Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Says ‘Every Racist in America Voted for Trump’

It’s a trope that never gets old with the Democrat Party.

Democrats are consistently reduced to the base argument that those who oppose their political views are simply racist.

Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) pulled out the ol’ reliable race card that his party relies on so often when they can’t seem to win an argument. (Or an election, for that matter.)

On the floor of the House, Jeffries declared that every racist in America supported Donald Trump for President.

“Many of us are wondering, why were so many people who worshiped at the altar of white supremacy drawn to Donald Trump’s campaign?” Jeffries asked.

“We do know that every racist in America voted for Donald Trump,” he exclaimed.

Via the Daily Caller:

The congressman from New York was delivering a speech on the House floor Monday when he went on a rant about white supremacy and hate crimes being perpetuated by Trump’s presidency.

“We’re wondering why were so many people who worship at the altar of white supremacy drawn to Donald Trump’s campaign?” Jeffries asked. “What was it about this individual that so many folks dripping in hatred flocked to his candidacy?”

Jeffries tried to qualify his statements but somehow ended up going even further left.

“That’s not to say that every American who voted for Donald Trump is a racist,” he asserted. “We do know that every racist in America voted for Donald Trump.”

Jeffries was immediately admonished on the floor for his remarks.

“The gentleman is refrained to engage in personalities,” said the Speaker Pro Tempore.

It’s not the first time Jeffries used such ignorant, inflammatory language to define supporters of President Trump.

This is an odd statement coming from a man who readily admitted that his own party had taken advantage of black voters, which was one of the reasons many who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 cast their vote for Trump in 2016.

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How would you respond to Congressman Jeffries’s assertion that every racist in America voted for Trump? Share your comments below!

10 thoughts on “Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Says ‘Every Racist in America Voted for Trump’”

  1. Well Hakeem, I guess that would mean that “EVERY” dummycrat is racist, since it was the dumb-dems that initiated the KKK… So “would you like some salt to put on your words” before you eat them? You are such a dumb idiot? GOD you people are stupid…

  2. Since January 20th, we have seen the Hillary voters rioting in the streets, and Bernie supporters stabbing and shooting people. We hear you Hakeem… hmmm… sounds like a muslim name to me. And you are speaking to the black caucus, using race to stir up a bunch of $#!+. Obama was the worst muslim presiden (I can’t even put the last letter on that word) that America has ever seen as far as separating the races. And you, YOU Hakeem, are perpetuating that separation by what you are stirring. Watch out that you don’t pick up the wrong end of that stick! But I guess you wouldn’t mind, all you democrat muslims love to smell the mess that you have stirred up.

  3. If anyone is a racist it is you and the Democrat party! You are just mad your party lost get over it and move on. Help President Trump make America Great instead of fighting him on everything. Why do you want our country to fail?? Why don’t you want the American people to come first? We have rights that you are stepping on. Judges take oaths to follow the law and they don’t. You people are voted in by the people of the United States to represent us and you don’t. You do what you want not what we want. You lie and make up stories about our president to take him down and will not work with him. If you cannot tell lies in your speech keep your mouth closed. I am not a racist and neither is the people who voted for President Trump. You have us confused with your party. Should I repeat it again because you are very small minded.

  4. Any fool that can read knows that democrats ARE the party of hate and racists. Here are their leaders. Margaret Sanger wanted to adopt abortion as the cure all to rid the nation of black and brown people. President Lyndon Johnson said if he stopped blocking the civil rights act and instead passed it the ni@@ers would vote for dems for 100 years. He was correct. Dems were the confederates side of the civil war. Dems invented the KKK. Dems wrote the gun laws to stop southern blacks from owning weapons. Dems segregated the government ridding all blacks from civil service. Trump needs to have a speech where he just relates history to these people ignorant of it.

  5. It is always the racist that first accuses others of being racist. Hakeem should try to learn from Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or Condaleeza Rice how to be a black person.

  6. I bet its all the whites that are racist. Not any of the blacks, Asians, or the Hispanics that voted for Trump. Just another libturd showing how easy it is for them to stick their heads up their azz’s and sill be able to talk.

  7. If the statements of NY representative Jeffries are accurate, Jeffries also voted for president Trump. His racist hate is as obvious as that of the foreign alien, alias, Barrak H. Obama.
    Representative Jeffries matches the description of the Black subculture that was provided by the Negro patriot, Taleeb Starkes,“The Un-Civil War: BLACKS vs NIG*ERS: Confronting the
    Subculture Within the African-American Community,” May 4, 2013.
    I find it interesting that some of the “Blackish” racists acquire higher level education, yet the Black subculture mentality is retained.

  8. What is the problem? By saying racists supported trump, even saying that all racists supported trump doesn’t equate to all trump supporters being racist. BESIDES THAT, its obvious that such a blanket statement is false on its face anyway so why get bothered by what is not true? OH its because the truth of his words doesn’t matter nor the feelings of trump voters, just the opportunity to make propaganda points is. Playing the game of tit-for-tat is extremely childish behavior and this is nothing more than a childish game of tit-for-tat. SO AGAIN there is no maturity to the found on the fascist right, just a bunch of children and spoiled brats.

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