During their interview with James Comey, ABC News was caught red-handed editing a response concerning interference from the Obama Justice Department regarding Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.
George Stephanopoulos asked the former FBI Director and current national attention-seeker if he could be certain that the DOJ under Obama did not protect Clinton.
They left a very key phrase out of his response.
“Yes,” Comey said in the edited response. “The FBI drove this investigation, and we did it in a competent and independent way. I would bet my life on that.”
.@GStephanopoulos: “Can you assure people that the Obama Justice Department was not protecting Hillary Clinton?”
@Comey: “Yes. The FBI drove this investigation and we did it in a competent and independent way. I would bet my life on that.” https://t.co/8gvUhKUADg #Comey pic.twitter.com/5oxAGmaudJ— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) April 16, 2018
In between that, however, was a statement that indicated such interference could have been taking place and he simply didn’t know about it.
First, the edited interview version of Comey’s response can be seen below (towards the end of the clip) …
Comey defends unusual July 2016 news conference about Clinton’s emails: “Given all that had gone on, the AG could not have credibly announced this result.”
Says he would “bet his life” that “the FBI drove [Clinton] investigation, & we did so in a competent and independent way.” pic.twitter.com/e4tsVW419X
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 16, 2018
In viewing ABC’s own transcript of the interview, the sentence “And if there were people who were secretly trying to protect Hillary Clinton, we didn’t know about it,” is missing from the response.
Here is the transcript portion:
STEPHANOPOULOS: Can you assure people today– can you assure them that the Obama Justice Department was not protecting Hillary Clinton?
COMEY: Yes. And if there were people who were secretly trying to protect Hillary Clinton, we didn’t know about it. The FBI drove this investigation and we did it in a competent and independent way. I would bet my life on that.
Why is this so important? Take a look at social media today and note how news outlets are running with Comey’s response that “it’s possible” the Russians have compromising information on President Trump.
They focus on innuendo and the fact that Comey says it might be the case simply because he can’t confirm the opposite.
That’s exactly what he said in regards to the Clinton investigation – “If there were people who were secretly trying to protect Hillary Clinton, we didn’t know about it.”
In other words, it’s possible.
Not one media outlet is running with that little slice of information because they have a built-in excuse provided by ABC. They edited it out and nobody is the wiser.
Textbook media bias.
Watch him lie. Watch abc selectively edit the interview.
— Daniel Henderson (@grownupdan) April 15, 2018
Did ABC edit this Comey response to benefit Obama and Hillary? Share your thoughts below!
HT: NTK Network