ICE Releases List of ‘Sanctuary’ Cities That Could Lose Funding

In a high-stakes version of a perp walk, the Trump administration shamed 118 ‘sanctuary’ jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with the federal government regarding criminal illegal immigrants. Those listed could lose federal funding for their actions – or inaction depending on how you look at it.

At the President’s behest, the department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released details of these cities which are located in the Department of Homeland Security’s Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report.

Some of the detainers that were refused by sanctuary entities involve individuals who are accused of very serious crimes, including arson, violent assaults, or in the case of Philadelphia … Homicide!

sanctuary cities list

Via the Daily Caller:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement identified Monday 118 sanctuary jurisdictions around the country that could lose federal funds.

An executive order signed by President Trump in late January called for sanctuary jurisdictions to be stripped of federal funding and for ICE to release a weekly report on localities that ignore immigration detainers. Immigration detainers are a request from ICE to a jail or another local law enforcement agency to hold someone in violation of immigration law so they can be picked up.

Sanctuary counties and cities have been attempting to deny that they indeed ignore ICE detainers, but the report released Monday makes certain which places the federal government can indeed strip federal funding from. These sanctuary jurisdictions include Philadelphia; Clark County, Nev.; Washington D.C.; Boston; Newark; New York City; Chicago; Milwaukee and all of Rhode Island’s state prisons.

In Boulder County, Colorado, federal detainers were ignored for three illegal immigrants with assault convictions, two more with serious drug convictions, and a burglary conviction.

Meanwhile, Clark County, Nevada led the way with having 51 detainers issued, with Nassau County, New York right behind at 38. Both rank highly on the list of jurisdictions “that do not comply with detainers on a routine basis.”

sanctuary cities list

Did your city, town, or county make the list? And what kinds of illegal immigrants are being allowed to roam free due to lawmakers in your area? You can see the list by clicking here.

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10 thoughts on “ICE Releases List of ‘Sanctuary’ Cities That Could Lose Funding”

  1. We haven’t exactly been inundated by Conservatives willing to do the stoop labor agricultural jobs that need doing.
    Come on down, you too can get minimum wage.

  2. We haven’t exactly been inundated by Conservatives willing to do the stoop labor agricultural jobs that need doing.
    Come on down, you too can get minimum wage.

  3. Baltimore is a sanctuary city and it is scary to go out to the store after dark. It is like being in another country in a hostile environment, not to mention the daily killings in the streets. Time to clean up this SWAMP too.

  4. Baltimore is a sanctuary city and it is scary to go out to the store after dark. It is like being in another country in a hostile environment, not to mention the daily killings in the streets. Time to clean up this SWAMP too.

  5. We haven’t exactly been inundated by Conservatives willing to do the stoop labor agricultural jobs that need doing.
    Come on down, you too can get minimum wage.

  6. Baltimore is a sanctuary city and it is scary to go out to the store after dark. It is like being in another country in a hostile environment, not to mention the daily killings in the streets. Time to clean up this SWAMP too.

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