Ilhan Omar: Trump’s Tweet Spread ‘Lies That Put My Life at Risk’

President Trump retweeted a video of Ilhan Omar dancing with an original caption indicating it took place on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

The video, originally posted by comedian Terrence Williams, had accused Omar of having a party on the solemn day of remembrance.

“You were seriously partying on the anniversary of 9/11?” Williams asks in the video.

But she wasn’t. Williams was wrong about the day the video was taken, actually occurring on Friday, September 13th at a reception for the Congressional Black Caucus.

The President shared the post, adding “Ilhan Omar, a member of AOC Plus 3, will win us the Great State of Minnesota. The new face of the Democrat Party!”

RELATED: Son of 9/11 Victim Shreds Omar For Playing the Victim Card


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Williams has since deleted the tweet with the incorrect date.

The original dancing video can be seen below …

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Omar reached out to Twitter asking what they plan on doing about the President having shared an erroneous message.

“The President of the United States is continuing to spread lies that put my life at risk,” she wrote.

Spare us with the whining about your life at risk. Are you truly under the impression, Ms. Omar – if that IS your name – that your endless lies on social media haven’t put the President’s life in danger?

RELATED: Ilhan Omar Deletes Old Tweet Revealing Her Father’s Name

CNN’s Jake Tapper, seemingly unaware that his network peddles in lies and misinformation, chimed in by defending Omar.

“Is there really no one in the @WhiteHouse, no one in the @GOP, who sees that this is indecent and unacceptable behavior?” Tapper asked.

Jacob, tamp it down a bit, Chief. This is obviously a case of Trump not doing his homework on the background of a social media posting. We’re sure you can relate to that considering the network you work for.

Omar recently raised eyebrows herself when she sent out a message that could easily have been interpreted as a threat against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“I certainly hope that the people of Israel make a different decision and my hope is that they recognize that his existence, his policies, his rhetoric really is contradictory to the peace that we are all hoping for the region to see and see soon,” Omar told viewers in a video posted to Twitter.

His very ‘existence is a threat to peace in the region.’

Maybe Twitter can look into Omar’s feed at some point.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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