Maxine Waters to Kanye West: Shut Up and Rap

Maxine Waters Kanye West

Remember when it was super-racist to tell an athlete to shut up and dribble instead of commenting on political matters?

Maxine Waters just responded to the Kanye West awakening and said something that, had it come from a Republican, a conservative commentator, or a white male, would have been labeled racist on a 24/7 news cycle.

Waters responded to West’s pro-Trump and Democrat-exposing tweets by essentially telling him to keep quiet.

She accused the artist of ‘talking out of turn’ and suggested he “not have so much to say.”

In short, get to the back of the bus if you’re not going to tow the party line.

Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro warned Kanye, “the Thought Police are coming for you.”

Waters praised Kanye’s ability as an artist but said when it comes to more complex matters, he shouldn’t really think for himself.

“Kanye West is a very creative young man who has presented some of the most revolutionary material in the African-American community,” she condescended. “But we also think that sometimes Kanye West talks out of turn and perhaps sometimes he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts.”

Terrific. Telling a prominent member of the black community that he’s too dumb to understand things and that he should just shut up and rap should go over well.

“We don’t think that he actually means to do harm, but we’re not sure he really understands the impact of what he’s saying, at the time that he’s saying it and how that weighs on, particularly the African American community — and for young people in general,” Waters continued. “And I think maybe he should think twice about politics, and maybe not have so much to say.”

Kanye’s been espousing freedom of thought and learning to love one another and this clown responds with ‘stop talking.’

Not too bright. Waters is definitely a low-IQ individual.

West commented on people like Waters who don’t want others to think for themselves, saying they live in a “mental prison.”

“Free thinkers don’t fear retaliation for your thoughts,” he said. “The traditional thinkers are only using thoughts and words but they are in a mental prison. You are free.”

The only thing we disagree with there is that Waters hasn’t had an actual thought in quite some time.

Why isn’t Maxine Waters being called out for her racist comments? Share your thoughts below!

68 thoughts on “Maxine Waters to Kanye West: Shut Up and Rap”

  1. One day Maxine is going to look around and see there are no we. Your support from you fellow African Americans took a big dip when you came out and demeaned Kanye. The manner in which you speak about him is down right demeaning to any human being. You are the last one to be chastising anyone.

  2. Maxine Waters sounds like the “House Boy”, a term for the Slave that corrected the other Slaves when they spoke out of turn or said something the Master might not like. It is interesting to read some of the old accounts written by ex-Slaves that included how these “chosen few” would ride roughshod over the rest of the Slaves, keeping them in line.
    It was a terrible betrayal, as seen by the writers of those accounts. I was loaned a book of them by a History professor while I was at East Tennessee State University while we were trying to understand how Blacks could support the Clinton Presidency.

  3. #1…Mad Max is referring to herself as “we”…..all hail the queen & how DARE Kanye encourage young black people to shed the metaphysical chains of slavery — oh the outrage!!

  4. Maxine Waters believes its been 2 years since the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation and one year since Civil Rights. Ideally in her mind these events never happened and if they did they didn;t matter. It is a slave mentality.

    1. Funny thing about the Emancipation Proclamation: it did not free slaves, that occurred over 2 years later in December 1865. The truth (should Waters care to hear it) is that Lincoln used the slaves (in his emancipation speech) as pawns to induce the remaining rebel states to rejoin the Union. He stated that if any state should decide to remain in secession, Union troops would come and free each slave held in said states. He made no mention of the slaves being held in states still in the Union, thus refuting any claim of The Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves. But no liberal would concede that as being true.

  5. I will not pretend to like Kenye’s music but I have to respect his opinion on some things. We
    probably never will agree on his musical choices nor the wording contained in the lyrics. But
    Crazy Maxine has not right to open her blow hole and pollute the air with her hatred and BS.
    She is a sickness that is prevalent in Cali Politics and the entire Socialist Democratic party,
    like a rabid dog they will attack anyone and everyone that threatens their way of life and
    control over others. How she continues to get elected even in Cali is beyone all reason
    and I suspect if it wasn’t for the INVADER and GRAVEYARDS she would have been
    replaced by a lump of coal a long time ago.

  6. Kanye is talking out of turn. That’s one of the points he’s making. Neither he nor anyone else is required to wait his turn to express his thoughts. No one needs to follow the lead of one’s self-appointed “betters” and “leaders,” like Maxine Waters.

    Does Kanye completely think through everything he says? No, but then none of us does. Certainly not Maxine. Look at the incoherent, anti-social, borderline insane tear she has been on over the last year. She is clearly suffering from PTSD (ie, President Trump Stress Disorder).

    Does Kanye need to “stop talking” out of a sense of racial solidarity? Absolutely not. The very idea of racial solidarity, which was once necessary to the very survival of blacks in this country, no longer serves the community’s best interests. It’s time that blacks are allowed to think for themselves and say what they are thinking. And that is the other point Kanye is trying to make.

  7. I have never seen nor heard of Maxine Watters ever being anything but berserk! No one would recognize this dementia laden woman if she did not spew and hurl lies and stories made up in her sick mind! She should check into a state mental health hospital to receive help. Maybe one day someone would be able to understand something she was saying that made any sense whatsoever!

  8. After all of the “gaseous eructations” from Mz. Maxine, do she still have enough time
    to clean de’ res’rooms in de’ White House ??
    Dumb used to be temporary: Stupidity, in her case, is terminal.
    Think about this…this DUMB person is paid by YOUR TAX DOLLARS !!!!
    Are you pissed YET !!??

  9. Every time that idiot opens her mouth something stupid comes out of it. of all people she has the nerve to say kayne needs guidance? she needs her mouth stitch that moronic congresswoman.

  10. Man do they get upset when someone leaves the Democrat plantation… all that brainwashing down the drain. Scares the heck out of them he may take others with him…

  11. just wait until Kanye tells her to shut up and keep counting how much she stole. she is also killing blacks by the thousands. he knows she is a crooked piece of garbage. the day will come for this evil person.

  12. Oh my heck, do we still love Maxi-pad!! She is one of the best things the conservatives have in their arsenal. We don’t even have to wind her up – she just keeps giving and giving. And she’s so dependable. You go girl!!!

  13. Poor Maxine, looks like they are starting to wake up to the nonsensical chatter from the liberals. It must be horrific for her…who knows she might have a stroke over this. If so, Kanye will be a national hero and will need a medal from the President. If Hillary strokes out, I will lead the parades in his honor.

  14. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , Maxine Waters goes berserk ha ha ha ha i had to click on it just because there’s not much funnier than Waters going ballistic.

    All Waters does is smoke crack on the taxpayers dime , she has done absolutely nothing for the people she says she represents .

    She’s worth Millions just like all the other corrupt democrats , how does Susan Rice have a net worth of 50 million dollars .

    Why doesn’t that complete waste of human life Robert Mueller investigate the real criminals , DEMOCRATS !!!!!!

    He’s still searching for that piece of used chewing gum that Trump stuck under his school desk as a child because Trump didn’t take the time to choose the proper waste receptacle .

    What an atrocity the dem party is but you know whats even more embarrassing , there are actually people stupid enough to believe what they say LOLLLLLLLLLLL

    1. Because Mueller is trying to trap President Trump into an Obstruction of Justice or Perjury Charge, the scumbag doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. He even has the balls to threaten a sitting president on an indictment if he refuse to meet with him…Mueller you go ahead and try it there will 60, millions Conservative that will want and lynch your ass.

  15. Mad Max can’t “go berserk” . . . she is “beserk”, like a mad-dog-foaming-at-the-mouth and suffering from Terminal PTSD (President Trump Stress Disorder). :)

  16. Maxine Waters’ personal physician’s office was broken into by Barack Hussein Obama. Found was evidence that Maxine Waters has a prostate gland which is enlarged and has nodules. Maxine is not only a true hermaphrodite but also is a known coprophagic (look it up). You’ll laugh your head off when you look up these two medical terms.

  17. Maxine Waters thinks the back of the bus is the best place to be because she always has someone up front to do her driving. And were it not for the driver she would have no idea where she is. She think limos are time machines stuck in the year 1964.

  18. Maxine Waters is a 100% black racist in its purest form, she should apologize for that comment, immediately….If a white person said that, every black in the Democratic party would be jumping up and down and yelling. Get over it b**ch there are good black folks that are sick and tired of being lied to and screwed by the likes of you and all of your democratic cronies and are finally seeing the light and speaking up.

  19. The headline in my email feed is “Maxine Waters’ Goes Berserk With Her Attack On Kanye West”.
    My question would be, isn’t “berzerk” her default condition? Wouldn’t any change in her actions just be remarkable for appearing normal?

  20. Waters thinks Kayne West “sometimes … needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts.” I suggest Ms. Waters look in a mirror and say “Me too, only more so” 500 times. Just joking folks. It should be 500,000 times.

  21. He realized he didn’t want live on the democrats dole and take him back to their plantation.. Maxipad is certifiable, crazy and a lunatic. I’m glad that blacks are finally waking up and realizing that they are dependent on the democrats for everything. How much money and how many programs and policies do we have for the minorities in our country? Why and how much money have these politicians spent over the decades when they continually to make their lives better but not much has changed for them.. I’ve always wonder where did all that money go?

  22. You see Kanye – Mad Max thinks that black people should shut up and support Democrats – don’t rock the boat – don’t ask questions. In 2016 US Census Bureau estimated 46,778,674 African Americans in the United States. It would be insanity (and Mad Max qualifies for that) to think that all of those people think the same way. There are 1600-1800 black people murdered each year in the U.S and another 130,000+ black babies aborted. What has Maxine Waters EVER done to help ease that pain? She has been in politics for 30 years look at L.A. don’t even try to tell me that city is better now then when she took her JOB. People llok back at 30 years ago now as the good old days.

  23. Mrs. F posting: Maxine is rich and lives in a mansion NOT located in the poor district she supposedly represents. Why am I not surprised that a democrat would do this?

    1. Because Democraps are benevolent with everybody’s money but their own. Example Clinton Corrupt Foundation, Haiti is still in ruins left by the earthquake over eight years ago and the C.CF hasn’t done anything to rehabilitate them was their main goal.

  24. BlackRaven135

    Nothing new………….move along
    Waters was rabid when she was a member of the assembly in Calif when i was in Sacramento in the ’80s

  25. Is this witch really serious in trying to shut up West? I thought blacks were so supportive of each other and wanted to hear from each and every one of them. I guess it is up until they actually think for themselves and go against the mighty Democratic Machine.

  26. This is how Communist Pretend to have elections, YOU VOTE HOW WE SAY, Maxine needs to remember we are a REPUBLIC and have certain freedoms, one the right to vote as WE SEE FIT, not dictated to.

  27. People in California back this totally illiterate racist witch? (Only a w because what she really is will be deleted) I think those weirdos have totally lost it, out in la la land somewhere. Imagine a white Republican ranting and raving and spewing constant insults like that insane lunatic does. Oh my gosh the whining sore loser democrats would come unglued if that happened, but for some reason they think they can do anything. Kanye West is obviously an intelligent person with a brain- which unfortunately for our country no demorats can say.

  28. Occasionally the mask slips and the true face of liberalism shows. Kanye DARES to express an opinion contrary to those espoused by the CBC. People of color, do you see it now? You’re supposed to think the way they do. or they’ll help you to formulate some of your thoughts. Lockstep with the Left. Perhaps this will finally cause you to think twice about straight Democrat. Wake up. You’re being used!

  29. WOW, talk about mind blowing comments. This only proves how the Democrats constantly are making sure that the black people “keep in line” and vote Dem. She’s reminding him of what? How to think for himself, how to respect himself, how to help others caught in their evil web to break free?…..Go Kanye………MAXINE, FIND A RETIREMENT HOME, SOON……

  30. Anoneemous One

    Maxine Waters thinks that all Negroid Americans should all think like her, even though progressive policies have put them back on the plantation, called government welfare.

  31. Maxine Waters, shut up and …. what is it you do? 3 bills in 20 years? Wow! You don’t live in your district as it isn’t ritzy enough for you. You have somehow scammed people into voting for you for so long. Are you afraid that Kanye may influence your constituents? Are you afraid that he and others who think for themselves might make your constituents think? You are one of the prime reasons for term limits!

  32. This LARGE MOUTH ASS needs to be put down, hard, I call for this black wound to be euthanized in the most inhumane way possible!!! Hey, Florida, you REALLY need to rethink your congressmen/women, try something new, like, vote for someone who will pick you up, not keep you down while they, themselves live in the lap of luxury!! THINK ABOUT IT!!!

  33. Kanye back to Mad Max Waters, “I’ll stop talking when you resign & stop trying to keep blacks on the plantation. At least I can fall back on rap, you have nothing Maxi Pad Waters.”

  34. I changed my mind. I have updated my previous post. Wish I could delete the old one. —- Mrs.F posting: What’s wrong with the Dem Party? Let’s see, I can think of at least 14 things: Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, Pelosi, Schumer, hillary (and bill), donna brazile, podesta, little debbie wasserman-schultz, Pocahontas aka Lizzy Warren, Elijah Eugene Cummings, Hakeem Jeffries who thinks the island of Guam could tip over if too many more people stand on it, Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Green (not the singer). I could go on, but these are some of the obvious elected politician problems. This list doesn’t include the unending list of paid for MSM so called journalists.

    1. Actually Mrs F you could go on & on about what’s wrong with the Democrap Party & still not touch on everything since they are so corrupt & despicable! Good start though!

  35. Mrs.F posting: What’s wrong with the Dem Party? Let’s see, Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, hillary (and bill), podesta, little debbie wasserman-schultz, Pocahontas aka Lizzy Warren, Elijah Eugene Cummings, Hakeem Jeffries, D-NY. I could go on, but this is enough names for now.

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