Smoking Gun: Email Shows Hillary’s Aides Discussing Having to ‘Dump’ Her Emails

Hillary Wikileaks

Has Wikileaks released the seven words that show the ‘intent’ that James Comey and the FBI were unable to locate during their investigation?

This past summer, Comey cleared Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in a case that seemed to be clear-cut: mishandling classified information on multiple occasions by setting up a private email server in her home.

The FBI director at the time claimed that he could not prove Clinton’s intent.

In an email from campaign chair John Podesta to Cheryl Mills, he writes “we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later.”



Notice something about that email? Take a closer look at the date – March 2nd, 2015.

Ring a bell?

It was the very same day that the New  York Times broke the story about Hillary’s illegal private email server.



Understand, there is no ambiguity about what is being said here. There is no gray area in which the Clinton camp and Podesta can claim,”well, we were actually referring to handing the emails over.”

Why? Because the emails weren’t requested under subpoena until two days later:



Further, nobody on the Clinton campaign can say that the subpoenas were issued on the 4th, but we knew about them prior to that. Here is the signature and date on the document request:



The two top aides for Hillary Clinton were discussing “dump”ing emails on the same day a major story broke about the scandal, and prior to knowing they would have to turn them over.

That’s called intent.

Mr. Comey – It’s time to start prosecuting the people involved.

Comment: Do Clinton and her aides deserve to be prosecuted over this email scandal? Share your thoughts below.

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8 thoughts on “Smoking Gun: Email Shows Hillary’s Aides Discussing Having to ‘Dump’ Her Emails”

  1. No way. The ‘Lanny” reference means Lanny Davis, Hillary’s former lawyer, who was always urging for more transparency. “Dumping” means making them public. Duh?

    There is a lot of other chatter on the other emails about how Hillary should have “gotten all this out” earlier, to minimize the damage it could do to her campaign. How could PI be so lame?

  2. Of course, they deserved to be prosecuted, and Comey is a dirty cop, and still is. He never did an initial investigation, and therefore has no intention of doing another. This is a cover up – just a way to silence the NYPD.

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  4. If Podesta wants a cell with a sunny view, I suggest he cooperate now….better sooner than later.

    He should ask for incarceration for protection from the Clinton Death Squads however.

  5. collegechick4trump

    People REFUSE to see the truth about this evil, despicable, yes, even NASTY woman and yet condemn Trump for his unsavory comments? What a disgrace this nation has become! #deplorableandproud

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