President Trump Slams Hillary Clinton And Obama During Speech at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station

marines react trump hillary

Is there any doubt that our fighting men and women are thrilled to have a commander-in-chief like President Donald Trump?

During a speech at the Miramar Marine Corps Air Station base in California Tuesday, Trump was met with admiration and cheers, no more so than when he made comments savaging his former opponent Hillary Clinton, and former President Barack Obama.

The President touted his plan to make space exploration great again, outlining a goal to send astronauts back to the moon and even looking at developing a mission to Mars, something he claims would never happen had Clinton won in 2016.

“Very soon we are going to Mars,” he announced. “You wouldn’t have been going to Mars if my opponent won. That I can tell you. You wouldn’t even be thinking about it.”

The military members in attendance roared their approval.

Trump, exhibiting his usual candor, wasn’t content with taking a swipe at Hillary. He also took the opportunity to hammer Obama for his inability to combat ISIS, a terrorist organization the Trump Administration has decimated in little over a year.

“ISIS never thought this would happen,” the President declared. “They never got hit like this. We took off the gloves.”

“In one year, we did more damage to ISIS than other administration, a certain other administration, did in many years,” he added. “We took off the gloves.”

Again, the crowd of servicemen and women cheered.

Check out Trump’s comments below …

His statements are thoroughly accurate, of course.

The same organization Obama struggled to “contain” for years is the same group military officials said had lost 98 percent of its territory, with a majority of that coming since Trump took control as commander-in-chief.

Is it any wonder the crowd loves this guy?

Whom do you think military members support more – Trump, Hillary, or Obama? Share your thoughts below!

7 thoughts on “President Trump Slams Hillary Clinton And Obama During Speech at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station”

  1. We are not going to Mars or the Moon, NASA will soon cease to exist as an effective organization. we won’t even be able to afford as a country to defend ourselves if we continue to spend more than we take in. This administration has repeatedly lied to Americans about if we cut taxes our revenues will go up do to businesses reinvesting. That hasn’t happened and most raises are going to be given bake to the federal govt once everyone realizes that they won’t have as many exemptions and that pretty much takes that money back unless you had no deductions to begin with. This administration has taken our ability to combat any economic downturn away, when it comes there will be nothing the govt will be able to do to stop it like President Obama was able to do in 2009. The US had its largest deficit spending month in Feb and it looks to be getting worse. If it continues we won’t be able to afford the Military or their benefits (entitlements as Lyan Ryan likes to call them). As far as ISIS is concerned just a continuation of Obamas policies as the US military already had them on the run. This draft dodger of a President we have now loves to take credit for other actions and sacrifices. It is shameful that he is our president. He will take it for yours.
    Semper Fi

    1. By your standards, Red, Bill Clinton should be a draft dodger also, because he used deferments to avoid entering the military service during the Vietnam War. Allow me to help you understand what a draft dodger was during the Vietnam War, because I was drafted then (after finishing college) and served.

      During the Vietnam War, you could avoid being drafted by either going to college and maintaining a minimum C average and getting a student deferment (4F). Or, you could avoid the draft by receiving a medical deferment (4F). The other way was through unsuitability. For example, I saw guys reporting wearing dresses to their pre-induction physical so they could be considered unsuitable for military service. Those who were sent their draft notices (and where not protected by deferments) and did not report, were considered draft dodgers (someone who flees the draft). That was considered a felony. Many went to Canada or Sweeden, which protected them from being extradited back to the U.S.

      Real draft dodgers went ROTC: that means “ran off to Canada”, and were later pardoned by another liberal Jimmy Carter. The liberal left’s double standard is well known; those whom did dodge and or protest the Vietnam war were hailed as heroes, while those who actually fought were called baby killers and spat upon as they returned from overseas. I know, I had a lefist puke spit on me outside SF Intl Airport when returning home from combat. I’m pleased to report that I just smashed his thorax in really hard, like I was taught in the military. Since you mentioned Ryan, how do you feel about the Pennsylvania Congressman Murtha, who accused US Marines of attrocities which the NY Times and Washington Post sprayed all over their covers, which later was found false? I hate liars and hypocrites like him. That’s why I left the communist, er Democrat Party, years ago.

      US Navy EOD Veteran – Service connected disability
      Purple Heart
      Bronze Star

      1. Both Bill Clinton and Trump are draft dodgers. The difference is Bill never lectured the nation about patriotism. Trump is the one constantly harping about how he is a bigger patriot than McCain. In trump’s world view, patriotism is all about standing up for the national anthem – nothing else is required

  2. If our military likes better body armor, weapons and the go ahead to handle and complete a successful mission, their man has to be President Trump. All B. Obama did was aid the enemy while tying our military hands. H. Clinton, I shutter to think because her social spending would trump any military considerations, and, power to her is the communist countries and regimes.

    1. I guess neither could Obama then, since you claim it’s been several years and Trump has only been in office 1 year and 2 months, which doesn’t qualify for the plural “years”, which implies that it precedes Trump.

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