hers.

  26. She is just walking a thin line between being highly negative, and advocating the assassination of a sitting president. Someone should point that out to her, or maybe just toss her butt in PRISON.

  27. Robert; That’s why the Lethal Left is so rabid and focused on getting illegal immigrants into America! Since LBJ and his nefarious way of ripping the Civil Rights fight out of the Republicans hands, turning it into a DEM-onic way of enslaving blacks for “STUFF”! iDenying them the rights that Republicans had fought for, for decades!! Ihave a cassett series where he said: “If we give them free stuff, the “N”S will voted Democrat for the next hundred years! That was SICK and he KNEW it! Now, the black’s are FINALLY getting wise to the “You are my brothers and sisters” bull hockey the Left Liberals have been telling them for YEARS! Never following through with their promises! Like the Puppet President who promised them; New parks, schools, training for jobs, improved communities, homes, etc! He knew in advance that he had been primed, groomed, tutored, taught, to be President for years! So his MEMBH donors and mr sorrows could have control of our Government through the power of his position as President!





  28. for Maxi-Pads to lose, there would have to be a huge flip for Hispanic and Black Votes… they equal to 69.6% of her district.. she wins elections by 71-74% do the math…

    15.1% White
    23.6% Black
    12.6% Asian
    46.0% Hispanic
    2.7 % other

    if by chance John Cox (r) wins the Governor, and Maxi-pads gets impeached after November Cox can nominate a conservative as Congressman… really pissing off lieberals in CaliFOREIGNia…

  29. I have known many black people that were very smart, most of them were my friends. A person of minimum mental aptitude, whether black or white, quite often says and does very improper things. And Minimum certainly fits that picture. Instead of voicing her views in an intelligent manner she has to resort to violence. IS THIS THE TYPE OF RHETORIC IN OUR CONGRESS? ALL CONSERVATIVES MUST VOTE IN NOVEMBER TO STOP THIS.

  30. Here is the payments on a 4 million dollar loan at 3% interest which comes to 202368 per year…not including real estate taxes in California….remember she makes 187,000

    Mortgage Amortization Schedule
    Jul, 2018
    Aug, 2018
    Sep, 2018
    Oct, 2018
    Nov, 2018
    Dec, 2018

  31. Maxie-Pad Waters comments are that of a STUPID person that is about to see her world and possible criminal actions come to light (a person cannot afford a 4 million dollar home when the payments exceed the yearly income by thousands of dollars a year)…do a loan chart on 4 million and realize that her pay is only 187,000 a year BEFORE taxes….

  32. This insanely evil woman doesn’t seem to care about blacks as she claims. Black unemployment is the LOWEST ever, but she won’t give Trump any credit for that. Instead she wants to take him down, by force if necessary. Disgusting, evil, wretched.

  33. Everyone needs to write and call their Congressman and Senator to stop this woman. She is giving Democrats a bad name and reputation……oH! never mind!

  34. This woman is truly the devil’s advocate. She is a danger to everyone and needs to be taken out of the public eye and put into a sanitarium where she can get the help she needs. Threatening the citizens of this great country is a crime but threatening the president is treason. Why is nothing being done about her?

  35. I guess she proves the liberals still control the FBI, otherwise she would be in jail right now. Isn’t congress supposed to remove members who do something this traitorous in respect to our elected president and representatives? They should have already acted and removed her from office. You can bet if a conservative representative said something about obama like this they would have been shown the door the same day.

  36. Water’s husband owns the mansion on Arden, in LA. He got his money — some evidence suggests — from people trying to curry favor with Maxine. His employment is listed as “Assistant Counsel for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” That would be “ICE.” Heard of it? Maxine has been railing against it for a while now. If you want to help out her opponent in the November Election, his name is Omar Navarro. Go to his website and pitch in a few $$. Or more than a few.

  37. I’d like to see stats on how many people have been questioned or arrested for remarks made about the President. Have they visited any of the Hollyweird trash that have made threatening remarks? Have they spoken to any Democrats who have spewed their lies and hatred?

  38. If the bitxh wasn’t black the secret service would have her in jail for threatening the President. The press and the republicans in Congress are scared to death to do anything as they was with Obama the snappy tune guy. Everything is racism to most blacks, they are their own worse enemy. Waters lives in a mansion while her constituents live in ghettos.

  39. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who thinks this harridan is certifiable and that very few people actually care what kind of madness comes out of her torn-pocket mouth, but she makes good news copy – for both the Right and the Left – and that’s the only reason we keep hearing about her.

  40. Sorry, i was raised a coal miners son in Kentucky, so i know this. . 95% of Blacks hate whites, they blame whites for every woe they suffer. Whites, the Government will never never be able to do enough or give enough for this to change, and Waters is one of them………..She needs jailed for making threatening comments against the President, and inciting violence between black and whites.

  41. This is the Einstein that said our next Supreme Court Justice should be an illegal alien , no joke.

    This is also, along with Eric ( I hate white people) Holder the person democrats are prepping to go against Trump in 2020 .

    My God man the idiocy is truly mind boggling .

  42. Happy to learn that “The Face” of the Corrupt-Crooked Liberal Democrats Party, is at it again…
    I’m going to get a Costume Mask made, of “The Face” and sell it in Halloween…
    Keep going Maxine, you are looking your best, girl! Next time, engage your brain before opening your mouth… it works every time!
    Semper fi..

  43. That woman is a domestic terrorist and I doubt our worthless congress will care when we have riots in the streets. Only wish they would be the victims not the innocent bystanders.

  44. Code of Official Conduct

    Rule XXIII – Code Of Official Conduct

    There is hereby established by and for the House the following code of conduct, to be known as the “Code of Official Conduct”:

    1. A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.

    2. A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall adhere to the spirit and the letter of the Rules of the House and to the rules of duly constituted committees thereof.

    Why is House Ethics Committee not taken action against this crazy woman. She is not representing her constituents and is thus not doing the job she is supposed to be doing. This is a violation of the Congressional code of Conduct and she should either be removed or at least be censored. Is there anyone still awake on Capitol Hill. The Russians are not planning on nuking us anytime soon. You can come out from under your desks.

  45. What’s wrong with regnant and retarded? It doesn’t have to be an “either, or” situation. That being said, I hope, as I’m sure you do, that the termagant’s salubrity is tenuous and thereby, terminus in sight.

  46. Imagine what would have happened if someone had done this to obimbo. Wow, that would been stopped immediately! So why isn’t it now? The scabby *itch is putting our president’s life in danger and nothing’s being done, I know, THEY’RE AFRAID it would start a racial war! Blacks and white’s got along peacefully like it should be before obimbo, now look at our country. With the smirk on that maggot’s face I wish it was his life being put in danger, not Trump’s.

  47. youzare right and here is how i see it, george soros is satan in the flesh, hillary clinton is his daughter and maxine waters, obama, nancy pelosi and john McCain are the four horsemen of the apocolypse. they are in a full scale attempt to lunch armegeddon and force god and christ to battle satan and islam for control of the earth and every living creatre on it.

  48. The DOJ under the “leadership” of Sessions is allowing ALL the rich politicians and celebrities to get away with rape, robbery, fraud, treason, terrorism, etc. We no longer have any form of justice in this country. Sessions is the protector of the deep state. If we ever again execute traitors in this country, we should start with him.

  49. Rodney, You are so right! I don’t understand why the Secret Service has arrested her. She is inciting violence and harm to the President. When is Congress going to take a stand against what she is doing. One thing about it the Republicans will win this fall because of the way she is acting.

  50. This woman is straight from the gates of hell. There can be no other reason for the democratic parties hatred and crazy vile lies about our President. Their agenda and power have been stopped. As satan roams the earth as a raging lion seeking whom he may devour. So are the democratic party. Pray for our nation and for our president. For now the HOLY SPIRIT is holding back the evil.

  51. Oh, now, now, now. We must be patient and compassionate. After all if they can put affirmative action hires in traffic control towers than certainly the house of representatives can take on it’s share as well, no?

  52. Had someone talked like this against Obama, the fed’s would have had that person in JAIL.. Is this what we call democratic party PRIVILEGE???? Put this vile woman in JAIL NOW!!!!!

  53. Reminder that Maxine Waters has been INDEPENDENTLY voted “Most Corrupt Four Times”, has only passed 3 bills in 30 years (one of which was the renaming of a post office), and was charged by the House Ethics Committee multiple times for using her position to route bailout money to a bank her husband owned stock in. She’s a crook.

  54. Dems sure as hell have NO CLUE… …. ACTUAL DEFINED TREASON under OBAMA . We witnessed TEXT BOOK TREASON, TWICE by Obama. First the trade of FIVE TOP ENEMY LEADERS for ONE KNOWN DESERTER. giving material aid to ENEMY is TEXT DEFINITION of TREASON. Second by handing BILLIONS to Iran for hostage release?/ TREASON by text book definition

  55. Can someone please define “TREASON”:?? We the People elected President Trump and this FOOL cannot accept the voice “Of the People”… This woman needs to be arrested by the Secret Service and placed behind steel bars……

  56. You can’t tell me that pretty much telling “her” people to kill is legal- especially our president! Why hasn’t anything been done to shut the *itch’s mouth? And how in the world could that piece of stinking garbage be a Senator? It makes the rest of them look bad that’s for sure. And what it does for California lol, she fits in perfectly, where else would you expect that maggot scab to come from? If anything’s going to happen to anyone I hope it’s her and shut that worthless stupid racist *itch’s big mouth. She is nothing but a belligerent irritating scab.

  57. It is not just Waters. Anyone that followers her or supports her should be held accountable as well as any politician that supports her verbally or by their silence.

  58. I just sent email to Paul Ryan asking why in the hell don’t they arrest her, that We the People know SEDITION when we see it and that we are a hairs-breath away from civil war while they DO NOTHING.

  59. Maxine Waters,i can’t stand trump either for all the lies and crap he says but i’m sorry but trump has earned one title as number one at what he does and buts out and its not being the president. but you are 20 times worse for what you are telling people to do if you want there attention walk up say excuse me i just want to say how i feel, do it nicely, and walk away, all you do with this crap if you are saying is get people in trouble or hurt for your ego, just remember the one who is dumber is the one who thinks everyone else is the dumbest

  60. Maxine Water is one of the most dangerous people in Congress today. She is blatently trying to get someone to take a shot at the POTUS. Shouldn’t the SS pay her a visit?

  61. Mrs posting: Maxine Waters is a bad person to have represent blacks. The blacks should be forcing her to shut the h**l up. Maxine is doing harm to their cause. Just like dumbing down U.S. TV shows floating all over the air waves, in countries that are our enemies, our enemies see U.S. TV shows like the stupid “Reality” TV shows, and they make the wrong assumption that ALL Americans are that dumb and ill behaved. That’s entertainment, NOT.

  62. Conservative media is buffooning with a dangerous criminal negro Maxine Waters; calling her low IQ and other endearing name. Trump administration is really clueless and powerless, and full of either imbeciles or traitors. In any other country in the world (with the exception of flaky EU countries), a criminal like Maxine Waters will be arrested and executed in no time. Its’ about time Maxine Waters is arrested, and given severe punishment including public flogging.

  63. The anti-Trump vicious statements Maxine Waters makes does not reflect low IQ. It reflects extreme race-based hatred, and dangerous call to armed revolt against Donald Trump. If this is not open treason, I don’t know what is. She deserves death sentence.

  64. Maxie, as a representative of her constituency is very sad. Her constituency deserve so much more than the misery she heaps on them, Her constituency should open their eyes to how she has betrayed their trust.
    Maxie. You really do have the I.Q. of a road bump.
    She is a deplorable, hate filled menace of a person!

  65. Oh lawdy, lawdy de prez i dent he be’s scary we gon tak he head off lik de glor i us moslem bros or my name not Aunt Jemima Waters.
    When is the secret service going to put her out of commission for making deadly threats against the President of the United States?

  66. I do not care if she IS an elected official, this kind of thing can not be allowed to continue. She is going to create a situation where people are going to be harmed, in face she ALREADY HAS! It is time for the Secret Service to go have a little chat with her, if that doesn’t work, then .. HANDCUFFS, perhaps a gag?

  67. I believe we who have still functioning cerebrums are ignoring the ignorance of Waters and the entire Left. Lets just make sure we vote Republican in the midterms and shut these fascists up!!!

  68. Doesn’t it make you wonder who If anyone is on our side??????????????????????.
    Is it simple fear of being called racist or is it more………………………………………..

  69. I am a Californian, and let me tell you, she is not typical! She is insane and should be removed from office, but I don’t know a single person who behaves like her. Don’t put us all in the same basket has Maxine, please!

  70. Mad Max is just a typical Democrat and Californian.
    The reapportionment after 2020 Census, WHICH INCLUDES ILEGALES, (that’s right kiddies, all the flap about illegal voting is much ado about nothing – their districts are all vast majority Democrats so it doesn’t matter whether they vote or not) will give Democrats total control of the country until and unless there is some kind of violent revolution and/or partition.

  71. mad max is not just a low IQ person, she is mentally unstable. Since the people who live in CA are dumb enough to elect this moron the Congress MUST censor her and make her step down. She is counter productive to everything America stands for.

  72. Auntie Maxie doesn’t deserve her seat in Congress! She has not realized that we do not do things that way in the US! Donald J. Trump was duly elected as President of the US in Nov. 2016 and no amount of protesting and complaining and acting out is going to change that! We are a nation of LAWS. Something you dems, with your insistence on illegal aliens being welcomed, don’t seem to understand. Follow the LAW, Maxipad! Until 2018, shut up!!

  73. Whites that live in or near big cities should be afraid very afraid. This isn’t about trump this is about people of color taking over. Like laraza and the Castro brothers. Even white Democrats will be in trouble if we allow too many illegals into America. Just look at every country run by people of color Without whites they would still be living in huts.

  74. Something is getting ready to come to the public that the left are trying to tamp down until after the election, but I don’t think the Democrats are going to win. Whatever it is will certainly come out soon enough.

  75. The sooner Maxine passes away, the better America will be.

    Here’s how I handle demonstrations that block the road. In addition to my regular car and pickup, I have an old, rusty 1965 Mercury. Seems like people don’t like driving next to me on the road because they think I’m an uninsured poor guy. I put some barb wire over the front grill in such a way that you cannot tell it’s barbed wire. I wash the car at home so no one gets hurt at the car wash. When there are notices of demonstrations in my city, and I need to get somewhere where the demonstrations are, especially the kind that block roads, I drive that car. If anyone blocks me and tries to enter my car, I’ll step on the pedal and they’ll get sliced and diced. If you don’t touch my car, you’ll be okay. Try to smash my windows or open my doors, and out comes the Glock 23.

  76. She is the BIGGEST RACIST and the MOST DEPLORABLE person with a BIG MOUTH. And she calls for violence with that big mouth. Trump calls you low IQ because you are stupid not because your black.

  77. You go girl, you and 85 percent of you in washing ton should be worried, Give it all you got, the louder they scream the more corrupt they are trying to save themselves from the crimes they have committed.

  78. Everyone in the government right now are freaking out about how they themselves are complicit with the corruption that allowed Hillary not to be charged with a crime against the American people and their witch hunt into Russian collusion. On top of all that they are now uncovering the truth of where Obama was actually born, in Mombasa, Kenya. Anyone who intentionally ignored these facts as elected politicians allowed a non-American citizen imposter to be elected to the highest office in our Republic. So, they are clearly worried about the fall-out and how they will be affected after the dust settles. These are serious charges and they demand accountability. This is the primary reason the left and the right are determined to prevent Trump from holding office as POTUS. Maxine Waters is like a mosquito flying around and annoying everyone around her. She needs to be held accountable for inciting violence against everyone who supports President Trump.

  79. Posting-Mrs-F: This witch, moron, senile old hag, and a few other cuss words to describe this deplorable woman, MUST be impeached. She should not be protected just because she is black.

  80. This is insanity on display. Our chant should be “Impeach Mad Max, Now” How can this idiot be allowed to continue her vile acts of hatred day after day and nothing is done to stop her. I couldn’t get away with this. In the least I’d be in a mental hospital, at the worst I’d be in jail. She has broken so many laws and no one does anything to her. Just like fall down Clinton, Pelosi and a host of others. Is everyone in the justice dept a liberal ? Let’s see some justice here !!!!!

  81. Most of the blame goes to the brainwashed useful idiots that put this rag in office and keep her there. The rest of the blame goes to Congress for not saying a word ad letting her keep on with this garbage.

  82. This is more than just liberal ranting. I am wondering if President Trump being harsh on Russia might be costing her money. She did not get two multi-million dollar mansions to live in outside of her district on her Congressional salary.

  83. Why has congress not kicked this violent and vicious so called woman out of congress she is promoting violence and it is not going to be just protesting it will become physical violence. She looks like a rabid animal that should be put away for the sake of humanity

  84. If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. CLAPPER’S OWN CONFESSION

  85. Last week, it was reported a “suspicious powder” was mailed to this hack’s office – -too bad it wasn’t the real thing! I try to NOT speak unkindly of people, but mad maxie isn’t anything that I can relate to the word “human”! Why has Congress not censured and expelled her yet??

    1. The powder in question was found to be “pixie dust” sent from God to Maxine. It was originally thought to be resin for her sweaty hands to keep her voodoo doll from slipping from her grasp. Sanity isn’t the only thing she’s worried about losing. But then, she’s already lost that as it appears. Now, one must question the sanity of those who worship and vote for her.

  86. Why is that crazy assed woman not being charged with racist, hate speech, or inciting a riot, If a white person had been out in a town forum and called for Obama’s head they would have been picked up and charged with threatening the President, and they should have been, That crazy witch needs to be stopped before she causes somebody to be killed.

  87. French Revolution lets get real! Who does Maine Water’s know who would really collect heads? Hint Farrakhan and Islamists. Who does Waters represent?

  88. Why can’t someone go for her ugly head? I just can’t believe that vile hag gets votes. Just how stupid do the voters have to be in that district to actually vote for that creature. Crapifornia truly sucks.

  89. I still think Maxipad is one of the best weapons Conservatives have against the libs. She makes the Dems look even stupider than they really are, if that’s possible. And she’s free!
    You go girl!!

  90. This woman is as crazy as a pack of wolves chasing a gut wagon! She tries SO hard to be viable, she’s digging her way underground so fast she sees daylight and sunset BOTH at noon! Hard to believe she’s kept her dementia under wraps for so long! HEY!!!!!!!!! That applies to ALL the Sorrows Slaves! He’s too much of a COWARD to come out in public, so he pays WELL, to have the clueless and gullibles to do his depraved deeps FOR him! Good think Satan isn’t in hell, because when THIS scoundrel “goes”, he’d would throw Satan out!

  91. Maxine Waters: D, CA. maybe manic-depressive in the manic phase. How the people of CA can elect people like this is beyond me. For a Congressman (ok person) to call for rioting, harassing and violence is disgusting. The liberal social progressives are totally out of control and are the ones calling for the destruction of America.

    1. James; You forgot; “communists” and man-made flat disk worshipers! Moon god of violence and revolution from Babylon! As dead as a locust post, and speaks ONLY through radical Rebels that hate America, just like communists do!

  92. go to and start a petition to have her and cory booker arrested for treason and sedition. i would do it myself but i suffered from small stroke and can barely type any moreit takes me fr ever just to reply to a blog post. by the time i go back and corect all th mistakes. i am afraid they would just throw my petition out thinking it was from a little kid or someone playing joke. i really cn spell well my fingers just dont do wht mt brain tells them to do all the time and i have no feeling i them so i am like the typo king these days

  93. This is not amusing, honorable, professional nor becoming of a congress person. She needs to be censured by her party, visited by the Secret Service and impeached herself. She is intolerable and I challenge her to get an IQ test and prove she’s not a low scorer. And while we’re testing, Pocahontas needs to get her DNA tested.

  94. God doesn’t take it very lightly when you invoke His name in an attempt to in-sight violence against people. As a matter of fact, invoking Gods name as an encouragement to sin, is taking Gods name in vain. Maxine…there’s a point where Gods patience is pushed to a point where your own actions will put your well being in jeopardy…like, in Gods name, calling for violence against a duly elected president, just may result in your having named your own poison. You’re a black Bolshevik, masquerading as one of our republics congressional leaders. Your foolishness has gotten more votes for conservatives and caused more democrats to leave the party than you can possibly fathom. Enjoy it, because I don’t think you’ll get re-elected on your present platform.

  95. Somebody should pull the wig off this Libtard’s mascot and expose her her uglyness not from her true insides belief but her outward uglyness to try push her shamefull ideology of republicanism….

  96. She is the most hateful person I have ever seen and listened to. She is a racist and hates white people. She is encouraging violence and should be held accountable if anyone is killed because of her racist and hateful remarks.

  97. I could be wrong but if Im right, its huge…..
    if congress waits until after the general election to impeach Maxi-Pads and just by chance Republican John Cox wins the Goveror’s race.. Cox can appoint a Republican to replace Maxi-pads… that would be a super win, HUGE…..

  98. i am no legal scholar but it seems to me that maxine waters has surely crossed the legal line of free speach into flat out treason and an attempt to mobilize an army to over throw the elected government. i am curious as to why sessions has not sworn out an arrwst warrant for her ugly as sin low IQ’d ass yet. there is no doubt in anyones mind that if holder, or lynch were attorney general and waters were a conservative that she woulkd be laying on a water boarding tablew in gitmo a long time ago. maybe its time to go to and start a petition to have waters arrested and charged with sedition, treason nd being the leader of anttemoted coupe, along with ties to the terrorist group the muslim brotherhood and the nation of islam. then follow the money back to ge3eorge soros and arrest his ass for funding the coupe and terror attacks launched by antifa! it is clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that soros is the ring leader , hillary clinton, maxne waters and john McCain are the top dogs in this attempt to over throw our nation! the 4 horsemen of the progressive apocoplypse zo to speak!

    1. Quasimodo; The ONLY LEGACY John “raising cain” has; The “foundation” was built with rubber bricks! and LIES! he would have been NOTHING without the Republicans making him out to be a hero! The Left Liberals would have NEVER made that mistake, because they knew who and what, he was! He’s been a fence-riding, closet Democrat since he got into politics! Paying them back for not ratting on him! But his military group who were THERE when he was falling on his face, showing his cowardice, told the TRUE legacy of subterfuge and outright lies! Dying from cancer, or brain-dead from fear of exposure? As a famous actor said; “You dirty RAT”!

  99. I wonder when the “double standard” liberals are famous for will ever change? I wonder when a respectable Democrat in Congress will forcefully condemn Maxine? No one deserves the crap liberals are serving to the American public.

  100. I do feel sorry for this women, as she does not know God and needs badly to get the bible out and get to know God and his ways, not her ways, but His. She is not only hurting herself, but others with this hate of hers.

  101. She is just walking a thin line between being highly negative, and advocating the assassination of a sitting president. Someone should point that out to her, or maybe just toss her butt in PRISON.

  102. I have known many black people that were very smart, most of them were my friends. A person of minimum mental aptitude, whether black or white, quite often says and does very improper things. And Minimum certainly fits that picture. Instead of voicing her views in an intelligent manner she has to resort to violence. IS THIS THE TYPE OF RHETORIC IN OUR CONGRESS? ALL CONSERVATIVES MUST VOTE IN NOVEMBER TO STOP THIS.

    1. for Maxi-Pads to lose, there would have to be a huge flip for Hispanic and Black Votes… they equal to 69.6% of her district.. she wins elections by 71-74% do the math…

      15.1% White
      23.6% Black
      12.6% Asian
      46.0% Hispanic
      2.7 % other

      if by chance John Cox (r) wins the Governor, and Maxi-pads gets impeached after November Cox can nominate a conservative as Congressman… really pissing off lieberals in CaliFOREIGNia…

      1. Robert; That’s why the Lethal Left is so rabid and focused on getting illegal immigrants into America! Since LBJ and his nefarious way of ripping the Civil Rights fight out of the Republicans hands, turning it into a DEM-onic way of enslaving blacks for “STUFF”! iDenying them the rights that Republicans had fought for, for decades!! Ihave a cassett series where he said: “If we give them free stuff, the “N”S will voted Democrat for the next hundred years! That was SICK and he KNEW it! Now, the black’s are FINALLY getting wise to the “You are my brothers and sisters” bull hockey the Left Liberals have been telling them for YEARS! Never following through with their promises! Like the Puppet President who promised them; New parks, schools, training for jobs, improved communities, homes, etc! He knew in advance that he had been primed, groomed, tutored, taught, to be President for years! So his MEMBH donors and mr sorrows could have control of our Government through the power of his position as President!





  103. Maxie-Pad Waters comments are that of a STUPID person that is about to see her world and possible criminal actions come to light (a person cannot afford a 4 million dollar home when the payments exceed the yearly income by thousands of dollars a year)…do a loan chart on 4 million and realize that her pay is only 187,000 a year BEFORE taxes….

    1. Here is the payments on a 4 million dollar loan at 3% interest which comes to 202368 per year…not including real estate taxes in California….remember she makes 187,000

      Mortgage Amortization Schedule
      Jul, 2018
      Aug, 2018
      Sep, 2018
      Oct, 2018
      Nov, 2018
      Dec, 2018

  104. This insanely evil woman doesn’t seem to care about blacks as she claims. Black unemployment is the LOWEST ever, but she won’t give Trump any credit for that. Instead she wants to take him down, by force if necessary. Disgusting, evil, wretched.

  105. This woman is truly the devil’s advocate. She is a danger to everyone and needs to be taken out of the public eye and put into a sanitarium where she can get the help she needs. Threatening the citizens of this great country is a crime but threatening the president is treason. Why is nothing being done about her?

  106. I guess she proves the liberals still control the FBI, otherwise she would be in jail right now. Isn’t congress supposed to remove members who do something this traitorous in respect to our elected president and representatives? They should have already acted and removed her from office. You can bet if a conservative representative said something about obama like this they would have been shown the door the same day.

  107. If the bitxh wasn’t black the secret service would have her in jail for threatening the President. The press and the republicans in Congress are scared to death to do anything as they was with Obama the snappy tune guy. Everything is racism to most blacks, they are their own worse enemy. Waters lives in a mansion while her constituents live in ghettos.

    1. I’d like to see stats on how many people have been questioned or arrested for remarks made about the President. Have they visited any of the Hollyweird trash that have made threatening remarks? Have they spoken to any Democrats who have spewed their lies and hatred?

    2. Water’s husband owns the mansion on Arden, in LA. He got his money — some evidence suggests — from people trying to curry favor with Maxine. His employment is listed as “Assistant Counsel for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.” That would be “ICE.” Heard of it? Maxine has been railing against it for a while now. If you want to help out her opponent in the November Election, his name is Omar Navarro. Go to his website and pitch in a few $$. Or more than a few.

  108. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who thinks this harridan is certifiable and that very few people actually care what kind of madness comes out of her torn-pocket mouth, but she makes good news copy – for both the Right and the Left – and that’s the only reason we keep hearing about her.

  109. This is the Einstein that said our next Supreme Court Justice should be an illegal alien , no joke.

    This is also, along with Eric ( I hate white people) Holder the person democrats are prepping to go against Trump in 2020 .

    My God man the idiocy is truly mind boggling .

    1. Sorry, i was raised a coal miners son in Kentucky, so i know this. . 95% of Blacks hate whites, they blame whites for every woe they suffer. Whites, the Government will never never be able to do enough or give enough for this to change, and Waters is one of them………..She needs jailed for making threatening comments against the President, and inciting violence between black and whites.

  110. Happy to learn that “The Face” of the Corrupt-Crooked Liberal Democrats Party, is at it again…
    I’m going to get a Costume Mask made, of “The Face” and sell it in Halloween…
    Keep going Maxine, you are looking your best, girl! Next time, engage your brain before opening your mouth… it works every time!
    Semper fi..

  111. Code of Official Conduct

    Rule XXIII – Code Of Official Conduct

    There is hereby established by and for the House the following code of conduct, to be known as the “Code of Official Conduct”:

    1. A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.

    2. A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall adhere to the spirit and the letter of the Rules of the House and to the rules of duly constituted committees thereof.

    Why is House Ethics Committee not taken action against this crazy woman. She is not representing her constituents and is thus not doing the job she is supposed to be doing. This is a violation of the Congressional code of Conduct and she should either be removed or at least be censored. Is there anyone still awake on Capitol Hill. The Russians are not planning on nuking us anytime soon. You can come out from under your desks.

    1. What’s wrong with regnant and retarded? It doesn’t have to be an “either, or” situation. That being said, I hope, as I’m sure you do, that the termagant’s salubrity is tenuous and thereby, terminus in sight.

  112. Imagine what would have happened if someone had done this to obimbo. Wow, that would been stopped immediately! So why isn’t it now? The scabby *itch is putting our president’s life in danger and nothing’s being done, I know, THEY’RE AFRAID it would start a racial war! Blacks and white’s got along peacefully like it should be before obimbo, now look at our country. With the smirk on that maggot’s face I wish it was his life being put in danger, not Trump’s.

  113. This woman is straight from the gates of hell. There can be no other reason for the democratic parties hatred and crazy vile lies about our President. Their agenda and power have been stopped. As satan roams the earth as a raging lion seeking whom he may devour. So are the democratic party. Pray for our nation and for our president. For now the HOLY SPIRIT is holding back the evil.

    1. Rodney, You are so right! I don’t understand why the Secret Service has arrested her. She is inciting violence and harm to the President. When is Congress going to take a stand against what she is doing. One thing about it the Republicans will win this fall because of the way she is acting.

      1. The DOJ under the “leadership” of Sessions is allowing ALL the rich politicians and celebrities to get away with rape, robbery, fraud, treason, terrorism, etc. We no longer have any form of justice in this country. Sessions is the protector of the deep state. If we ever again execute traitors in this country, we should start with him.

    2. youzare right and here is how i see it, george soros is satan in the flesh, hillary clinton is his daughter and maxine waters, obama, nancy pelosi and john McCain are the four horsemen of the apocolypse. they are in a full scale attempt to lunch armegeddon and force god and christ to battle satan and islam for control of the earth and every living creatre on it.

  114. Reminder that Maxine Waters has been INDEPENDENTLY voted “Most Corrupt Four Times”, has only passed 3 bills in 30 years (one of which was the renaming of a post office), and was charged by the House Ethics Committee multiple times for using her position to route bailout money to a bank her husband owned stock in. She’s a crook.

      1. Had someone talked like this against Obama, the fed’s would have had that person in JAIL.. Is this what we call democratic party PRIVILEGE???? Put this vile woman in JAIL NOW!!!!!

        1. Oh, now, now, now. We must be patient and compassionate. After all if they can put affirmative action hires in traffic control towers than certainly the house of representatives can take on it’s share as well, no?

  115. Can someone please define “TREASON”:?? We the People elected President Trump and this FOOL cannot accept the voice “Of the People”… This woman needs to be arrested by the Secret Service and placed behind steel bars……

    1. Dems sure as hell have NO CLUE… …. ACTUAL DEFINED TREASON under OBAMA . We witnessed TEXT BOOK TREASON, TWICE by Obama. First the trade of FIVE TOP ENEMY LEADERS for ONE KNOWN DESERTER. giving material aid to ENEMY is TEXT DEFINITION of TREASON. Second by handing BILLIONS to Iran for hostage release?/ TREASON by text book definition

  116. You can’t tell me that pretty much telling “her” people to kill is legal- especially our president! Why hasn’t anything been done to shut the *itch’s mouth? And how in the world could that piece of stinking garbage be a Senator? It makes the rest of them look bad that’s for sure. And what it does for California lol, she fits in perfectly, where else would you expect that maggot scab to come from? If anything’s going to happen to anyone I hope it’s her and shut that worthless stupid racist *itch’s big mouth. She is nothing but a belligerent irritating scab.

  117. I just sent email to Paul Ryan asking why in the hell don’t they arrest her, that We the People know SEDITION when we see it and that we are a hairs-breath away from civil war while they DO NOTHING.

  118. Maxine Waters,i can’t stand trump either for all the lies and crap he says but i’m sorry but trump has earned one title as number one at what he does and buts out and its not being the president. but you are 20 times worse for what you are telling people to do if you want there attention walk up say excuse me i just want to say how i feel, do it nicely, and walk away, all you do with this crap if you are saying is get people in trouble or hurt for your ego, just remember the one who is dumber is the one who thinks everyone else is the dumbest

  119. Maxine Water is one of the most dangerous people in Congress today. She is blatently trying to get someone to take a shot at the POTUS. Shouldn’t the SS pay her a visit?

  120. Mrs posting: Maxine Waters is a bad person to have represent blacks. The blacks should be forcing her to shut the h**l up. Maxine is doing harm to their cause. Just like dumbing down U.S. TV shows floating all over the air waves, in countries that are our enemies, our enemies see U.S. TV shows like the stupid “Reality” TV shows, and they make the wrong assumption that ALL Americans are that dumb and ill behaved. That’s entertainment, NOT.

  121. Conservative media is buffooning with a dangerous criminal negro Maxine Waters; calling her low IQ and other endearing name. Trump administration is really clueless and powerless, and full of either imbeciles or traitors. In any other country in the world (with the exception of flaky EU countries), a criminal like Maxine Waters will be arrested and executed in no time. Its’ about time Maxine Waters is arrested, and given severe punishment including public flogging.

  122. Maxie, as a representative of her constituency is very sad. Her constituency deserve so much more than the misery she heaps on them, Her constituency should open their eyes to how she has betrayed their trust.
    Maxie. You really do have the I.Q. of a road bump.
    She is a deplorable, hate filled menace of a person!

    1. The anti-Trump vicious statements Maxine Waters makes does not reflect low IQ. It reflects extreme race-based hatred, and dangerous call to armed revolt against Donald Trump. If this is not open treason, I don’t know what is. She deserves death sentence.

    2. The anti-Trump vicious statements Maxine Waters makes does not reflect low IQ. It reflects extreme race-based hatred, and dangerous call to armed revolt against Donald Trump. If this is not open treason, I don’t know what is. She deserves death sentence.

  123. Oh lawdy, lawdy de prez i dent he be’s scary we gon tak he head off lik de glor i us moslem bros or my name not Aunt Jemima Waters.
    When is the secret service going to put her out of commission for making deadly threats against the President of the United States?

  124. I do not care if she IS an elected official, this kind of thing can not be allowed to continue. She is going to create a situation where people are going to be harmed, in face she ALREADY HAS! It is time for the Secret Service to go have a little chat with her, if that doesn’t work, then .. HANDCUFFS, perhaps a gag?

    1. Doesn’t it make you wonder who If anyone is on our side??????????????????????.
      Is it simple fear of being called racist or is it more………………………………………..

      1. I believe we who have still functioning cerebrums are ignoring the ignorance of Waters and the entire Left. Lets just make sure we vote Republican in the midterms and shut these fascists up!!!

  125. Mad Max is just a typical Democrat and Californian.
    The reapportionment after 2020 Census, WHICH INCLUDES ILEGALES, (that’s right kiddies, all the flap about illegal voting is much ado about nothing – their districts are all vast majority Democrats so it doesn’t matter whether they vote or not) will give Democrats total control of the country until and unless there is some kind of violent revolution and/or partition.

    1. I am a Californian, and let me tell you, she is not typical! She is insane and should be removed from office, but I don’t know a single person who behaves like her. Don’t put us all in the same basket has Maxine, please!

  126. mad max is not just a low IQ person, she is mentally unstable. Since the people who live in CA are dumb enough to elect this moron the Congress MUST censor her and make her step down. She is counter productive to everything America stands for.

  127. Auntie Maxie doesn’t deserve her seat in Congress! She has not realized that we do not do things that way in the US! Donald J. Trump was duly elected as President of the US in Nov. 2016 and no amount of protesting and complaining and acting out is going to change that! We are a nation of LAWS. Something you dems, with your insistence on illegal aliens being welcomed, don’t seem to understand. Follow the LAW, Maxipad! Until 2018, shut up!!

  128. Whites that live in or near big cities should be afraid very afraid. This isn’t about trump this is about people of color taking over. Like laraza and the Castro brothers. Even white Democrats will be in trouble if we allow too many illegals into America. Just look at every country run by people of color Without whites they would still be living in huts.

  129. Something is getting ready to come to the public that the left are trying to tamp down until after the election, but I don’t think the Democrats are going to win. Whatever it is will certainly come out soon enough.

  130. The sooner Maxine passes away, the better America will be.

    Here’s how I handle demonstrations that block the road. In addition to my regular car and pickup, I have an old, rusty 1965 Mercury. Seems like people don’t like driving next to me on the road because they think I’m an uninsured poor guy. I put some barb wire over the front grill in such a way that you cannot tell it’s barbed wire. I wash the car at home so no one gets hurt at the car wash. When there are notices of demonstrations in my city, and I need to get somewhere where the demonstrations are, especially the kind that block roads, I drive that car. If anyone blocks me and tries to enter my car, I’ll step on the pedal and they’ll get sliced and diced. If you don’t touch my car, you’ll be okay. Try to smash my windows or open my doors, and out comes the Glock 23.

  131. She is the BIGGEST RACIST and the MOST DEPLORABLE person with a BIG MOUTH. And she calls for violence with that big mouth. Trump calls you low IQ because you are stupid not because your black.

  132. You go girl, you and 85 percent of you in washing ton should be worried, Give it all you got, the louder they scream the more corrupt they are trying to save themselves from the crimes they have committed.

  133. Everyone in the government right now are freaking out about how they themselves are complicit with the corruption that allowed Hillary not to be charged with a crime against the American people and their witch hunt into Russian collusion. On top of all that they are now uncovering the truth of where Obama was actually born, in Mombasa, Kenya. Anyone who intentionally ignored these facts as elected politicians allowed a non-American citizen imposter to be elected to the highest office in our Republic. So, they are clearly worried about the fall-out and how they will be affected after the dust settles. These are serious charges and they demand accountability. This is the primary reason the left and the right are determined to prevent Trump from holding office as POTUS. Maxine Waters is like a mosquito flying around and annoying everyone around her. She needs to be held accountable for inciting violence against everyone who supports President Trump.

  134. Posting-Mrs-F: This witch, moron, senile old hag, and a few other cuss words to describe this deplorable woman, MUST be impeached. She should not be protected just because she is black.

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