Maxine Waters Says Republicans ‘Don’t Seem To Care’ About ‘Rogue Cops’ Targeting Minorities

maxine waters rogue cops

On Tuesday, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters said that Republicans didn’t seem to care about “rogue cops” who she claims “target” racial minorities and “cause… their lives to be lost.”

Rep. Waters made her comments on Spectrum’s “News 1 Los Angeles.”

Rep. Waters: Republicans ‘Basically Support All Of The Police No Matter What Harm They Cause’

“We have the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act that’s on the Senate side, and it is stalled,” Waters said.

“The negotiators are working to try and work out some kind of way the act will not be compromised” she added. “They haven’t gotten to the point they can agree on it yet.”

Waters then touched on the controversial issue of qualified immunity, which currently protects law enforcements officers from lawsuits.

Waters said, “There’s one issue as you know that is middle of the controversy, and that is qualified immunity.”

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She added, “So I’m just hopeful our negotiators will be strong, and they will continue to try and make sure we have a good, sound piece of legislation would really benefit all of our communities and particularly our communities that have been so harmed by rogue cops who have basically targeted people of color and cause them to be harmed and their lives to be lost.”

The Democrat added, “What you have is a typical disagreement between Democrats and Republicans and how we view our responsibilities to all of the people.”

“On one hand, the Republicans have law enforcement no matter what they do,” Waters insisted. “They are the ones who support the police unions. Who basically support all of the police no matter what harm they cause.”

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Waters: ‘This Is Typical Of The Republicans’

Waters continued to demean Republicans.

“This is typical of the Republicans in the way that they don’t seem to care as much,” Waters said. “They don’t seem to think police should be held accountable — that somehow, they should be able to do whatever they want to do. They join in ways in which to protect them.”

“Philosophically we are on different ends on what we need to rein in rogue cops and what we need to do for police accountability,” Waters ended.

Democrats Filibustered Black Republican Tim Scott’s Reform Bill

Waters conveniently left out that Republicans have offered substantive police reform ideas – only to be rebuffed and blocked by Democrats. 

In July 2020, just a month after the death of George Floyd, Democrats filibustered and blocked GOP Sen. Tim Scott’s police reform bill. 

(These are the same Democrats who claim the filibuster is a “Jim Crow relic.”)

Only three Democrats voted in favor of advancing Scott’s bill – Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Doug Jones of Alabama, and Independent Angus King of Maine. 


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