Here’s What Maxine Waters – Who Wants to Impeach Trump – Thought About Impeaching Bill Clinton

Democrats can’t stop talking about the fact that they would like to impeach President Trump, particularly in the wake of his ex-attorney Michael Cohen being sentenced to three years in prison.

Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been one of the most outspoken.

“Trump would like to redefine the law,” she said on MSNBC recently. “He is dangerous.” Trump “created this hush money” that was used to pay off women, Waters insisted.

With so much of the impeachment talk on the left centering on the Stormy Daniels controversy, how did Democrats feel about Bill Clinton’s impeachment over a sex scandal two decades ago?

Let’s ask Maxine Waters.

In 1998, Waters said that President Bill Clinton might have been “guilty of certain indiscretions, in his private life,” but “did not commit high crimes and misdemeanors” that warranted impeachment.”

Oh really? Because that’s not remotely what Waters thinks about Trump.

But wait, there’s more.

“Republican coup d’etat”

Waters gave a speech in the House of Representative twenty years ago, in which she claimed that President Clinton’s impeachment was a “Republican coup d’etat” led by “Christian extremists” who were part of a grand conspiracy to “direct and control our culture.”

And people call Alex Jones a conspiracy theorist.

Waters also said Bill Clinton was “not guilty of the trumped up charges presented in these four articles of impeachment.”

Uh, yes he was.

It’s funny how when Democrats are talking about impeaching Donald Trump, they will use every excuse to do so, whether they are true or not, but when Bill Clinton definitely committed impeachable offenses, liberals were quick to ignore or dismiss them.

Partisanship is nothing new, but there should even be limits to that when looking for the truth.

And the truth is, Maxine Waters and many other Democrats don’t really care about sex scandals, lying and worse when a Democrat president does it.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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