Liberal Journalist Touré Demands No More ‘White Male Presidents’

Far-left former prominent MSNBC host, Touré Neblett, believes America needs to “stop having white male presidents for a while.”

Touré made the assessment after running down a list of previous Presidents who were both white and male, and whom he deemed as failures.

The comments are profoundly racist and had anybody so much as suggested America needs to take a break from black presidents for a while after the disastrous Obama years, they’d never work in media again.

Black presidential candidates are also bad … if they aren’t far left

Rest assured, Touré’s comments have nothing to do with white presidents … It’s the Republican presidents he despises. How do we know this?

Ben Carson, a former candidate for the Republican Party who ran against a large field of opponents in 2016, is not white. Yet, Touré repeatedly denigrated him as a “token” black for the Republican Party.

“Just so we’re clear, I’m not really into being the ‘black friend,'” he said of the current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Carson would respond by leveling Touré as unintelligent.

“Intelligent people tend to talk about the facts,” he fired back. “They don’t sit around and call each other names. That’s what you can find on a third-grade playground.”

12 thoughts on “Liberal Journalist Touré Demands No More ‘White Male Presidents’”

  1. Wow, “two horrible White presidents in a row” means that Touré must be counting Obama as White because of his White Mother. Otherwise Touré is functionally illiterate.
    Assuming the obvious, that Touré isn’t functionally illiterate and is just pandering to the Fascist Left, let us look at the reality of it all. It doesn’t matter what race or sex the person is who is our President, what matters is that we don’t put another Obama, Carter, Clinton, Bush, or LBJ in there, and that is the SHORT LIST.
    If you don’t like America you are always free to go elsewhere as there plenty of countries with Non-White leadership.
    Just don’t push your racist junk ideas on America. Do we need a non-White Male President? Not if that person is another Obama, who did more to injure race relations in America than any other President since Andrew Johnson. In case you don’t know who that is just check out the idiot that allowed Carpet Baggers into the South after the Democrats assassinated Lincoln.
    Obama did more to undo what Martin Luther King, Jr. did in his whole life. Like you, Obama is a racist. Unlike you, he seems to hate his Father’s Nigerian race because while he promised many things to Blacks, he delivered on none of them. Instead he pandered to the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, and other Democrats who have long been a part of the “make promises, they (Black Americans) are too stupid to realize we are lying to them” party of Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman.

  2. Gee a black man who doesn’t want any more white Presidents, how about Obama his mother was white? Where does he stand in the MSNBC equation? Poof he;s all black I guess. That’s the problem with racists like this “journalist”? They are so full of poop all they can see is race. How does this sort of racist bigotry pass the mustard as not being hate speech?

  3. My guess is that many will vote for a woman who is black as our next president,never mind her qualifications to be president of this country. Too many people, especially younger people tend to vote for someone who is popular or who puts forward the current popular issue rather than someone who would do the best job of leading our country. These are perilous times and people are to focused on the latest or their individual issues rather than what is good for our country. Wake up America before it is too late.

  4. Only if we would like to live like my city, where we have 13 yr. old black kids killing each other daily! How about the black Muslim slave traders, still going today, that fuels the slave trade? Go learn some history.

  5. As for Touré . . . ?

    ” . . . it is difficult to argue with ‘the stupid’, since they tend to have so much more experience at being ‘the stupid’.” (jimmie on other site)

    Semper Fortis . . . !

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