Journalist: Obama Could Go Down as THIS in Our Nation’s History


It’s not very often that the worlds of journalism and reality combine, but that’s what happened last night on Greta Van Susteren’s On The Record, when journalist Ron Fournier proclaimed that President Obama may go down as the worst leader in American history.

Fournier, currently of the National Journal and previously having worked at the Associated Press, said that Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran would be the catalyst for which he becomes known as the worst President in our nation’s history.

Fournier told Van Susteren that the deal Obama wants at all costs to cement his legacy, could actually doom his legacy to failure.

Middle Eastern countries could “believe that the United States is giving too much to Iran,” and it may backfire and ‘embolden’ them, “allowing Iran to rush to a nuclear weapon.”

It “could create an arms race which would be a horrible legacy for the President,” Fournier explained.
“He would go down as one of our worst president’s in the nation’s history if this goes as bad as it possibly could.”

Take a look …

Of course, several polls already show President Obama being viewed as the worst in our nation’s history – and that’s prior to an Iranian nuclear deal falling through.

What do you think – Is Obama already the worst President in our nation’s history, or will he be after the Iran deal goes south? If not, who do you believe to be the worst President? What about the best?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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