‘The View’ co-host Joy Behar insisted supporters of Donald Trump need to get rid of their American flag pins because the President is “unpatriotic.”
She might as well have just called everyone who supports the commander-in-chief a ‘deplorable.’
Behar’s offensive claim came during an interview with Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, where she said Republican supporters who don’t denounce Trump’s diplomacy with Russian president Vladimir Putin might as well remove the flag pins.
“Let’s talk about, you know, the fact that he met with Putin for 90 minutes … and never once brought up the fact that Russia, Russia interfered in our election,” Behar ranted. “And he never brought it up. How is it that the Republican Party, your colleagues, can stand by this man when he is involved in this way with Russia?”
Behar was referring to a meeting between Trump and Putin on Friday, in which the two leaders discussed a range of issues, including the ongoing conflict in Venezuela.
Odd, Barack Obama knew Putin was interfering in our election while it was happening and chose to do nothing about it. Where was her outrage then? Why doesn’t she have anger towards him?
“I said last week I don’t want to see any of those flag pins anymore on Republicans who don’t stand up against this guy for Russian meddling, and other things that he’s done,” Behar continued. “It seems as though he’s unpatriotic. What do you say to that?”
Keep in mind, she’s asking this (questioning patriotism) of a Republican who lost his eye serving five tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Rep. @DanCrenshawTX says he supports Pres. Trump’s “policy agenda,” but “I don’t have to try and defend his character flaws.”
“I set a baseline after the ‘SNL’ thing,” he says. “Attack ideas … but you don’t have to insult.” https://t.co/f8u2wbJuik pic.twitter.com/mEAPMIXmCs
— The View (@TheView) May 6, 2019
Trump is Anti-Russia
Crenshaw countered that Behar was “overstating it” just a touch.
He added that while Trump has a tendency to say things that mimic Putin, his actions are far different.
“I will give you this. The president has a bad habit of repeating what Putin says to the public,” Crenshaw responded. “He shouldn’t do that. But he also has a pretty good habit of taking actions and putting policies in place that are vehemently counter-Russia.”
Former Rep. Trey Gowdy echoed those sentiments last Spring saying Trump has “done a hell of a lot better job than President Obama did” in dealing with Russia.
“It wasn’t Donald Trump who laughed when Mitt Romney said Russia was our number one geopolitical enemy and it wasn’t President Trump who handed that awkward reset button to the Russians and it wasn’t President Trump who said on a hot mic, ‘I’ll have more flexibility in the second term,'” Gowdy explained. “All of that was Obama.”
Additionally, it was Obama’s former National Security Advisor Susan Rice who reportedly issued a ‘stand down’ order to officials who were developing plans to respond to Russian election meddling attempts in 2016.
The only reason Obama turned tail is that he believed Hillary was going to win. Now that is unpatriotic.