Hillary Clinton’s Latest Tweet Proves How Incompetent She Really Is

Hillary tweet

Hillary Clinton’s campaign was thrown into turmoil last week after the FBI announced it was reopening its investigation into her email server following the discovery of new emails on a computer owned by Huma Abedin.

Well, Mrs. Clinton, just did the dumbest thing imaginable. She just tweeted out an article by the liberal Slate magazine, whose headline calls her one of the “most corrupt, least popular candidates of all time.”

Does this woman have any common sense or is she completely incompetent? Who promotes an article with the headline attacking her character and qualifications for president? This would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. While the article itself is intended to be a pro-Hillary story, the headline certainly doesn’t make the case for her candidacy.

What are your thoughts on this incompetent tweet sent out by Mrs. Clinton? Share your thoughts with us below! 

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23 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton’s Latest Tweet Proves How Incompetent She Really Is”

  1. Voting for this Greedy lying vindictive woman is the real world equivalent of voting for the fictional character “Cersei Lannister” and putting her in charge will be just as destructive.

    It is disturbing to me that so many people would work to elect another malignant narcissist

  2. Hillary will LIE about promoting this web site even though people have her in a video doing exactly that. Old Slick Willie did that and the MORON Media bought his LIES instead of reporting the TRUTH about the matter. This article does not prove incompetence but it does prove her thinking she is smarter than everyone else so TRUTH and FACTS do not apply to her.

    1. That’s what’s taking the FBI so long to investigate…most of the administration is involved in the Clinton Crime Foundation’s graft and corruption, including the Dear Leader. When she goes down, they go with her.

  3. My guess is because the article said both sides believe they had litigated all relevant points of view, she hoped voters would think it covered the newly found e-mails, and go vote for her, thinking she was off the hook.

  4. Her Tweet? Not only does the reference show her lies, but not one Trump “attribute” is against National Security. Her “attributes”…Incompetence, amoral, NOT America First…National Security compromised!


    Psycho-Somatic Hilldebury says: “My psychiatrist told me I’m going crazy”.
    She told him: “If you don’t mind, I’d like a second opinion.”

    He said:
    “All right…

    You’re ugly too!”
    (Rodney Dangerfield)

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