Liberal Reporter Attacks Sarah Huckabee For “Cold Hearted” DACA Decision – The Room Exploded At Her Answer


156 thoughts on “Liberal Reporter Attacks Sarah Huckabee For “Cold Hearted” DACA Decision – The Room Exploded At Her Answer”

  1. Adeline F.
    We all know this is unconstitutional and as long as POTUS remains true to his word and remembers we are a Nation of Laws we’ll be fine. Congress also needs to remember these facts. Too much of our tax money has already been spent on Illegal migrants. Our kids Education has suffered also. Put our Citizens First. They need to go back and fix their Government not try to change mine.

  2. DACA is both illegal AND unconstitutional. Congress needs to pass LEGESLATION to make it both legal AND constitutional. All they have to do is file the “executive action” off DACA, and replace it with the term “legislation.” WHAT IS THE PROBLEM…?!?!? Other than #HATE.Trump want’s to bash the administration…ya-think…?!?!?

  3. I do not hate immigrants, and I do not intend to offend anyone. I’m just exercising my freedom to express my opinion. I’m not into politics nor against immigrants (hey, my great and grand parents were immigrants and I’m sure many children’s parents were immigrants) but honestly, foreign countries are using their children as shields not only in terrorism but in destroying America, our constitutional laws and creating havoc in our economy and divisiveness in an otherwise peaceful diverse country. Americans in lower to middle class as well as poverty stricken Americans have been footing the bill through taxes for illegal immigrants and children to profit from our country’s education and jobs all while our own Americans are unable to afford education for their own children and jobs for our own Americans. Also our veterans, their families, especially their children who deserve benefits yet are compromised due to DACA and other illegal immigrant pardon programs. When immigrants came to our country back in the late 1800s and early 1900s they had to prove they had a place to live, eat and had a means of income, otherwise they were not allowed to enter the US. And no one got free healthcare, they paid for their own medical bills/insurance. We need to think of our Americans first and our poor to middle class American children’s educations before allowing tax payers to foot healthcare and educational bills for illegal immigrants and their children. Our poor and impoverished AMERICAN CITIZENS especially Military VETERANS and their poor impoverished AMERICAN CHILDREN FIRST! END OF STORY.

  4. Sue Everson claims to be an “artiste” but this is what she has to say about art in America.

    “America hasn’t abandoned its artists. American never cared for its artists. For a country steeped the the stories and ideals of individualism, American’s prefer conformity above all else.”
    Bad grammar Susy!

    Apparently she’s never heard of Georgia O’ Keeffe, Jackson Pollack, Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell, Andrew Wyeth & numerous other famous artists who didn’t “conform” at all.

  5. Why is it there is much animosity whenever anyone disagrees with DACA and other illegal immigrant funding programs – labeling anyone who disagrees with funding of this nature a hater and bigot; I don’t understand why Nancy Pelosi and her other ultra rich friends can’t create fundraisers to support their illegal immigrant children’s causes instead of wasting dollars for fundraisers fight our government. They claim there are only about 800,000 illegal children of illegal immigrant parents in our US (aka dreamers) but I understand that number is significantly higher like more in the 2 – 3 million range. Why can’t we put $$$ to our American veterans and their families for education and healthcare and Americans who are poor, lower middle class? AMERICAN CITIZENS, CHILDREN AND VETERANS FIRST!

  6. Democrat Agendas have never been “Progressive”…that is a misnomer…they have “ALWAYS BEEN REGRESSIVE”…America’s basic problems have been forced on us by the Democratic “REGRESSIVE” Agenda’s !!!

  7. You would be right Julia! The Demonrat’s progressive agenda is the New World Order, which every President since JFK has been trying to implement except Trump. These psychopaths want to depopulate the world from over 7 billion people down to 500 million people, meaning they would kill 6.5 billion people to accomplish this through vaccinations, Chemtrails, GMO’s, fluoride, war & outright murder if they had to. Google the Georgia Guidestones & you will see their lunatic plans which include people like Soros, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Kissinger, Cheney, Bush’s, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, Clinton’s & a whole litany of other lunatics.

  8. You would be correct. They were kids upon arrival but as reported the majority of DACA recipients are between the ages of 25 to 36 they are now young adults. But the MSM and Advocacy will continue to say we are deporting DACA “kids or children”

  9. Well said, Sarah. I also think the president will look for a way for the people to stay. This had to be stopped as it is. we can’t just let all come over here and made the problem worst. If you have to be mad at anyone it should be at the parents for putting their kids in this predicament. These people aren’t all “kids”.

  10. What is so difficult for the left to understand about ILLEGAL?? When their parents brought their younger children into America ILLEGALLY they committed a crime then. And we are suppose to give these now GROWN ADULTS a jump in line to become American Citizens if they will even do that? No this is the United States of America not the United States of Mexico and AMERICANS come FIRST. If you can’t handle that comment then all I can comment is too bad. Again go to Mexico illegally and see what kind of treatment you will get. HINT “it’s a 4 letter word that begins with J”.

  11. This one too from the site of Sue Everson, she’s so popular! LMAO!

    Dan Gonzalez: So how long have you been doing cocaine, you say? Apparently, you are very familiar with the results.

  12. Apparently, this isn’t the only site Sue (aka jeansandjackets) gets complaints from. This is from her Sue Everson site…

    Sten Helliksen: Why are you putting out false information that Trump has a Brian tumor. Isn’t it bad enough that the politicians lie through their teeth without you putting your two cents in.

  13. You’re an outright liar Sue Everson (aka jeansandjackets), you know full well Papa threatened to release your address when you were running down Melania for wearing heels to Texas. We can easily go back to the post & I’ll copy it for you. I’m sure that’s why you decided to take a break from your nasty comments as you don’t want it to hurt your PR business. Just like you lied that your name isn’t Sue Everson when another person (Don I believe) pointed out anyone could click on your pic & it pulls up your name. Incidentally, you’ve accused me of being a communist, a fascist & not being a Christian. You’re wrong on all three, but I don’t have to justify who I am to you. If you would just quit your juvenile comments & post like an intelligent person, everyone including me would leave you alone but since you won’t don’t count on it. I’m not even close to being the only person on this site who is sick of your ignorant comments so why do you continue?

  14. every time POTUS changes Obumer’s executive decisions the blacks take it personal attack on their existence…or blackness….it’s a total racial thing now…..far left is resisting their own life…STUPID!

  15. If they’d stopped the “ANCHOR BABY” law years ago we would not be in this mess today. What other country has such a law? An American woman’s baby born in Africa, Europe or any other nation is still the citizen of the nation her is.
    Let’s get real! Stop the anchor baby law first. It’s like bailing a leaking boat without first considering the leak!!!

  16. It does not stem from Trump’s decision. It all stems from Obama’s DACA, which violates the Constitution, usurps legislative prerogatives and abuses prosecutorial discretion.

  17. If these illegal aliens really wanted to become U. S. citizens, they would have gone thru the process and taken their test. But they didn’t. They have no intentions of becoming legal U. S. citizens. Their intentions are to set up small illegal communities, like sanctuary cities, where they demand welfare and demand the right to vote, but have never earned the right to either.They are freeloaders. Forcing illegal alien families back to their homelands is not cruel or inhuman, it is a responsible decision necessary for our country to recoup from years of Obama’s destruction.

  18. They ALL knew the law…including Obama who encouraged and still encourages ‘law-breakers’.
    Now is the time that the Constitution is becoming our ‘Force Majeure’…as intended…!
    Semper Fi…!

  19. Remember this Sue, the posting from Papa?

    Papa says: August 30, 2017 at 6:58 pm
    This is a redundant reply to a redundant person…I have skipped over your unintelligible drivel long enough. Your sophomoric rhetoric shows you to be either an uninformed 13 year old or a mentally deficient old maid with penis envy. Which is it, “Sue”? If you lack the intelligence to decipher my comments, I’ll bring it down to your level. Get off your fat arse and get an education before trying to communicate with individuals equipped with a triple-digit IQ and raised by two married parents. (By the way, my group has your REAL name and address – maybe your many admirers would like to send you love letters.)

  20. Papa NEVER EVER threatened to release my address, Lying Marilyn. Papa will ruin his reputation as a true Conservative if he did breach my security and privacy. Lawsuit!

  21. Sue was actually calling Sarah this, not Mike but she is also a decent Christian woman doing a very hard job in the Whitehouse. Shame on you Sue Everson!

  22. Please Papa, if you are reading any of this, release Sue Everson’s address so everyone can bombard her with nasty letters! Mike Huckabee is a very decent, Christian man that Sue (aka jeansandjackets) just called a “fat cold twat.” She quit posting after you threatened to release her address before but she’s back at it again so we are ALL hoping you will release her information.

  23. That’s right just what the democrats believe in communism and socialism, President Trump is restoring Law and Order once again in the United States. Why have a Constitution if you don’t live by it??

  24. I totally agree with this decision by President Trump. It forces the Congress to take action. The Congress does not work with the President on many issues. This is petty and irresponsible on their part. President Trump’s decision will force the Congress to finally do something. BRAVO to President Trump ! God bless him, and God bless America !

  25. See what I mean Sue, was this really necessary? Snert didn’t attack you personally or even acknowledge you in any way yet you just have to make a hateful nasty comment. Are you really that miserable of a person?

  26. This is what happens when you get a bunch of politicians in office that have no idea about the ins and outs of the Constitution. Our Founders left other lands that we not ruled by law and decided to create a Constitution that consisted of laws and things that the President and Congress can and cannot do. When you shirk the Constitution in your rulings, then you become a Government of Men and not Laws. That kind of Government is a disgrace to the Citizens of the country, but sometimes they are not far enough thinking to figure that out. With “Obama-ism”, we were starting to become a nation of “Men”, and now that Trump is in we are becoming a nation of “Laws” again. It seems that most Liberals if they have read the Constitution have not been able to interpret it!

  27. Cold hearted is the un-Constitutional act Barry did which rewards those who came illegally and punishes those who have immigrated properly. I favor letting them decide how the “dreamers” should be dealt with.

  28. I agree with the President’s decision. We have laws in this country and because the previous administration chose to break the law doesn’t make it right. These people should not have been here in the first place, so how can they complain about being sent away. Find somewhere else that will take them. No one will, or the places that do are full of criminals and looters. Please people, get some common sense and do what is best for the country – not people who are here illegally!

  29. What’s cold-hearted here is that Oblahblah violated the Constitution and in doing so gave all these kids the false impression that they could stay here. He went on to say that all of these people should vote which is why he issued the order in the first place.

  30. It’s not “cold-hearted” at all ! These kids and their families STOLE K-12 educations from the tax payers of the USA and they have had some 20 years to apply for citizenship !!!!

    Just because former Presidents were lax and didn’t mind helping these people to break our long-established immigration laws, doesn’t make it right !!!!

  31. Why is President Trump being blamed for a situation that the former President, Obama has created? Why aren’t the MSM attacking the real culprits, the parents who came here illegally and either had children here or brought them here to face this eventuality? Why is the American government being held responsible for their crime? Obama broke the law, not President Trump! They’ve got this whole thing backwards, it’s Obama and the Democrats who are the problem, not President Trump!

  32. I am wondering how the “dreamers” feel about their parents breaking the law? What kind of example are they to their children? I find more and more people only obey the laws they agree with. I’m disgusted! Why haven’t the “dreamers” spent the last several years trying to legally become American citizens? I have no sympathy.

  33. Trump supporter who wants DACA ended. Your little CHIMPANZEE dictator was suppose to know the law, him being a constitution lawyer and all but the little CHIMPANZEE has been shot down more time by the Supreme court they just started laughing at his make believe law degree..Just another stupid socialist communist Democrate…

  34. Obama signed the EO in 2010. Congress had 7 years to address the issue and they just punted his unconstitutional action down the road. Now that President Trump is being sued by Texas and other states to stop DACA the media wants to blame him when it should fall on Congress. Astonishingly NY and some states are suing President Trump because DACA is being discontinued. So 2 law suits on opposite side.

  35. These (reporters) are so biased it’s infuriating. The manurestream media and democrats SHOULD be cheering for the presidents’ decision. Why? Because Obama enacted DACA by executive order, bypassing congress, whose job it is to make law. (because he knew he did not have the votes)As such it is being challenged in court and will most certainly be thrown out, which WILL leave 800k people out in the cold. What the president is doing is saving them from that fate….IF congress will do their job and pass a law giving them a pathway to citizenship. If ANYONE should be against this it would be conservatives who do not believe rewarding illegals is the right path. They should NOT get to go to the head of the immigration line, and they should NOT be given preference over Americans looking for work.

  36. Totally agree with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She very clearly hit the question head-on with a very clear, accurate, understandable statement. President Trump did exactly the right thing and sent the responsibility of changing the law back to Congress. It is Congress’s job to legislate (make laws) and it is our president’s job to enforce the laws, something Obama neglected to do.
    If people want to modify our current immigration laws, then it is their responsibility to work with their congressmen and senators to get the law changed. Criticizing the president is the least effective way of getting the law changed. How long should one of these DACA students remains as “deferred”? They have been in limbo (5 years) long enough to have gotten in line and filed for legal immigration status. Wonder how many have done this? Also, 5 years is long enough to have completed high school or college (if they had already graduated high school). Therefore, how many of these 800,000 have completed their education for which many had received this deferment?

  37. Trump did us no favors. The EO was already deemed unconstitutional. These people are here illegally, bottom line and heir families also. Trump gave them 6 month reprieve and then gave congress the Progressive Communist/Socialist and RINO the time to present a Bill that will bring back this insanity. A gift that just keeps on giving.

    Trump should have given these illegals 4 months to get out of our country and come back legally, but he didn’t. Thanks.

  38. DACA stands for Deferred Action for Child Arrivals. The problem is with the first “D…” DEFERRED. Why should these unwilling immigrants spend the rest of their lives in legal limbo? How “UNFAIR” is THAT…? All President Trump has done is tell the Congress to get off their lazy-butts, bite the bullet, do their JOB, and pass a REAL law that gives these kids stability and maybe a path to citizenship.

  39. Your are attacking the messenger. Instead why not try to solve the problem. Obama, by executive order, did an end run around congress. This is legislation that should have come from congress. The president has absolutely no power to make law, by order of the constitution.
    Congress can tack DACA and make it law. IF they will. Will they ? ? ?

  40. jeans and jacket required ,here is my words yo you.To call someone what you just did a fat cold twat i say,it takes one to know one so you must be just that FAT and COLD tway

  41. And you are a rude immoral jerk who says things just for the attention. You’re more than immoral, your disgusting using that kind of language on this forum. I’m surprised they let you get away with that word you moron.

  42. I suspect YOU are suffering from Post-Traumatic-Trump-Syndrome. YOU have still NOT come to terms with the FACT that he WON the election, and HATE EVERYTHING he does, and EVERYONE who defends him.

  43. I suspect YOU are suffering from Post-Traumatic-Trump-Syndrome. YOU have still NOT come to terms with the FACT that he WON the election, and HATE EVERYTHING he does, and EVERYONE who defends him.

  44. Adeline F.
    We all know this is unconstitutional and as long as POTUS remains true to his word and remembers we are a Nation of Laws we’ll be fine. Congress also needs to remember these facts. Too much of our tax money has already been spent on Illegal migrants. Our kids Education has suffered also. Put our Citizens First. They need to go back and fix their Government not try to change mine.

  45. DACA is both illegal AND unconstitutional. Congress needs to pass LEGESLATION to make it both legal AND constitutional. All they have to do is file the “executive action” off DACA, and replace it with the term “legislation.” WHAT IS THE PROBLEM…?!?!? Other than #HATE.Trump want’s to bash the administration…ya-think…?!?!?

  46. I do not hate immigrants, and I do not intend to offend anyone. I’m just exercising my freedom to express my opinion. I’m not into politics nor against immigrants (hey, my great and grand parents were immigrants and I’m sure many children’s parents were immigrants) but honestly, foreign countries are using their children as shields not only in terrorism but in destroying America, our constitutional laws and creating havoc in our economy and divisiveness in an otherwise peaceful diverse country. Americans in lower to middle class as well as poverty stricken Americans have been footing the bill through taxes for illegal immigrants and children to profit from our country’s education and jobs all while our own Americans are unable to afford education for their own children and jobs for our own Americans. Also our veterans, their families, especially their children who deserve benefits yet are compromised due to DACA and other illegal immigrant pardon programs. When immigrants came to our country back in the late 1800s and early 1900s they had to prove they had a place to live, eat and had a means of income, otherwise they were not allowed to enter the US. And no one got free healthcare, they paid for their own medical bills/insurance. We need to think of our Americans first and our poor to middle class American children’s educations before allowing tax payers to foot healthcare and educational bills for illegal immigrants and their children. Our poor and impoverished AMERICAN CITIZENS especially Military VETERANS and their poor impoverished AMERICAN CHILDREN FIRST! END OF STORY.

  47. Sue Everson claims to be an “artiste” but this is what she has to say about art in America.

    “America hasn’t abandoned its artists. American never cared for its artists. For a country steeped the the stories and ideals of individualism, American’s prefer conformity above all else.”
    Bad grammar Susy!

    Apparently she’s never heard of Georgia O’ Keeffe, Jackson Pollack, Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell, Andrew Wyeth & numerous other famous artists who didn’t “conform” at all.

    1. You would be right Julia! The Demonrat’s progressive agenda is the New World Order, which every President since JFK has been trying to implement except Trump. These psychopaths want to depopulate the world from over 7 billion people down to 500 million people, meaning they would kill 6.5 billion people to accomplish this through vaccinations, Chemtrails, GMO’s, fluoride, war & outright murder if they had to. Google the Georgia Guidestones & you will see their lunatic plans which include people like Soros, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Kissinger, Cheney, Bush’s, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, Clinton’s & a whole litany of other lunatics.

    2. Democrat Agendas have never been “Progressive”…that is a misnomer…they have “ALWAYS BEEN REGRESSIVE”…America’s basic problems have been forced on us by the Democratic “REGRESSIVE” Agenda’s !!!

    3. Why is it there is much animosity whenever anyone disagrees with DACA and other illegal immigrant funding programs – labeling anyone who disagrees with funding of this nature a hater and bigot; I don’t understand why Nancy Pelosi and her other ultra rich friends can’t create fundraisers to support their illegal immigrant children’s causes instead of wasting dollars for fundraisers fight our government. They claim there are only about 800,000 illegal children of illegal immigrant parents in our US (aka dreamers) but I understand that number is significantly higher like more in the 2 – 3 million range. Why can’t we put $$$ to our American veterans and their families for education and healthcare and Americans who are poor, lower middle class? AMERICAN CITIZENS, CHILDREN AND VETERANS FIRST!

  48. Well said, Sarah. I also think the president will look for a way for the people to stay. This had to be stopped as it is. we can’t just let all come over here and made the problem worst. If you have to be mad at anyone it should be at the parents for putting their kids in this predicament. These people aren’t all “kids”.

    1. You would be correct. They were kids upon arrival but as reported the majority of DACA recipients are between the ages of 25 to 36 they are now young adults. But the MSM and Advocacy will continue to say we are deporting DACA “kids or children”

  49. What is so difficult for the left to understand about ILLEGAL?? When their parents brought their younger children into America ILLEGALLY they committed a crime then. And we are suppose to give these now GROWN ADULTS a jump in line to become American Citizens if they will even do that? No this is the United States of America not the United States of Mexico and AMERICANS come FIRST. If you can’t handle that comment then all I can comment is too bad. Again go to Mexico illegally and see what kind of treatment you will get. HINT “it’s a 4 letter word that begins with J”.

  50. You’re an outright liar Sue Everson (aka jeansandjackets), you know full well Papa threatened to release your address when you were running down Melania for wearing heels to Texas. We can easily go back to the post & I’ll copy it for you. I’m sure that’s why you decided to take a break from your nasty comments as you don’t want it to hurt your PR business. Just like you lied that your name isn’t Sue Everson when another person (Don I believe) pointed out anyone could click on your pic & it pulls up your name. Incidentally, you’ve accused me of being a communist, a fascist & not being a Christian. You’re wrong on all three, but I don’t have to justify who I am to you. If you would just quit your juvenile comments & post like an intelligent person, everyone including me would leave you alone but since you won’t don’t count on it. I’m not even close to being the only person on this site who is sick of your ignorant comments so why do you continue?

    1. Apparently, this isn’t the only site Sue (aka jeansandjackets) gets complaints from. This is from her Sue Everson site…

      Sten Helliksen: Why are you putting out false information that Trump has a Brian tumor. Isn’t it bad enough that the politicians lie through their teeth without you putting your two cents in.

      1. This one too from the site of Sue Everson, she’s so popular! LMAO!

        Dan Gonzalez: So how long have you been doing cocaine, you say? Apparently, you are very familiar with the results.

  51. every time POTUS changes Obumer’s executive decisions the blacks take it personal attack on their existence…or blackness….it’s a total racial thing now…..far left is resisting their own life…STUPID!

  52. If they’d stopped the “ANCHOR BABY” law years ago we would not be in this mess today. What other country has such a law? An American woman’s baby born in Africa, Europe or any other nation is still the citizen of the nation her is.
    Let’s get real! Stop the anchor baby law first. It’s like bailing a leaking boat without first considering the leak!!!

  53. If these illegal aliens really wanted to become U. S. citizens, they would have gone thru the process and taken their test. But they didn’t. They have no intentions of becoming legal U. S. citizens. Their intentions are to set up small illegal communities, like sanctuary cities, where they demand welfare and demand the right to vote, but have never earned the right to either.They are freeloaders. Forcing illegal alien families back to their homelands is not cruel or inhuman, it is a responsible decision necessary for our country to recoup from years of Obama’s destruction.

  54. They ALL knew the law…including Obama who encouraged and still encourages ‘law-breakers’.
    Now is the time that the Constitution is becoming our ‘Force Majeure’…as intended…!
    Semper Fi…!

  55. Please Papa, if you are reading any of this, release Sue Everson’s address so everyone can bombard her with nasty letters! Mike Huckabee is a very decent, Christian man that Sue (aka jeansandjackets) just called a “fat cold twat.” She quit posting after you threatened to release her address before but she’s back at it again so we are ALL hoping you will release her information.

      1. Remember this Sue, the posting from Papa?

        Papa says: August 30, 2017 at 6:58 pm
        This is a redundant reply to a redundant person…I have skipped over your unintelligible drivel long enough. Your sophomoric rhetoric shows you to be either an uninformed 13 year old or a mentally deficient old maid with penis envy. Which is it, “Sue”? If you lack the intelligence to decipher my comments, I’ll bring it down to your level. Get off your fat arse and get an education before trying to communicate with individuals equipped with a triple-digit IQ and raised by two married parents. (By the way, my group has your REAL name and address – maybe your many admirers would like to send you love letters.)

    1. That’s right just what the democrats believe in communism and socialism, President Trump is restoring Law and Order once again in the United States. Why have a Constitution if you don’t live by it??

  56. I totally agree with this decision by President Trump. It forces the Congress to take action. The Congress does not work with the President on many issues. This is petty and irresponsible on their part. President Trump’s decision will force the Congress to finally do something. BRAVO to President Trump ! God bless him, and God bless America !

      1. See what I mean Sue, was this really necessary? Snert didn’t attack you personally or even acknowledge you in any way yet you just have to make a hateful nasty comment. Are you really that miserable of a person?

  57. This is what happens when you get a bunch of politicians in office that have no idea about the ins and outs of the Constitution. Our Founders left other lands that we not ruled by law and decided to create a Constitution that consisted of laws and things that the President and Congress can and cannot do. When you shirk the Constitution in your rulings, then you become a Government of Men and not Laws. That kind of Government is a disgrace to the Citizens of the country, but sometimes they are not far enough thinking to figure that out. With “Obama-ism”, we were starting to become a nation of “Men”, and now that Trump is in we are becoming a nation of “Laws” again. It seems that most Liberals if they have read the Constitution have not been able to interpret it!

  58. Cold hearted is the un-Constitutional act Barry did which rewards those who came illegally and punishes those who have immigrated properly. I favor letting them decide how the “dreamers” should be dealt with.

  59. I agree with the President’s decision. We have laws in this country and because the previous administration chose to break the law doesn’t make it right. These people should not have been here in the first place, so how can they complain about being sent away. Find somewhere else that will take them. No one will, or the places that do are full of criminals and looters. Please people, get some common sense and do what is best for the country – not people who are here illegally!

  60. It’s not “cold-hearted” at all ! These kids and their families STOLE K-12 educations from the tax payers of the USA and they have had some 20 years to apply for citizenship !!!!

    Just because former Presidents were lax and didn’t mind helping these people to break our long-established immigration laws, doesn’t make it right !!!!

    1. What’s cold-hearted here is that Oblahblah violated the Constitution and in doing so gave all these kids the false impression that they could stay here. He went on to say that all of these people should vote which is why he issued the order in the first place.

  61. Why is President Trump being blamed for a situation that the former President, Obama has created? Why aren’t the MSM attacking the real culprits, the parents who came here illegally and either had children here or brought them here to face this eventuality? Why is the American government being held responsible for their crime? Obama broke the law, not President Trump! They’ve got this whole thing backwards, it’s Obama and the Democrats who are the problem, not President Trump!

  62. I am wondering how the “dreamers” feel about their parents breaking the law? What kind of example are they to their children? I find more and more people only obey the laws they agree with. I’m disgusted! Why haven’t the “dreamers” spent the last several years trying to legally become American citizens? I have no sympathy.

  63. Trump supporter who wants DACA ended. Your little CHIMPANZEE dictator was suppose to know the law, him being a constitution lawyer and all but the little CHIMPANZEE has been shot down more time by the Supreme court they just started laughing at his make believe law degree..Just another stupid socialist communist Democrate…

  64. Obama signed the EO in 2010. Congress had 7 years to address the issue and they just punted his unconstitutional action down the road. Now that President Trump is being sued by Texas and other states to stop DACA the media wants to blame him when it should fall on Congress. Astonishingly NY and some states are suing President Trump because DACA is being discontinued. So 2 law suits on opposite side.

  65. These (reporters) are so biased it’s infuriating. The manurestream media and democrats SHOULD be cheering for the presidents’ decision. Why? Because Obama enacted DACA by executive order, bypassing congress, whose job it is to make law. (because he knew he did not have the votes)As such it is being challenged in court and will most certainly be thrown out, which WILL leave 800k people out in the cold. What the president is doing is saving them from that fate….IF congress will do their job and pass a law giving them a pathway to citizenship. If ANYONE should be against this it would be conservatives who do not believe rewarding illegals is the right path. They should NOT get to go to the head of the immigration line, and they should NOT be given preference over Americans looking for work.

  66. Totally agree with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She very clearly hit the question head-on with a very clear, accurate, understandable statement. President Trump did exactly the right thing and sent the responsibility of changing the law back to Congress. It is Congress’s job to legislate (make laws) and it is our president’s job to enforce the laws, something Obama neglected to do.
    If people want to modify our current immigration laws, then it is their responsibility to work with their congressmen and senators to get the law changed. Criticizing the president is the least effective way of getting the law changed. How long should one of these DACA students remains as “deferred”? They have been in limbo (5 years) long enough to have gotten in line and filed for legal immigration status. Wonder how many have done this? Also, 5 years is long enough to have completed high school or college (if they had already graduated high school). Therefore, how many of these 800,000 have completed their education for which many had received this deferment?

  67. Trump did us no favors. The EO was already deemed unconstitutional. These people are here illegally, bottom line and heir families also. Trump gave them 6 month reprieve and then gave congress the Progressive Communist/Socialist and RINO the time to present a Bill that will bring back this insanity. A gift that just keeps on giving.

    Trump should have given these illegals 4 months to get out of our country and come back legally, but he didn’t. Thanks.

  68. DACA stands for Deferred Action for Child Arrivals. The problem is with the first “D…” DEFERRED. Why should these unwilling immigrants spend the rest of their lives in legal limbo? How “UNFAIR” is THAT…? All President Trump has done is tell the Congress to get off their lazy-butts, bite the bullet, do their JOB, and pass a REAL law that gives these kids stability and maybe a path to citizenship.

    1. I suspect YOU are suffering from Post-Traumatic-Trump-Syndrome. YOU have still NOT come to terms with the FACT that he WON the election, and HATE EVERYTHING he does, and EVERYONE who defends him.

    2. And you are a rude immoral jerk who says things just for the attention. You’re more than immoral, your disgusting using that kind of language on this forum. I’m surprised they let you get away with that word you moron.

    3. Your are attacking the messenger. Instead why not try to solve the problem. Obama, by executive order, did an end run around congress. This is legislation that should have come from congress. The president has absolutely no power to make law, by order of the constitution.
      Congress can tack DACA and make it law. IF they will. Will they ? ? ?

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